Want to get naughty with me?
The Words 
8th-Oct-2017 05:14 pm - Drabble - The Reluctant Nanny (H/D)
Title: The Reluctant Nanny
Author: [info]ladybelz
Characters: Harry, Draco, Rose Weasley
Rating: PG
Warning(s): None
Word Count:
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: JMDC No. 140 - creature, freak, horror, terrified, witch
Summary: How the hell did he get roped into caring for a Weasley?

The longer the blonde stared at it, the more terrified Harry should have been. But he wasn't.

"Well, aren't you going to do something?" came the voice of his partner. He tore his eyes away reluctantly, deep green meeting stormy gray.

"Honestly, I'm trying not to freak out," was his reply. Pale pink lips dropped open in horror.

"You can't leave me, with this... creature attached like she is!" Draco exclaimed, waving his arms about. Harry stared at the sleeping witch in his arms.

"You volunteered to babysit with me," Harry chuckled, staring at Hermione and Ron's baby daughter peacefully sleeping on Draco's chest.

"I thought you were referring to Edward!" Draco hissed. Despite his temper, he was reluctant to wake the sleeping child in his arms, even if it was a Weasley.

"I never said that," Harry sing-songed before walking out of the room.

"Potter, get back here!" Draco hissed, trapped beneath the baby's small body. All he got in return was Harry's amused laughter as he went to talk to Dobby about dinner.
16th-May-2011 03:04 am - Angel's Curse [HP v CA]
Title: Angel's Curse
Author: Lady B
Summary: It was an unwritten rule not to reveal the magical world to the muggle world. Someone has broken that rule and pays the consequences.
Characters: Harry Potter vs Criss Angel
Rating: PG13
Author Note: Someone, can't remember who it was, posted this as a status on their Facebook: "Dear Criss Angel, You're blowing our cover in front of the muggles. Sincerely, Harry Potter"
Disclaimer: All recognizable characters and plots from the Harry Potterverse belong to JK Rowling and various publishing companies and movie studios. Criss Angel belongs to himself. I am not making any money from this. I am simply doing this for the fun of it. Any plot devices and original characters belong to me alone and are simply a figment of my imagination.

As the so-called magician Criss Angel performed some slight of hand trick, he was unaware of the wand pointed directly at him from the shadows of the balcony above. The technicians off-stage waited for their cue to fire off the laser show at the end of the trick. Criss tapped the side of his wrist twice, the signal for the techs to launch the lights. A rainbow of colors surrounded Criss and a particularly bright green struck him dead center of his chest. Criss collapsed to the ground and at first the audience thought it was part of the trick. When he did not move for another ten minutes, someone was sent to check on him. When the paramedics were brought in, then and only then did panic reign supreme. As people scrambled toward the stage, no one noticed the dark haired, green-eyed man as he made his way out of the building, nor did they notice the small slip of paper that had fallen from Criss pocket that he had shoved there seconds before he was scheduled to be on stage...

"Dear Criss Angel, You're blowing our cover in front of the muggles. Sincerely, Harry Potter"

The note was never discovered as it had been swept away by the cleaning staff.

The end.
5th-Mar-2009 10:51 am - *Drabble* One Perfect Morning (S/H/D)
Title: One Perfect Morning
Author: Lady B
Pairing: Severus/Harry/Draco, implied Hermione/Ron
Rating: PG
Summary: Ron doesn't get why Harry would shack up with two former Death Eaters, Hermione shows him why.
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Author's Note: I was reading some comments on an IJ thread and someone mentioned wanting some fluffy, in-bed, being lazy moments between Harry and Draco. I threw Severus in the mix on a whim because it's been a while since I've written my OT3 and I missed that something fierce.

"I don't see why I have to go." Ron pouted.

"Because Harry's your friend and has been for the past twenty years." Hermione practically growled, sick of having this same argument with her husband.

"Whatever." Ron snorted. Hermione ignored him as she headed for the fireplace.

