Want to get naughty with me?
The Words 
25th-Jan-2008 07:06 am - *Old Fic* A Life Less Ordinary
Originally posted August.31.2006

Title: A Life Less Ordinary
Author: Lady B
Pairing: Harry/Draco (established)
Rating: Slightly over an R
Genre: Romantic Fluff
Warning: slight frottage
Word Count: 1682 words (Why can't I ever write anything under 500 words? LoL!)
Summary: Draco inadvertently reads an entry in Harry's online blog, and gets some insight into their relationship.
Author Note: The website listed in this fic is NOT REAL. Do not attempt to check the url for it does not exist. This is for prompt #350: diary from my hpfanfic10x10 table. This was written when I had no internet for 15 days. I would have done more but it was the only prompt from my table I could remember.
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc.. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.

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1st-Jan-2008 02:50 pm - Star-Crossed Chapter 10

Author: Lady B
Pairing(s): Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, Severus Snape/Remus Lupin, other pairings to follow
Genre: AU Fantasy
Rating for this chapter: PG13
Warnings: M/M relationship, character death, OOC, descriptive sexual acts between persons of the same sex
Challenge: [info]50harlequins prompt #45: Running from an arranged marriage and falling for a stranger who turns out to be the groom.
Summary: Read more... )

Disclaimer: All recognizable characters and plots from the Harry Potterverse belong to JK Rowling and various publishing companies and movie studios. I am not making any money from this. I am simply doing this for the fun of it. Any plot devices and original characters belong to me alone and are simply a figment of my imagination.
Author's Note for this chapter: A daring rescue and our heroes finally share a moment.

Chapter 10

Harry remained unconscious for most of the day. When he finally came awake again, the sun was slowly settling over the horizon. Harry moaned softly, feeling hot and cold at the same time. Draco was at his side in an instant.
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18th-Dec-2007 04:15 pm - *Fic Drabble* It Must Have Been The Mistletoe
As promised...a little something to brighten your holidays.

Title: It Must Have Been The Mistletoe
Author: Lady B
Pairing: Harry/Draco of course, others revealed within.
Summary: A truly strange power is flowing through the halls of Hogwarts. No one is immune, including Harry and Draco.
Word Count: 1855 words
Rating: R for mentions of erections.
Disclaimer: All recognizable characters and plots from the Harry Potterverse belong to JK Rowling and various publishing companies and movie studios. I am not making any money from this. I am simply doing this for the fun of it. Any plot devices and original characters belong to me alone and are simply a figment of my imagination.
Author's Note: Having a bit of fun for the holidays. Based loosely on the holiday song of the same name. And yes, I've been playing at DisneyFairies.com again.

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There was something strange going on in Hogwarts.

And it all started with Professor Snape.
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16th-Dec-2007 01:06 pm - Star-Crossed Chapter 9
I agonized over this chapter the whole time I was offline. The muse was not cooperating with me.

Author: Lady B
Pairing(s): Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, Severus Snape/Remus Lupin, other pairings to follow
Genre: AU Fantasy
Rating for this chapter: NC17
Warnings: M/M relationship, character death, OOC, descriptive sexual acts between persons of the same sex
Challenge: [info]50harlequins prompt #45: Running from an arranged marriage and falling for a stranger who turns out to be the groom.
Summary: Read more... )

Disclaimer: All recognizable characters and plots from the Harry Potterverse belong to JK Rowling and various publishing companies and movie studios. I am not making any money from this. I am simply doing this for the fun of it. Any plot devices and original characters belong to me alone and are simply a figment of my imagination.
Author's Note: mentions of rape and torture but no graphical descriptions.

Chapter 9

Some time later there was a knock on Draco's door. He sat up quickly, noting it was dusk. He must have been more tired than he thought.

"Come in." he called out, getting to his feet. A young girl, no more than twelve years of age, stood before him.

"You Highness, my mistress has asked me to take you to the dining hall. If you are hungry?"

"I am. Thank you." he nodded. She executed a short bow and turned to lead the way.
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16th-Dec-2007 12:57 pm - Star-Crossed Chapter 8

Author: Lady B
Pairing(s): Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, Severus Snape/Remus Lupin, other pairings to follow
Genre: AU Fantasy
Rating for this chapter: R
Warnings: M/M relationship, character death, OOC, descriptive sexual acts between persons of the same sex
Challenge: [info]50harlequins prompt #45: Running from an arranged marriage and falling for a stranger who turns out to be the groom.
Summary: Read more... )

Disclaimer: All recognizable characters and plots from the Harry Potterverse belong to JK Rowling and various publishing companies and movie studios. I am not making any money from this. I am simply doing this for the fun of it. Any plot devices and original characters belong to me alone and are simply a figment of my imagination.
Author's Note: (in a sing-song voice) Draco's gonna be in trouble! Draco's gonna be in trouble!

