Want to get naughty with me?
*New* Secrets To The Wind (*REVISED*): Chapter 1 
16th-Dec-2007 12:29 pm
Taking some advice of someone here (and I apologize because I can't remember who it was), I've revamped this story a little bit in regards to Iggy and his behavior.

Title: Secrets to the Wind
Author: Lady B
Pairing: Harry/Draco, Severus
Rating: rated per chapter; this one - PG
Warnings: per chapter; this one - none
Summary: If you reveal your secrets to the wind, you should not blame the wind for revealing them to the trees.  ~Kahlil Gibran, Sand and Foam
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created by JK Rowling. I claim no rights to these, only my original plot devices and any original characters I've created from my own mind. I am not making any money from this story.
Author's note: Yeah, another freaking plot bunny bit me. I'm beginning to hate those bunnies. Takes place in Seventh year and completely ignores anything and everything after Book/Movie 5. I'm taking serious liberties with the plots and time lines at the end of OotP.

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It was whispered through the halls of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, that Harry Potter, Savior of the World Over, was hiding something from friends, family and foe alike.

Numerous people tried to get to the bottom of the rumors with no luck. Hermione prodded, Ron begged, Draco snarked and Dumbledore gave him sweets but no one could get to the heart of the matter.

Harry, as was everyone else, was glad when he had bested Voldemort, with the help of Dumbledore, during the battle at The Department of Mysteries at the end of his fifth year. He had returned home, to The Dursleys, in high spirits.

But it was a different Harry who returned to school at the start of their sixth year. This Harry was quiet and subdued. He had withdrawn from his friends, quit playing Quidditch (much to the upset of the entirety of Gryffindor and the glee of Slytherin) and devoted all of his time to his studies. He showed a remarkable improvement in Potions, surprising Professor Snape, who could find no fault with his potions or essays.

The very first time Harry had answered a question correctly, the entire class was shocked when Snape gave him twenty points for it. Draco, being the twat he was known to be, made a rude joke about what Harry and Snape got up to in "Remedial Potions", causing his fellow Slytherins to snicker, and for the first time in Hogwarts history (or as long as he's been a teacher), Snape deducted a hundred points from Slytherin and gave Malfoy detention with Filch for the rest of the week.

- - -

His friends began to worry when he started disappearing for hours at a time between classes, telling no one where he was going or who he'd been with when he returned to the dorms.

It went on for a whole year. He even went so far as to disappear for almost two weeks without a word to anyone. When he returned, there was a hardness to him that hadn't been there before.

Harry had changed, and his friends began to wonder if he was beginning to go dark...

But only two people knew the real story, and they weren't talking.

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