Want to get naughty with me?
Who remembers... 
16th-Feb-2008 12:15 pm
So...remember that fic I started some time ago loosely based on "Equus"?

I kind of have an idea for the next chapter, and I know I said that a former lover of Harry's was going to arrive on scene, but I gave it some thought and decided to change it to Harry's half-brother/sister. Draco's going to be EXTREMELY jealous thinking it's a former lover and Harry's going to have to get a "hand"le on his blond lover (*waggles eyebrows*). I smell a-spankin coming on!

Now...to think of a name...what goes good with [First Name] [Middle Name] Riddle (yes, it's Lily and Tom's offspring - although, I should probably go back and see when James was killed so I can make the brat the right age)?

Dammit, I really need to work on those 3 fest fics I haven't started yet. Plus the next chapter of Star-Crossed.

16th-Feb-2008 06:56 pm (UTC)
I was looking for names that mean twin like Thomas but that is a dead end, so then I thought about 'brother'-maybe this page might help a bit. When I try to think of names, I play around for a long time on these baby name pages.

For girls-flowers are fun (maybe a middle name if you don't want it to be too obvious). This is my favorite page for that.

Hope that helps a bit.
16th-Feb-2008 07:51 pm (UTC)
That first link was a big help, thank you! I now have a name. :D
16th-Feb-2008 08:01 pm (UTC)
Oh, yay! Glad to hear it.
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