Chapter 8

Draco entered the atmosphere around L'gnoire with a fair amount of trepidation. All his hopes and dreams were tied up in this one excursion and failure was not an option.

He navigated his borrowed (stolen!) shuttle to a clearing he spotted near the base of a mountain and landed. Making sure he had all his weapons, he left the safety of the ship.

The place looked deserted, but after his last trip to an unknown planet, he decided to err on the side of caution. Pulling his blaster from its holster, he headed for the mountain.
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10th-Nov-2007 09:51 am - Star-Crossed Chapter 7

Author: Lady B
Pairing(s): Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, Severus Snape/Remus Lupin, other pairings to follow
Genre: AU Fantasy
Rating for this chapter: R
Warnings: M/M relationship, character death, OOC, descriptive sexual acts between persons of the same sex
Challenge: [info]50harlequins prompt #45: Running from an arranged marriage and falling for a stranger who turns out to be the groom.
Summary: Read more... )

Disclaimer: All recognizable characters and plots from the Harry Potterverse belong to JK Rowling and various publishing companies and movie studios. I am not making any money from this. I am simply doing this for the fun of it. Any plot devices and original characters belong to me alone and are simply a figment of my imagination.
Author's Note: (in a sing-song voice) Draco's gonna be in trouble! Draco's gonna be in trouble!

Chapter 7

Was it possible to be aware of someone, sexually, that it silenced the rest of your thoughts whenever that someone stepped into a room?

This was the question that plagued Draco the following morning when he joined the rest of the ship's occupants for breakfast. Harry was the last to arrive and Draco's whole body tingled. Harry walked behind Draco's seat and Draco nearly jumped out of his skin when he felt what he thought might have been fingers graze the back of his neck. His cock hardened instantly and he bit his lip.
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10th-Nov-2007 09:42 am - Star-Crossed Chapter 6

Author: Lady B
Pairing(s): Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, Severus Snape/Remus Lupin, other pairings to follow
Genre: AU Fantasy
Rating for this chapter: NC17
Warnings: M/M relationship, character death, OOC, descriptive sexual acts between persons of the same sex
Challenge: [info]50harlequins prompt #45: Running from an arranged marriage and falling for a stranger who turns out to be the groom.
Summary: Read more... )

Disclaimer: All recognizable characters and plots from the Harry Potterverse belong to JK Rowling and various publishing companies and movie studios. I am not making any money from this. I am simply doing this for the fun of it. Any plot devices and original characters belong to me alone and are simply a figment of my imagination.
Author's Note: A little bit of voyeuristic smut ahead! Didn't think I would get to it that so soon, did ya? -evil grin-

Chapter 6

"Huh?" Harry gaped. "What does Sirius have to do with this?"
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10th-Nov-2007 09:37 am - Star-Crossed Chapter 5

Author: Lady B
Pairing(s): Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, Severus Snape/Remus Lupin, other pairings to follow
Genre: AU Fantasy
Rating for this chapter: R
Warnings: M/M relationship, character death, OOC, descriptive sexual acts between persons of the same sex
Challenge: [info]50harlequins prompt #45: Running from an arranged marriage and falling for a stranger who turns out to be the groom.
Summary: Read more... )

Disclaimer: All recognizable characters and plots from the Harry Potterverse belong to JK Rowling and various publishing companies and movie studios. I am not making any money from this. I am simply doing this for the fun of it. Any plot devices and original characters belong to me alone and are simply a figment of my imagination.
Author's Note 11.09.2007: All right...here's the skinny. There's a good chance my internet will be turned off sometime this weekend, which means it's going to wreak havoc with my weekly posting schedule. Since I'm nowhere near done with Chapter 8, I'm giving you chapters 5, 6 and 7 today in case it takes me some time to get a handle on my money situation.

Chapter 5

"Hello to you as well, Severus." Harry grinned.

There was a put upon sigh.