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22nd-Dec-2008 11:40 am - *Drabble* A Kiss Beneath The Mistletoe (H/S/D)
Title: A Kiss Beneath The Mistletoe
Author: Lady B
Pairing: Harry/Severus/Draco
Rating: PG13
Word Count: 100 words
Summary: Severus doesn't celebrate Christmas? Oh that is not on!
Warnings: Liberal usage of Italics
Disclaimer: All recognizable characters and plots from the Harry Potterverse belong to JK Rowling and various publishing companies and movie studios. I am not making any money from this. I am simply doing this for the fun of it. Any plot devices and original characters belong to me alone and are simply a figment of my imagination.
Author's Note: [info]awdt Christmas Quickie #22 – Under The Mistletoe

"What is that?" Severus demanded staring at the small plant hanging in the door.

"What does it look like?" Draco asked.

"I know what it is! What is it doing in our rooms?"

"It's tradition to kiss beneath mistletoe, Severus." Harry said as he and Draco boxed him in the doorway.

"I don't celebrate Christmas. And I certainly don't kiss under mistletoe." Severus snorted.

"Oh, I think we can change your mind." Draco purred, running a finger down the front of Severus's robe.

"And we didn't say where you would be kissed." Harry growled.


A few moments later...


15th-Dec-2008 12:21 am - *Drabble* Even Mrs Claus Has A Kinky Side (H/D/S)
Title: Even Mrs Claus Has A Kinky Side
Author: Lady B
Pairing: Harry/Draco/Severus
Rating: PG13
Summary: A visit to Santa's Workshop leads to unexpected revelations.
Disclaimer: All recognizable characters and plots from the Harry Potterverse belong to JK Rowling and various publishing companies and movie studios. I am not making any money from this. I am simply doing this for the fun of it. Any plot devices and original characters belong to me alone and are simply a figment of my imagination.
Challenge: This week's [info]awdt prompt of visiting Santa
Word Count: 100 words exactly!!!

- - -

"...and this is where we produce our Beanie Babies™ line." Santa explained to his visitors.

"I am impressed, sir." Harry smiled.

"I'm not." came a snide voice.

"Nor am I." came another. Harry and Santa looked at them.

"Then what were you expecting to see?" Harry wondered. Both men were silent, choosing to sip on their eggnog. Santa began to smile in a knowing way.

"I'd show you our adult line..." Santa began in a whisper, "...but Mrs Claus is still testing them out."

Both men spit out their drink in shock and Harry fell to the floor with laughter.

11th-Dec-2008 12:02 am - *Drabble* Grown-up Christmas Wish

Title: Grown-up Christmas Wish
Author: Lady B
Characters: Various in the HP Universe
Summary: Twas the night before Christmas...
Challenge: [info]enchanted_jae's Monthly Drabble Challenge. December's prompt: Christmas Wishes
Disclaimer: All recognizable characters and plots from the Harry Potterverse belong to JK Rowling and various publishing companies and movie studios. I am not making any money from this. I am simply doing this for the fun of it. Any plot devices and original characters belong to me alone and are simply a figment of my imagination.
Author's Note: When I saw the prompt, I immediately began searching for pictures of Christmas decorations over a fireplace. After an hour of searching, I felt this one was perfect for what I wanted to write.

- - -

The last of the invited guests stumbled out the door and the house elves began the arduous task of cleaning up. The select few that had been invited to stay the night, congregated in the family room of Potter Manor. The warm glow from the fireplace, and the fairy lights on the Christmas tree in the corner were all the lights needed as each person settled into chairs, on the floor or wherever they felt comfortable. Someone turned on the wireless and the soft strains of Christmas music echoed around the room.

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2nd-Dec-2008 10:53 am - *Drabble* Wanton of the Light
Title: Wanton of the Light
Author: Lady B
Rating: PG13
Pairing: implied Lucius Malfoy/Arthur Weasley
Summary: How one man's Light draws another of the Dark.
Challenge/Author's Note: None, per say, but I snatched some prompts from the [info]rare_pairs community to see if I could write something other than Harry/Draco. This one is for the prompt window in the wall.
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created by JK Rowling. I claim no rights to these, only my original plot devices and any original characters I've created from my own mind. I am not making any money from this story.

