Apr. 1st, 2010


Tuesday, February 15th, 1977

With the chaos gone, things seem to be slightly quieter around the castle. People have returned to their normal schedules and despite those who seem to be under the happy potion's spell, the fact that it's tuesday has set in. The sun is no longer beaming and the clouds have rolled back in, but don't let them fool you! It's still nice and warm outside--despite the snow.

(Real life April 1st & 2nd)
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Mar. 29th, 2010


Monday, February 14th, 1977

FINALLY. It is HERE. The promise of valentine's day warms things up considerably, though it could have been some pepper-up potion that landed in the food that morning to keep students from moping. Who knows! The sun is out, the snow is melting enough for the grass to be visible, and the clouds have shifted so that the blinding distraction during class will no longer allow students to sleep. Instead, plenty of students will visit the infirmary for heartbreak and headaches. Enjoy the holiday!

(Real life March 29th & 30th)
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