"What do you want, you moron?"
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6th-Nov-2007 04:48 am - *Drabble* Sweet November
Title: Sweet November
Author: Lady B
Pairing: Harry/Draco (established)
Rating: PG13 for language
Word count: 100 words exactly...that's only the second time that's happened to me.
Summary: What a way to wake up
Disclaimer: All recognizable characters and plots from the Harry Potterverse belong to JK Rowling and various publishing companies and movie studios. I am not making any money from this. I am simply doing this for the fun of it. Any plot devices and original characters belong to me alone and are simply a figment of my imagination.
Challenge: for GJ's we_ship_hd_here November prompt: a chill in the air.

The door quietly opened and a figure eased into the room.

The person sleeping in the bed was unaware of the danger slowly approaching.

One side of the duvet was lifted as hunter stared at prey.

A hand reached out slowly, waiting for the moment to attack.


And then...

"Draco Malfoy, I'm going to fucking kill you!" Harry shrieked as Draco's freezing cold hands jerked away from him, the blond running from the room. Draco's laughter echoed down the hall as Harry tried sorting himself out of his tangled sheets.

"I hate November." Harry grumbled as he flopped back.
3rd-Nov-2007 11:05 am - *Star-Crossed* Chapter 4

Author: Lady B
Pairing(s): Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, Severus Snape/Remus Lupin, other pairings to follow
Genre: AU Fantasy
Rating for this chapter: PG13
Warnings: M/M relationship, character death, OOC, descriptive sexual acts between persons of the same sex
Challenge: [info]50harlequins prompt #45: Running from an arranged marriage and falling for a stranger who turns out to be the groom.
Summary: Read more... )

Disclaimer: All recognizable characters and plots from the Harry Potterverse belong to JK Rowling and various publishing companies and movie studios. I am not making any money from this. I am simply doing this for the fun of it. Any plot devices and original characters belong to me alone and are simply a figment of my imagination.
Author's Note: Snape makes an appearance.

Rating: this chapter - PG13

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Chapter 4


"Mmm. G'way, mum."

...Harry...wake up...

"M'sleepin', g'way."

...Wake up you great lummox!...
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27th-Oct-2007 11:53 am - Star-Crossed Chapter 3

Author: Lady B
Pairing(s): Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, Severus Snape/Remus Lupin, other pairings to follow
Genre: AU Fantasy
Rating for this chapter: PG13
Warnings: M/M relationship, character death, OOC, descriptive sexual acts between persons of the same sex
Challenge: [info]50harlequins prompt #45: Running from an arranged marriage and falling for a stranger who turns out to be the groom.
Summary: Read more... )

Disclaimer: All recognizable characters and plots from the Harry Potterverse belong to JK Rowling and various publishing companies and movie studios. I am not making any money from this. I am simply doing this for the fun of it. Any plot devices and original characters belong to me alone and are simply a figment of my imagination.
Author's Note: there's some Star Wars-type action ahead.

Chapter 3

Two days and several thousand light years from home later...

It was late in the evening and most of the crew had gone to bed. Colin was left alone on the bridge, as he didn't sleep much and took his duties as navigation officer very seriously.
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24th-Oct-2007 07:11 am - Chapter 6 of "Star-Crossed"...
Is it possible to spontaneously combust from writing hot sex scenes?

Just wondering.

*Big Grin*

And ya know...out of all the stories I've done (and there's like 40 of them), I think I can count on the fingers of one hand how many sex scenes I've done.

I'm all for the romance, but this story was SCREAMING for some smut.
21st-Oct-2007 09:07 am - Star-Crossed chapter 2

Author: Lady B
Pairing(s): Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, Severus Snape/Remus Lupin, other pairings to follow
Genre: AU Fantasy
Rating for this chapter: PG13
Warnings: M/M relationship, character death, OOC, descriptive sexual acts between persons of the same sex
Challenge: [info]50harlequins prompt #45: Running from an arranged marriage and falling for a stranger who turns out to be the groom.
Summary: Read more... )

Disclaimer: All recognizable characters and plots from the Harry Potterverse belong to JK Rowling and various publishing companies and movie studios. I am not making any money from this. I am simply doing this for the fun of it. Any plot devices and original characters belong to me alone and are simply a figment of my imagination.
Author's Note: There be spanking ahead!

Chapter 2

"Hey, Cap?" came Ron's voice over the comm.
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19th-Oct-2007 01:41 pm - *New Fic* The Virgin Harry
Something I started about a week ago...I couldn't help it.

Damn bunnies.

