Apr. 9th, 2010


WHO: Definites, Sirius, etc. No Slytherins!!!!!!!!!!!!! With the occasional exception, of course.
WHERE: The upside-down room.
WHEN: Whenever Sirius said it was going to be.
WHY: Because Sirius is a social drinker.
RATING: PG-R. Mark your threads accordingly.
STATUS: Ongoing.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: We are all big kids, so we know how to thread. But it would be helpful, if you're going to start an offshoot from the thread, if you labeled who the thread would be with and the expected rating. It helps us keep track. Otherwise, if you think about it, a time would also be helpful. :) Thanks!

Parties were, oddly, Chase Harper's forte. )

Mar. 31st, 2010


Who: Gideon & Dylan
What: Date!
Where: Outside
When: Lunchtime
Rating: Probably not high, Giddy is a scardy-cat.

It feels good, it feels right, because we're all stars tonight )

Jan. 27th, 2010


WHO: Paulie Harper, Dylan Harper, and those invited or coming without an invitation.
WHAT: His surprise birthday party.
WHERE: In the basement.
WHEN: Saturday, after classes.
NOTE: If your character wants to come, they come. But only certain people were specifically invited. This party was loosely approved by staff, as in, very loose. Loose enough that they don't know about it. But there shouldn't be anything BAD going on, so if they decide to crash, it shouldn't be a problem. That means goody-goodies can come.

Birthdays were special things. Except for when Chase was in control of them. And then they were extra special. )

Jan. 19th, 2010


WHO: Dylan and Gideon
WHERE: Gryffindor!
WHEN: Monday night
WHAT: Gideon finding Dylan.

Make me believe )