August 2nd, 2012

[info]bitterlyimmune in [info]immune_ic

WHO: Evan, Leah and Marigold (NPC)
WHAT: Art lessons, obviously.
WHERE: Evan's apartment-room-thing.
WHEN: 08/02/19, early afternoon.
RATING: Low, because children.

I love your everything.
You wear the day around you,
like it's yours to stay around you... )

[info]caravahlo in [info]immune_ic

WHO: Wren and Marcus
WHEN: August 2, evening
WHERE: Infirmary
WHAT: Marcus busted himself up a bit
RATING: M for MARCUS (language)

He doubted the mouse would tell anyone, though. )

[info]rebelinnature in [info]immune_ic

WHO: George and Evan.
WHAT: Siblings being siblings. I don’t know she has The Game of Life anything can happen.
WHEN: August 2, evening.
WHERE: Evan’s cozy apartment.
RATING: Medium?
STATUS: In progress.

Let's play a game )