Title: The Virgin Harry
Chapter: 1/?
Author: Lady B
Pairing(s): Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy
Genre: Drama, Romance
Rating: Will be rated per chapter; this chapter - PG13
Warnings: M/M relationship, language, MPreg
Summary: Harry, along with Draco, is the victim of a prank gone wrong. And boy is it wrong on so many levels, the least of which is the fact that Harry's a virgin.
Disclaimer: All recognizable characters and plots from the Harry Potterverse belong to JK Rowling and various publishing companies and movie studios. I am not making any money from this. I am simply doing this for the fun of it. Any plot devices and original characters belong to me alone and are simply a figment of my imagination.
Author's Note: My take on the story of The Virgin Mary. This story has no religious connection other than the title.

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It was a typical Monday morning for Harry Potter at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry: wake up, take a shower, get dressed, grab his books for class and head down to breakfast with his friends. Sit in his usual spot at Gryffindor table and dish himself up two slices of bacon, two tablespoons of scrambled eggs, two slices of buttered toast with strawberry jam and a tall glass of cold pumpkin juice. Discuss with Hermione whatever lies The Daily Prophet decided to print about him and watch her yell at Ron for not finishing his Transfiguration assignment.

But this day was about to become anything but typical. And it all started when Ravenclaw decided to start a food fight with the Slytherins.

Everyone watched this phenomenon occur, shocked that the Ravenclaws would dare such a thing. Even the teachers were stunned as food flew between the two houses.

Unseen by all, as distracted as they were, someone poured something into Harry's drink and mumbled a charm to activate the ingredients within before smoothly walking away.

McGonagall finally regained control, docking massive points from both Houses before breakfast resumed. Hermione noticed they didn't have much time to get to class and Harry drank down his juice in a rush and followed the rest of his classmates.

He didn't see the smirk that graced the face of the one who had doctored his juice.

He was unaware of the chaos that was about to visit his life.

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15th-Oct-2007 09:04 am - Fic: Star-Crossed Chapter 1

Author: Lady B
Pairing(s): Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, Severus Snape/Remus Lupin, other pairings to follow
Genre: AU Fantasy
Rating for this chapter: PG13 for language
Warnings: M/M relationship, character death, OOC, descriptive sexual acts between persons of the same sex
Challenge: [info]50harlequins prompt #45: Running from an arranged marriage and falling for a stranger who turns out to be the groom.
Summary: Read more... )

Disclaimer: All recognizable characters and plots from the Harry Potterverse belong to JK Rowling and various publishing companies and movie studios. I am not making any money from this. I am simply doing this for the fun of it. Any plot devices and original characters belong to me alone and are simply a figment of my imagination.
Author's Note: I can't believe I'm starting another one and haven't even finished the other five I'm working on. But this demanded to be written as soon as possible. You may have seen this one before, I started working on it a few months ago before LiveJournal started going belly up. This was originally titled "When Love Is All We Need" and was set in the far past. But then I got the insane idea to write a space story, a la Star Wars and Spaceballs. This is me asking: What if George Lucas had written Harry Potter instead. Harry is my 'Han Solo' while Draco takes on the role of 'Princess Leia', only without the skimpy slave girl outfit and donuts on his ears.

Chapter 1

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11th-Oct-2007 05:16 pm - Lady B's Next Big Fic!

Author: Lady B
Pairing(s): Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, Severus Snape/Remus Lupin, other pairings to follow
Genre: AU Fantasy
Rating: Will be rated per chapter
Warnings: M/M relationship, character death, OOC, descriptive sexual acts between persons of the same sex
Challenge: [info]50harlequins prompt #45: Running from an arranged marriage and falling for a stranger who turns out to be the groom.
Summary: Space...the final frontier...In the year 4437 A.E. (After Earth) Prince Draco Abraxas Lucien Malfoy of the planet kingdom Slytherin is being forced to marry the enigmatic Prince of the neighboring planet kingdom Gryffindor. He hates the fact that he has to marry someone he's never met and runs away. His father, King Lucius, sends one of the best Retrievers in the galaxy after his wayward son, to be delivered to the Prince of Gryffindor personally.

Harry Potter was the best star pilot to ever come out of Hogwarts Academy. Known to his friends and crew as Captain Evans, he was also one of His Majesty's Retrievers, a band of men and women who searched the galaxies for the lost or stolen, whether they be people or objects. The Queen sends him on a mission requested by King Malfoy of Slytherin: find and retrieve his son to be delivered to the Prince of Gryffindor for a marriage ceremony.