Wanton of the Light

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19th-Oct-2008 12:58 pm - *Drabble* Tedium
Title: Tedium
Author: Lady B
Pair: Draco/Harry
Word Count: 228 words
Rating: PG
Summary: Boredom is the feeling that everything is a waste of time; serenity, that nothing is. ~Thomas Szasz
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: All recognizable characters and plots from the Harry Potterverse belong to JK Rowling and various publishing companies and movie studios. I am not making any money from this. I am simply doing this for the fun of it. Any plot devices and original characters belong to me alone and are simply a figment of my imagination.
Author's note: For the Slythindor100 LJ Comm Challenge #94, picture prompt #2

Draco walked into his home, more tired than he'd ever been in his life.

He thought working for the Ministry would be rewarding and exciting. But it was dull and tedious and left him with a migraine and the urge to quit on a daily basis.

It also made him question why he did it. What was there for him to make him suffer the tedium day in and day out?

He walked into his bedroom and stopped. He stared at the figure laying in his bed, a shaft of moonlight caressing the angles and planes of the body he'd come to love.

"Harry." he whispered. Harry shifted in his sleep, causing the sheet covering the lower half of his body to slide down his legs. Draco saw he was only wearing black briefs, and his shifting exposed one rounded buttock to Draco's hungry gaze.

Harry must have sensed him there for his eyes slowly opened, their sleepy green focusing on Draco immediately. He smiled and whispered Draco's name in a husky voice.

Draco melted. He took off his own clothes and joined his lover in bed, inhaling his scent. He kissed the chest beneath his chin as he felt Harry's hands caress his back.

This is why he did what he did. Because he had something to look forward to at the end of his day.

19th-Sep-2008 08:17 am - *Drabble* Seasons Change

Title: Seasons Change
Author: Lady B
Rating: G
Word Count: 370 words
Challenge: LJ's Slythindor100 Challenge #92 picture prompts. I chose #3.
Warnings: implied mpreg
A/N: Fall is coming and the leaves are a'changin'.

Draco stepped into the family room and looked around. He didn't see the one he'd come looking for.

"Has anyone seen Harry?" he asked. Hermione glanced up from her wizarding law book.

"He said he was going for a walk." she replied. He nodded at her as he left the room. He knew exactly where Harry had gone.

Season's Change )
25th-Jan-2008 07:55 am - *Old Fic* Irreplaceable Content
Originally posted September.08.2006

Title: Irreplaceable Content
Author: Lady B
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: PG13 for language
Genre: Romantic Fluff (Duh!)
Word Count: approx. 1054 words
Warnings: Romance, language and any other thing I can think of.
Summary: Draco loses something he considered important and it's all Harry's fault. Their friends and family, tired of the arguments and blown up furniture, take matters into their own hands and remind him what's really important.
Disclaimer: JKR makes more money than I do. Please don't sue me.
Author's Note: For prompt #341: Chandelier from my hpfanfic10x10 table.

- - -

“I hate you,” Draco growled as he faced the wall.

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6th-Jan-2008 09:58 am - *New* Mouse Hunt: The Hogwarts Edition

Title: Mouse Hunt: The Hogwarts Edition
Author: Lady B
Genre: Humor(?)
Rating: PG13(?)
Characters: Harry, Ron, Hermione, Severus, Dumbledore, Draco, and various others.
Summary: It was an ordinary day in seventh year Defense Against The Dark Arts class, a standard dueling lesson. But if your name is Harry Potter, no day is ordinary and DADA dueling is never, ever standard.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter and all those associated with him belong to JK Rowling imagination, Warner Brothers Inc and various other Big Important People. "Mouse Hunt" belongs to Dreamworks Pictures, Adam Rifkin and Gore Verbinski.
Author's Note: See that mouse up there? He inspired this little (Little? I don't do little!) piece.

- - -

Enter Severus Snape, Potions Master of Hogwarts and All-Around Pissed-Off Guy. Currently sitting in his classroom and marking sixth year essays.
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22nd-Dec-2007 10:53 am - *Drabble Fic* Missing You Come Christmas (HP/SS)
Title: Missing You Come Christmas
Author: Lady B
Characters: Harry/Severus, Draco/Hermione, Ron/Luna, Neville, the other Weasley kids
Rating: PG
Summary: How do you keep hope alive when the one you love has been missing for nearly a year?
Prompt: #1: A Letter To Santa for [info]awdt's Two Weeks of Quickies fest.
Word Count: 2130 words (I'm sorry girls, I couldn't keep it to 500 words!!)
Author's Note: Based on the song of the same name performed by New Kids On The Block from the album "Merry Merry Christmas". Also, I would like to (getting down on knees) PROFUSELY apologize to my fellow Harry/Draco shippers for pairing Draco with Hermione. My muse (the muscled gay bitch that he is), demanded that they be paired for this one (he even broke out his favorite paddle and threatened me with it). I promise you now, I will not be writing any kissing or sex scenes between the two. The most they'll get is a kiss on the cheek or lips and that is all.
Disclaimer: Anything HP belongs to the rich, blonde, British lady. The song belongs to New Kids On The Block. Everything else, belongs to me.

