Jan. 6th, 2010


Who: Mulciber and OPEN
When: late evening before curfew...
Where: the grounds, very close to the dark forest
What: Finding some peace of mind.
Rating R for violence and gore

Jan. 5th, 2010


Who: Lucius Malfoy and Lucy Ethelbert
When: BACKDATED 7 pm, December 15
Where: Charms study classroom A
What: Like any good Head Boy, Lucius cares about the moral development of his underclassmen.
Rating: PG-13 for blood

The trick is make them pay while not punishing yourself )

Dec. 31st, 2009


Who: Gilderoy Lockhart, Lucy Ethelbert, and Amelia Bones
When: Mid-morning December 14
Where: Ravenclaw Common Room
What: Lucy lets off some steam.
Rating: PG

squeaky.... squeaky... squeak! )

Dec. 5th, 2009


Who: Lucy and OPEN
When: December 3rd, mid-morning
What: Stalking Sirius, sniffing books and tripping people.
Where: Fourth floor corridor
Rating: PG?
She loved to sniff her books. )