Once he crosses paths with the Ice Prince of Slytherin, he does all he can to melt his heart of ice, and to make Draco his very own at personal cost to himself and the kingdom he serves.

Of course, things don't always go according to plan (-cue Darth Vader's Imperial March-)...

Disclaimer: All recognizable characters and plots from the Harry Potterverse belong to JK Rowling and various publishing companies and movie studios. I am not making any money from this. I am simply doing this for the fun of it. Any plot devices and original characters belong to me alone and are simply a figment of my imagination.
Author's Note: I can't believe I'm starting another one and haven't even finished the other five I'm working on. But this demanded to be written as soon as possible. You may have seen this one before, I started working on it a few months ago before LiveJournal started going belly up. This was originally titled "When Love Is All We Need" and was set in the far past. But then I got the insane idea to write a space story, a la Star Wars and Spaceballs. This is me asking: What if George Lucas had written Harry Potter instead. Harry is my 'Han Solo' while Draco takes on the role of 'Princess Leia', only without the skimpy slave girl outfit and donuts on his ears.

Posting of chapters will commence on Monday!
7th-Oct-2007 09:53 am - *Old Fic* You're Worth It
Originally posted July 31, 2006

I spent all day working on this, seems like...between driving my mom to a doctor's appointment and running her boyfriend all over the place, I probably would have posted this about 4 hours ago lol.

Title: You're Worth It
Author: Lady B
Genre: Romance
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: PG13
Word Count: approx. 2300 words
Summary: Harry turns 26 today and Draco gets him something really special.
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Brothers Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Author's Note: This satisfies three conditions: #1. jamie2109's AWDT prompt: Take the last full sentence on page 30 of a book (Not HP or the fandom you're writing in), #2. A birthday fic in honor of Harry Potter's 26th birthday and #3. prompt #346: Pet from my hpfanfic10x10 table.

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7th-Oct-2007 07:12 am - *Old Fic* The Soft Goodbye
Originally posted July 28, 2006

Title: The Soft Goodbye
Author: Lady B
Pairing: Harry + Draco (established)
Rating: PG13
Genre: Romance in the face of Tragedy
Warning: Character Death
Word Count: about 2070 words
Summary: Harry gives his life to save the ones he loves.
Author Note: This is a song fic based on Celtic Woman's “The Soft Goodbye”. This is prompt #349: Goodbye from my hpfanfic10x10 table.
Warning #2: I had to re-read this twice to check for spelling, punctuation and flow...and all 3 times (including when I was writing it), it brought tears to my eyes because it hit close to home for me. If you want to read this, bring tissue. If character death squicks you, don't read this at all.
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc.. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended. All song lyrics contained within are the property of their respective owners and I do not claim them as my own.

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The Soft Goodbye )

If you would like the song "The Soft Goodbye", please email me and let me know.
2nd-Oct-2007 04:00 pm - *Old Fic* If It Looks Like A Duck...
Originally posted July 14, 2006

Title: If It Looks Like A Duck...
Author: Lady B
Genre: Pure Unadulterated AU Crack!
Pairing: Harry/Draco, Snape/Lupin, Lucius/Sirius
Rating: NC17
Warnings: crazy misuse of bodily functions and language
Summary: No summary...I want to surprise people.
Disclaimer: JKR does it too! You know she does!
Author's Note: DO NOT ASK WHAT I WAS THINKING WHEN I CAME UP WITH THIS! I was at work, I was tired, I was on a break and I was sitting in the loo when this occurred to me. Harry and Draco are over the age of consent.

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I have no excuse for this other than the fact that I'm slightly insane )
2nd-Oct-2007 03:44 pm - *Old Fic* Reversal of Fortune
Originally posted July 8, 2006

Someone needs to explain the meaning of "Drabble" to me lol...

Title: Reversal of Fortune
Author: Lady B
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC17
Warnings: boy snogging, language, slight frottage
Word Count: 1295 words
Teaser: But he was beyond caring as he felt Harry wrap Quidditch-toned arms around his back, his hands resting on the globes of Draco's arse, squeezing roughly but gently.
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations based on the books by JK Rowling. No money is being made with this story. This is just me simply having a little bit of fun with Harry and Draco.
Additional Disclaimer: Due to the nature of this fic, this author will not be held responsible for any underage readers who may come across this. Please observe any warnings, ratings and any legal ages of consent for your part of the world.
Author Note: This is for enchanted_jae's (livejournal) monthly drabble challenge. The prompt: Draco tugged Harry into a heated kiss used at the beginning of the story.
Summary: Blaise bet Draco 100 Galleons to kiss Harry Potter in front of everyone at breakfast.

