March 19th, 2012

[info]_queen_bee_ in [info]immune_ic

WHO: Mac and OPEN
WHAT: Mac is on the roof, shooting dead things.
WHERE: Grand Central
WHEN: 19 March 2019
STATUS: in progress
RATING: PG-13 for language

Mac stood on the roof and let the wind blow through her dark hair. She watched the street below for any potential threats and silently prayed for some so she could shoot the shit out of them. She wore her black steal toed shoes with her jeans tucked into them and her black tank top on. The 3 and the 0 of her tattoo were peaking out from the back of her shirt. Since joining this safehouse, Mac kept a low profile and unless someone saw her shirtless, no one really knew that she had indeed once been 'Mac Chavez, Tres 60 gang leader'. And those that had seen her shirtless apparently could careless, or didn't put two-and-two together if they had in fact even saw her tattoo.

She wanted a cigarette but those were in short supply now-a-days and Mac had to kiss ass to those who had any. She mentally made a list of who would have cigs on them as she continued her hawk-eye view of the street. Finally something showed up. "Oh yeah, come to mamma," she said to herself as she lined up a perfect shot with the zombies' head. "Breath in, and out." Mac pulled the trigger smoothly and blew the head off the approaching dead man. "Fuck yeah! Mac 1, dead people 0! Man! I'll never tire of this job," she cheered triumphantly. "I don't know about you," she told her roof top guard partner, "but I think that deserves a smoke." Damn she was jones-ing for a cig!

[info]water_gurl in [info]immune_ic

WHO: Kahea and Bridget and Ellie
WHAT: Kahea is roaming the library
WHERE: NYC Public Library
WHEN: 19 March 2019
STATUS: in progress

I Won't Dance )

[info]nohopekid in [info]immune_ic

WHO: Luke and George.
WHAT: Luke and George meet without realizing, and... Really don't like eachother.
WHERE: Grand Central.
WHEN: 20th of March, 2019.
STATUS: In progress.
RATING: Medium.

This was a bad idea. )

[info]water_gurl in [info]immune_ic

WHO: Kahea and O'Brien
WHAT: Kahea's "Dancing in the moonlight "
WHERE: NYP Library
WHEN: 20th of March, 2019. evening
STATUS: In progress.

Dancing in the make-believe moonlight )