[Edit Jan.27.2007]: A reader at Fanfiction.net was kind enough to translate my fic into Portuguese. You can find it here or here.

- - -

"Promise me something?"

"If it's within my power, it is yours."

"No matter what happens or how long you're gone, come home for Christmas."

A small smile, a tender kiss.

"Now that's a promise I will keep close to my heart, love."

And then he's gone.

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18th-Dec-2007 04:15 pm - *Fic Drabble* It Must Have Been The Mistletoe
As promised...a little something to brighten your holidays.

Title: It Must Have Been The Mistletoe
Author: Lady B
Pairing: Harry/Draco of course, others revealed within.
Summary: A truly strange power is flowing through the halls of Hogwarts. No one is immune, including Harry and Draco.
Word Count: 1855 words
Rating: R for mentions of erections.
Disclaimer: All recognizable characters and plots from the Harry Potterverse belong to JK Rowling and various publishing companies and movie studios. I am not making any money from this. I am simply doing this for the fun of it. Any plot devices and original characters belong to me alone and are simply a figment of my imagination.
Author's Note: Having a bit of fun for the holidays. Based loosely on the holiday song of the same name. And yes, I've been playing at DisneyFairies.com again.

- - -

There was something strange going on in Hogwarts.

And it all started with Professor Snape.
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6th-Nov-2007 04:48 am - *Drabble* Sweet November
Title: Sweet November
Author: Lady B
Pairing: Harry/Draco (established)
Rating: PG13 for language
Word count: 100 words exactly...that's only the second time that's happened to me.
Summary: What a way to wake up
Disclaimer: All recognizable characters and plots from the Harry Potterverse belong to JK Rowling and various publishing companies and movie studios. I am not making any money from this. I am simply doing this for the fun of it. Any plot devices and original characters belong to me alone and are simply a figment of my imagination.
Challenge: for GJ's we_ship_hd_here November prompt: a chill in the air.

The door quietly opened and a figure eased into the room.

The person sleeping in the bed was unaware of the danger slowly approaching.

One side of the duvet was lifted as hunter stared at prey.

A hand reached out slowly, waiting for the moment to attack.


And then...

"Draco Malfoy, I'm going to fucking kill you!" Harry shrieked as Draco's freezing cold hands jerked away from him, the blond running from the room. Draco's laughter echoed down the hall as Harry tried sorting himself out of his tangled sheets.

"I hate November." Harry grumbled as he flopped back.
23rd-Sep-2007 03:18 pm - *Old Fics* The Gryffindor Who Should Have Been A Slytherin & Pride And Cunning (Complete)
Title: The Gryffindor Who Should Have Been A Slytherin
Author: Lady B
Rating (this chapter): NC-17 for the sex and language
Pairings: Remus Lupin/Severus Snape, Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, Ron Weasley/Hermione Granger
Summary: Ron Weasley liked to pretend he was stupid. His closest friends didn't realize he was actually very smart. So smart in fact, he set up a certain Slytherin with a certain Gryffindor and no one realized it was him until the end.
Disclaimer: JKR owns. I do not. I bow to her greatness.

