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Jul. 23rd, 2012


WHO: Rae and Rory
WHAT: Best friend sadtimes
WHERE: Rae's apartment.
WHEN: July 23rd, 2019, evening
RATING: Maybe medium for sad swears

But I'm stuck here
getting misty over you.
I'm alone, on a bicycle for two... )


WHO: David and Ellie
WHAT: Dual comfort.
WHERE: Quarantine, Ellie's room.
WHEN: July 23rd, 2019; Immediately after this.
RATING: TBD, maybe a low-medium

Well, I've seen a lot of good things die
and I'm in an over emotional way... )


WHO: Rae
WHAT: Commence mourning.
WHERE: Rae's and Elliot's apartment.
WHEN: July 23rd, 2019, morning
RATING: Low. But sad.
STATUS: Complete, solo

The world carries on without you, but nothing remains the same.
I'll be lost without you,
until the last of days... )

Jul. 22nd, 2012


WHO: Rae and Leah
WHAT: Leah is Rae's wrangler escort out of the quarantine block. They hear "the gunshot."
WHERE: The quarantine block, Sing Sing.
WHEN: July 23rd, 2019, early morning; immediately after this.
RATING: Medium for language

Lions make you brave,
Giants give you faith.
Death is a charade.
You don't have to feel safe to feel unafraid... )

Jul. 21st, 2012


WHO: Marcus (if anyone is craving supplies/interaction, they are welcome to tag in, otherwise this will be stand-alone and considered done as is)
WHAT: Marcus is disappointed and guards a door for a while.
WHERE: Supply Room
WHEN: Very shortly after Taisce's text on the 21st
RATING: PG for language.

When a woman told him to meet her somewhere, he couldn't help assuming that she wanted to screw him in said location. )


WHO: David to Ellie
WHAT: Gifts.
WHERE: Left outside of Ellie's quarantine room, for one of her other visitors to bring in.
WHEN: After dinner, 07/21

Gifts )

Jul. 20th, 2012


WHO: Elliot, Rae, David, Evan, and Leah
WHEN: July 22, 2019 (late night) — July 23, 2019 (wee hours of the morning) [forward-dated]
WHERE: Quarantine
WHAT: Elliot Zimmerman dies from the infection. The people he loves most (...minus Leah XD) say their goodbyes.
RATING: High for character death.

★ ★ ★ )

Jul. 18th, 2012


WHO: Marcus and Brandon (disclaimer: I was informed that apparently there is a question of the existence of a bartender. I am assuming there is one for the sake of wanting to actually play. If someone's character was or is hired as a bartender and retroactively wants to say they were here and witnessed the brilliance that is about to ensue in this thread, by all means! In fact, anyone can have witnessed the brilliance herein, as it's presumably a public place, but yeah. And if anyone DOES decide that they were the bartender here on this soon-to-be fateful night, please note that Marcus will then know that you have control over alcohol, and he will never leave you alone./disclaimer)
WHAT: Drinking, currently! Such enthusiastic drinking!
WHERE: The Four Horsemen
WHEN: Evening, July 18th?
RATING: PG13 (language)... if something insane happens I'll raise it.
STATUS: In progress.

I heard there was a secret chord. )


WHO: Brandon, Den and Jon
WHAT: Rooting around in the armory.
WHERE: The... armory?
WHEN: 07/18/19, afternoon.
RATING: Possibly PG, for Brandon's mouth.
STATUS: In progress

That meant that he needed a bigger gun. )


WHO: Ellie, Eli, Rory, assorted NPCs.
WHAT: Things go wrong.
WHEN: Forward-dated to Friday, July 20th, 2019. Late afternoon.
WHERE: The Death Chamber.
RATING: Medium/high for violence and things.
STATUS: In progress

i woke in a violent dream one day / saw my shadow slip away )

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