February 6th, 2013

[info]lostlittlelamb in [info]immune_ic

WHO: April & Lucas
WHEN: February 6th, 2020 :: Mid-day
WHAT: April and Lucas partake in mayhem.
WHERE: Semi-abandoned section of the compound.
RATING: Medium, maybe?
CHALLENGE: Wrath vs. Kindness

☆★☆★☆ )

[info]returninspades in [info]immune_ic

WHO: Maddie and Caitie
WHEN: February 6, 2020; morning
WHERE: Their room.
WHAT: Maddie's being greedy with the breakfast donuts. Something charitable will happen, too.
RATING: Low/medium.
CHALLENGE: Greed vs. Charity

° o ° O ° o ° O ° o ° )