Title: Pride & Cunning
Author: Lady B
Rating (this chapter): NC-17 for the sex and language
Pairings: Remus Lupin/Severus Snape, Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, Ron Weasley/Hermione Granger
Summary: Successful in his attempt to hook up Harry and Draco, Ron sets his sights on his DADA teacher and the Hogwarts Potion Master, who have been sharing discreet (so they thought) looks at the teacher's table.
Disclaimer: JKR owns. I do not. I bow to her greatness.
Author Notes: This is a sequel to “The Gryffindor Who Should Have Been a Slytherin”. This one is a bit longer and it's from several different POV's. Oh...and HBP did NOT happen – AT ALL. DUMBLEDORE LIVES, PEOPLE!!
23rd-Sep-2007 03:06 pm - *Old Fic* Ice Hot, Fire Cold (Complete)
Originally posted April 2006

Title: Ice Hot, Fire Cold
Pairing: Draco/Harry
Genre: AU
Rating: I'll stick with NC-17 or M+ thanks.
Warnings: Slash of the Male Kind. Kindly read something else if you don't like it.
Summary: 3 days after the war ended in victory for the Light, Harry abandoned the Wizarding world the moment he got his certificate from Hogwarts, never to return. Hermione sent Draco to find him. And Draco does find him, deep in the Adirondack mountains of New York State, on the eve of one of the worst ice storms in a century.
Author's Note: This fic is set the year after the gang graduates from Hogwarts, appropriately enough, 1998 – the same year Northeastern New York, Vermont and parts of Canada were subjected to the worst Ice Storm ever recorded (I used to have a bumper sticker on my car that read “I Survived Ice Storm '98”). The bunny bit me again. I'm starting to hate that bunny.
Disclaimer: Hello, my name is JK Rowling, and I'm an alcoholic...(*hi JK*)...Nah! Just kidding! I'm not her, but I play her on TV...Ha! Just playin'! Seriously...the boys aren't mine, the books aren't mine, and the movies aren't mine (well except for my DVD collection). I'm just making them do nasty little things in the dark corners of my mind.

Ice Hot, Fire Cold
13th-Sep-2007 02:38 am - *Birthday Fics*
My birthday was Monday, and some of my friends wrote me fic based on prompts I gave. Here's the list, listed by what journal they were posted to. I still have one or two coming so this list will expand in the next few weeks.


[info]quite_grey wrote Dungeon Days and Dungeon Nights: Things get a little different in the dungeons when the sun goes down...

[info]sirenprincess wrote Kitten Therapy: After a stressful week Severus and Harry take Draco on a Muggle shopping trip to a pet store. Guess who ends up with a kitten?

[info]elfflame wrote Harry/Draco with my prompt black panther

[info]alisanne wrote Animal Behavior: Things change for three men as they integrate new companions into their lives. It's a sequel of sorts to [info]sirenprincess's Kitten Therapy


[info]enchanted_jae wrote Cellular part 1: Harry calls Ron to see if he wants to do something, but he decides to play a prank on him first. Part 2 will be coming in the form of another birthday fic for someone else, so keep an eye out.
27th-Aug-2007 12:40 pm - *Old Fic* Blind Love
Originally posted March 26, 2006...my flagship entry for [info]awdt

Title: Blind Love
Author: Lady B
Pairing: Draco + Harry, who else?
Rating: PG-13 for the fluff, R for the language and implied sex.
Summary: After a string of bad dates, Blaise sets Draco up with an anonymous friend. Draco, of course, is not thrilled about blind dating...until he meets his date.
Author's Note: This takes place about 5 years after the gang leaves school. Blaise and Draco have taken up residence in the USA, sharing an apartment in the wizarding section New York City. Harry comes for a visit. This is for the weekly AWDT from [info]jamie2109 (my first try at one of these) with the prompt of “He's very quiet and enjoys puzzles.” I think I went way beyond the 500-word limit lol.
Disclaimer: If I had half the imagination JKR does, I don't think I'd be writing this. She owns, I don't. Deal with it. -grin-

Onward to the cheesey-fluff piece!
21st-Aug-2007 02:10 pm - *Old Fic* Pride & Cunning
Title: Pride & Cunning
Author: Lady B
Rating: Mature for language and sexual overtones
Pairings: Remus Lupin/Severus Snape, Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, Ron Weasley/Hermione Granger
Summary: Successful in his attempt to hook up Harry and Draco, Ron sets his sights on his DADA teacher and the Hogwarts Potion Master, who have been sharing looks at the teacher's table.
Disclaimer: JKR owns. I do not. I bow to her greatness.
Author Notes: This is a sequel to The Gryffindor Who Should Have Been a Slytherin. This one is a bit longer and it's from several different POV's. Oh...and HBP did NOT happen – AT ALL. DUMBLEDORE LIVES, PEOPLE!!
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