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23rd-Sep-2007 03:18 pm - *Old Fics* The Gryffindor Who Should Have Been A Slytherin & Pride And Cunning (Complete)
Title: The Gryffindor Who Should Have Been A Slytherin
Author: Lady B
Rating (this chapter): NC-17 for the sex and language
Pairings: Remus Lupin/Severus Snape, Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, Ron Weasley/Hermione Granger
Summary: Ron Weasley liked to pretend he was stupid. His closest friends didn't realize he was actually very smart. So smart in fact, he set up a certain Slytherin with a certain Gryffindor and no one realized it was him until the end.
Disclaimer: JKR owns. I do not. I bow to her greatness.

Title: Pride & Cunning
Author: Lady B
Rating (this chapter): NC-17 for the sex and language
Pairings: Remus Lupin/Severus Snape, Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, Ron Weasley/Hermione Granger
Summary: Successful in his attempt to hook up Harry and Draco, Ron sets his sights on his DADA teacher and the Hogwarts Potion Master, who have been sharing discreet (so they thought) looks at the teacher's table.
Disclaimer: JKR owns. I do not. I bow to her greatness.
Author Notes: This is a sequel to “The Gryffindor Who Should Have Been a Slytherin”. This one is a bit longer and it's from several different POV's. Oh...and HBP did NOT happen – AT ALL. DUMBLEDORE LIVES, PEOPLE!!
23rd-Sep-2007 11:43 am - *New Fic* Cocksure
Title: Cocksure
Author: Lady B
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco, Severus/Lucius/Remus
Rating: PG13 (Trust me!!)
Word Count: 528 words
Summary: Draco has a very bad habit of walking in on the tail-end of a conversation. What's worse is when he drags Harry along for the ride.
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Author's Note: This lovely piece came to me while I was straightening the nuts section at work. I was staring at a can of cocktail peanuts and suddenly burst out laughing as this idea came to mind. Set in The Silence of Silence universe, just after Harry's fight with Ron (and if you haven't read Silence yet then you must be living under a rock). Enjoy!

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13th-Sep-2007 02:38 am - *Birthday Fics*
My birthday was Monday, and some of my friends wrote me fic based on prompts I gave. Here's the list, listed by what journal they were posted to. I still have one or two coming so this list will expand in the next few weeks.


[info]quite_grey wrote Dungeon Days and Dungeon Nights: Things get a little different in the dungeons when the sun goes down...

[info]sirenprincess wrote Kitten Therapy: After a stressful week Severus and Harry take Draco on a Muggle shopping trip to a pet store. Guess who ends up with a kitten?

[info]elfflame wrote Harry/Draco with my prompt black panther

[info]alisanne wrote Animal Behavior: Things change for three men as they integrate new companions into their lives. It's a sequel of sorts to [info]sirenprincess's Kitten Therapy


[info]enchanted_jae wrote Cellular part 1: Harry calls Ron to see if he wants to do something, but he decides to play a prank on him first. Part 2 will be coming in the form of another birthday fic for someone else, so keep an eye out.
11th-Sep-2007 04:21 am - *Older Fic* Marriage & Migraines
Title: Marriage & Migraines
Author: Lady B
Word count: 1,133 words (Version 1)/ 1,650 words (Version 2)
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Public blowjobs
Summary: Harry gets lost on the way to Ron and Hermione's wedding.
Disclaimer: JKR owns. I simply like the pretty boys turned to men.
Author notes: [info]jamie2109's weekly AWDT challenge. This week's prompt: “Can we go now?” I did 2 versions of this story...the longer version has a little bit of backstory in it regarding Voldemort and how Harry killed him. And I went over the 500-word limit again lol.

