July 15th, 2008

[info]jlsigman in [info]kinkfest

Being Friends Means You Don't Have to Compliment

Title: Being Friends Means You Don't Have to Compliment
Author: [info]jlsigman
Rating: PG
Word count: 407
Prompt: Star Trek Deep Space Nine - Sisko/Dax - drunken sex - The thing with synthehol was, you could shake it off in theory, but that took practice.

Being Friends Means You Don't Have to Compliment )

[info]laylah in [info]kinkfest

Kinkfest - Week 2 Master List

And here we are -- 46 more pieces from July 8-14, and people have already started posting for week 3. ^_^

As always, if I missed something or included the wrong details anywhere, drop me a note and I'll fix it as soon as I get back to the computer.

week 2 )

[info]mithrigil in [info]kinkfest

Aptitude, Death Note (L/Light)

Title: Aptitude
Author: Mithrigil
Rating: PG
Words: 400

Prompt: 7/15 -- Death Note - L/Light - mutual fantasy - on the same page (three pages ahead)

He tries to make it not seem like an admission. )


[info]jessara40k in [info]kinkfest

Unexpected Urges, Final Fantasy VII, (Sephiroth/Zack/Cloud)

Title: Unfamiliar Urges
Author: jessara40k
Rating: NWS/NC17
Warnings: Threesome, double penetration, intersex character
Prompt: Final Fantasy VII - Sephiroth/Zack/Cloud - mating/ in heat - “His scent is hard to ignore.”

Sorry about the early posting, but I won't have internet access tomorrow or the day after, so I figured I'd post now rather than two days late.

This had never happened before, it had taken Zack and Cloud a year each to work their way into his trust enough for him to feel any interest in them, before that he’d thought he was simply asexual, because of his fucked up biology. )

[info]puella_nerdii in [info]kinkfest

Etymology (Digital Devil Saga, Roland/Argilla, Roland->Greg)

Title: Etymology
Author: [info]puella_nerdii
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Language, implied sexual content
Wordcount: 7,000
Prompt: Roland/Argilla - education - the pursuit of memory
A/N: So late. D: And apologies for deviations from the prompt. This, um, kind of went its own way. Roland's last name was [info]mithrigil's idea first.

Etymology )

[info]laylah in [info]kinkfest

"By His Will," Tales of the Abyss (Van/Asch)

Title: By His Will
Author: Laylah
Rating: not worksafe
Warning: borderline shota issues? two years pre-game.
Word count: ~2300
Prompt: Van/Asch - BDSM/bondage, Master/slave - He was always a different person behind closed doors.

By His Will )

[info]cleflink in [info]kinkfest

It Runs In the Family - FFVII (Zack/Cloud)

Title: It Runs In the Family
Author: [info]cleflink
Rating: G *sigh*
Word count: 1250
Prompt: Zack/Cloud - AU - "You're the General's little brother?"

Summary: Actually, I think the prompt pretty well covers it.

All things considered, Zack was just surprised he hadn't found out sooner )

December 2008



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