Want to get naughty with me?
Just A Girl Chapter 9 
9th-Jan-2009 11:23 pm
Title: Just A Girl
Author: Lady B
Genre: AU Het
Pairing: Draco/Girl!Harry
Rating for this chapter: PG13
Summary: Lily Potter was the top of her class in Charms and Hexes. With a bit of creativity and a spell from an ancient relative, she cast a spell upon Harry the moment she died, thereby ensuring that her child would survive. Only no one understood the nature of her spell and its long-term effects. Is the Wizarding World prepared to deal with...A Girl Who Lived?
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Author's Note: Yes this is het. I know I said I'd never write one again, but my bunny was chomping at my heels for this. I'm not following the books/movies much and there will be time-line jumps.

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Chapter 9: Another Battle, Another Farce...

Three weeks into term, and Harry already hated the new Defense teacher with a passion rivaling her sub-hatred for Dumbledore. Delores Umbridge, Ministry lackey and spy for Minister Fudge was proving to the students at large that she didn't know one bloody thing about Defense Against The Dark Arts. The woman had taken an instant dislike to Harry for no reason other than the fact that she was Harry Potter. And the class was turning into the biggest joke of all. And Harry had had enough.

During one such class, nearing the end of the week, Umbridge was discussing the spells used to combat Doxies and writing notes on the blackboard when Harry suddenly slammed her book closed. The echo was loud in the silence of the room and all eyes turned toward their teacher, who had tensed in shock. She turned slowly, an ugly frown on her even uglier face.

"Who. Did. That?" she asked in her tightest voice possible. No one spoke a word. She harrumphed before turning back to the board.

Hermione, usually a stickler for the rules, waited a few more moments before she also slammed her book closed. Umbridge jumped a foot in the air before resuming her lecture.

Draco, squeezing Harry's hand in support, slammed his book closed not a moment later. Umbridge whirled around, her face gone an interesting shade of red.

"How. Dare. You! Open your books immediately or everyone will have detention!"

That threat hanging over their heads did nothing to detract the fifth year students from doing what they felt was right. Both Slytherin and Gryffindors suddenly slammed their books closed, crossed their arms, and glared at the pink monstrosity at the front of the room.

"Detention! Every single one of you!"

"Bollocks that!" Harry shouted, throwing a wadded up ball of paper at the woman. This incited a riot of near epic proportions as the other students joined in pelting their defense teacher with wadded up balls of paper.

It was Ron who suddenly stood up then and announced, "We don't need this class and we don't need you!" And he grabbed his books and marched out of the room with nearly twenty minutes left of the class. A moment later, Harry and Draco also stood, followed by Hermione and Pansy and followed their classmate. And thus, The Mass Exodus of the Fifth Year DADA Class (as the entire school began to call it) occurred. As Umbridge shouted threats of death and dismemberment, one by one, Slytherin and Gryffindor, enemy and friend, left the DADA classroom and took an impromptu study lesson. Catching on to the bravery of the Fifth years, the other years who also had DADA with Umbridge, just didn't show up to class when they had it.

Umbridge was out on her fat pink arse that very weekend and once again, Dumbledore was hauled in front of the Board of Governors and raked over the coals for his complete lack of judgment regarding Umbridge – who they discovered had no teaching qualifications in any magical school in the world. He was told in no uncertain terms that all future teachers were to be approved by the Board itself and there was nothing he could do about it. For the moment, they allowed Severus Snape to teach a combination Potions/Defense class until a new teacher could be hired.

Later that evening, Severus surprised his Slytherins by joining them in their common room for a "Goodbye Umbitch!" celebration, and even went so far as providing Firewhiskey and Old Ogden's for the occasion.

To Be Continued...

Sorry for the shortness of this chapter. Both I and my muse have been sick the last few days.
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