1. This way to the short version...

2. This way to the long backstory version...
27th-Aug-2007 12:40 pm - *Old Fic* Blind Love
Originally posted March 26, 2006...my flagship entry for [info]awdt

Title: Blind Love
Author: Lady B
Pairing: Draco + Harry, who else?
Rating: PG-13 for the fluff, R for the language and implied sex.
Summary: After a string of bad dates, Blaise sets Draco up with an anonymous friend. Draco, of course, is not thrilled about blind dating...until he meets his date.
Author's Note: This takes place about 5 years after the gang leaves school. Blaise and Draco have taken up residence in the USA, sharing an apartment in the wizarding section New York City. Harry comes for a visit. This is for the weekly AWDT from [info]jamie2109 (my first try at one of these) with the prompt of “He's very quiet and enjoys puzzles.” I think I went way beyond the 500-word limit lol.
Disclaimer: If I had half the imagination JKR does, I don't think I'd be writing this. She owns, I don't. Deal with it. -grin-

Onward to the cheesey-fluff piece!
21st-Aug-2007 01:49 pm - *Old Fic* The Gryffindor Who Should Have Been A Slytherin
Originally posted February 13, 2006

Title: The Gryffindor Who Should Have Been A Slytherin
Author: Lady Bahiya ([info]ladybelz)
Genre: Crack!
Rating: R for the language and implied Man!Sex
Word count: About 1490 words.
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Summary: Ron Weasley liked to pretend he was stupid. His closest friends didn't realize he was actually very smart. So smart in fact, he set up a certain Slytherin with a certain Gryffindor and no one realized it was him until the end. Ron's POV.
Author's Note: That damn bunny is at it again!! This little piece of Valentine crack came to me at 1:30 this morning while I was at work. It's short. Don't kill me.
Disclaimer: I'm not Jo. I'm not getting paid. I have a very strange imagination. Humor me.
20th-Aug-2007 12:39 pm - *Old Fic* A New Kink
Originally posted January 26, 2006, this was inspired by Michael Flatley's music documentary "Feet of Flames"

Title: A New Kink
Author: Lady Bahiya
Pairing: Draco/Harry (established)
Rating: NC-17
Genre: A/U crack!fic
Warnings: leather, toys and voyeuristic tendencies
Summary: Harry has a sudden fascination with a tap dancer. Draco is about to find out why. Takes place the Summer of '98, after they've graduated.
Disclaimer: The boys belong to JKR. “Feet of Flames” belongs to Michael Flatley. The plot is all mine.
A/N: Sorry for the long back story. I needed to do it to explain how Draco and Harry came to be together. And this little ditty is based on my current obsession with “Lord of the Dance” and Michael Flatley.


Wanna smell my crack? )
16th-Aug-2007 07:38 am - *Old Fic* Life's Little Parody (one-shot)
WARNING: THIS IS RPS (Porn Star!Tom/Porn Star!Dan) with a side dose of Draco/Harry! If this squicks you, click that 'x' button at the top right of your screen.

Originally written in November 2005

Title: Life's Little Parody
Author: [info]ladybelz
Pairing: Harry/Draco, Tom/Dan (yes you read it right)
Word count: 911 words
Genre: A/U
Rating: NC18
Summary: They say that sometimes life imitates art. They didn't know how right that statement was.
*A/N*: I am apologizing right now because this story came to me while I was napping last night before heading to work and it sank it's teeth into me and wouldn't let go. And because of the "reality" of this, I'm apologizing in advance if someone is offended by it. But don't say I didn't warn you.
*Disclaimer*: I am not the fabulous JK Rowling, nor do I wish to be (ok maybe a little). Harry Potter belongs to her and her alone. I am not making any money from this story nor do I intend to. I'm just playing within the world she has so wonderfully created. I do not know Dan Radcliffe, Tom Felton or any other actor from the movies in a personal sense and meant no harm by the creation of the following story. It is simply a figment of my own sick & twisted imagination. Everyone will be safe, sound and whatever sexual preference they may be when I am done. Thank you.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. )
7th-Aug-2007 12:32 am - [info]50harlequins Claim Table
Claims table for [info]50harlequins

Claim: Harry/Draco
Fandom: Harry Potter
Number of Themes Claimed: 12

05. Stranded in the storm.
13. Rich lord and a poor orphan trying to save her home and family.
17. Teacher and single parent.
22. Cop & Amnesiac Accident Victim.
23. Spoiled rich girl and a poor boy.
29. Mail-order bride.
33. Long seperated lovers.
36. Playboy and his more serious neighbor/employee
39. Divorcee and mysterious stranger
44. Princess and bodyguard
45. Running from an arranged marriage and falling for a stranger who turns out to be the groom.
COMPLETED Nov.27.2008
48. He swore off women after being hurt, they're all deceitful. Then he met her, but what is she hiding?
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