Want to get naughty with me?
The Words 
23rd-Sep-2007 03:06 pm - *Old Fic* Ice Hot, Fire Cold (Complete)
Originally posted April 2006

Title: Ice Hot, Fire Cold
Pairing: Draco/Harry
Genre: AU
Rating: I'll stick with NC-17 or M+ thanks.
Warnings: Slash of the Male Kind. Kindly read something else if you don't like it.
Summary: 3 days after the war ended in victory for the Light, Harry abandoned the Wizarding world the moment he got his certificate from Hogwarts, never to return. Hermione sent Draco to find him. And Draco does find him, deep in the Adirondack mountains of New York State, on the eve of one of the worst ice storms in a century.
Author's Note: This fic is set the year after the gang graduates from Hogwarts, appropriately enough, 1998 – the same year Northeastern New York, Vermont and parts of Canada were subjected to the worst Ice Storm ever recorded (I used to have a bumper sticker on my car that read “I Survived Ice Storm '98”). The bunny bit me again. I'm starting to hate that bunny.
Disclaimer: Hello, my name is JK Rowling, and I'm an alcoholic...(*hi JK*)...Nah! Just kidding! I'm not her, but I play her on TV...Ha! Just playin'! Seriously...the boys aren't mine, the books aren't mine, and the movies aren't mine (well except for my DVD collection). I'm just making them do nasty little things in the dark corners of my mind.

Ice Hot, Fire Cold
13th-Sep-2007 02:38 am - *Birthday Fics*
My birthday was Monday, and some of my friends wrote me fic based on prompts I gave. Here's the list, listed by what journal they were posted to. I still have one or two coming so this list will expand in the next few weeks.


[info]quite_grey wrote Dungeon Days and Dungeon Nights: Things get a little different in the dungeons when the sun goes down...

[info]sirenprincess wrote Kitten Therapy: After a stressful week Severus and Harry take Draco on a Muggle shopping trip to a pet store. Guess who ends up with a kitten?

[info]elfflame wrote Harry/Draco with my prompt black panther

[info]alisanne wrote Animal Behavior: Things change for three men as they integrate new companions into their lives. It's a sequel of sorts to [info]sirenprincess's Kitten Therapy


[info]enchanted_jae wrote Cellular part 1: Harry calls Ron to see if he wants to do something, but he decides to play a prank on him first. Part 2 will be coming in the form of another birthday fic for someone else, so keep an eye out.
27th-Aug-2007 12:40 pm - *Old Fic* Blind Love
Originally posted March 26, 2006...my flagship entry for [info]awdt

Title: Blind Love
Author: Lady B
Pairing: Draco + Harry, who else?
Rating: PG-13 for the fluff, R for the language and implied sex.
Summary: After a string of bad dates, Blaise sets Draco up with an anonymous friend. Draco, of course, is not thrilled about blind dating...until he meets his date.
Author's Note: This takes place about 5 years after the gang leaves school. Blaise and Draco have taken up residence in the USA, sharing an apartment in the wizarding section New York City. Harry comes for a visit. This is for the weekly AWDT from [info]jamie2109 (my first try at one of these) with the prompt of “He's very quiet and enjoys puzzles.” I think I went way beyond the 500-word limit lol.
Disclaimer: If I had half the imagination JKR does, I don't think I'd be writing this. She owns, I don't. Deal with it. -grin-

Onward to the cheesey-fluff piece!
21st-Aug-2007 02:10 pm - *Old Fic* Pride & Cunning
Title: Pride & Cunning
Author: Lady B
Rating: Mature for language and sexual overtones
Pairings: Remus Lupin/Severus Snape, Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, Ron Weasley/Hermione Granger
Summary: Successful in his attempt to hook up Harry and Draco, Ron sets his sights on his DADA teacher and the Hogwarts Potion Master, who have been sharing looks at the teacher's table.
Disclaimer: JKR owns. I do not. I bow to her greatness.
Author Notes: This is a sequel to The Gryffindor Who Should Have Been a Slytherin. This one is a bit longer and it's from several different POV's. Oh...and HBP did NOT happen – AT ALL. DUMBLEDORE LIVES, PEOPLE!!
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