Feb. 8th, 2010


Week Change: Week Nine

Monday Dec. 13th - Sunday Dec. 19th, 2004

Moon Phases:
First Quarter Moon on Saturday the 18th.

The Waxing Moon starts at the beginning of the New Moon and goes to the Full Moon. The Moon is growing larger & brighter and this is a time of increasing light, so you would work increasing magick. Draw things to you. This is considered a time of great psychic power and excellent magick dealing with prosperity, new projects, growth, expansion, increasing health, new love affairs, increasing of knowledge and spirituality & fertility rituals.

Incense: Sandalwood, bayberry, cinnamon, ginger, cedar
Crystals: Carnelian, citrine, aragonite cluster, banded agate

In-Game Notes from [info]rupert_giles

1) Hannukah ends this Thursday, and I would like to thank everyone's vigilance in not burning the building down. If we could continue that vigiliance, I would be eternally grateful.

2) We are currently in a time of positive power as the moon is waxing and growing stronger. Hopefully this will buy us a little more time to figure out exactly what is going on with the dark spells that have been happening.

3) Please continue to be aware of your surroundings, and report any suspicious activity.

Out-Of-Game Notes

1) The cursed clothing line will be wrapped up this week.

2) With the departure of our Spike and Angel, several big things are being shifted.

  1. [info]stay_and_gloat will be filling our undercover-turncoat spot that had been reserved for Angel/Angelus.

  2. [info]bookman_price will be ganked a little sooner than expected, but we're holding off on that until we get Cordelia established. ;)

  3. [info]bitcaewedoe will be severely injured, possibly near death, and that will be the end of the current plot.

I think that covers everything that's going to be changed.


[info]dawnofsummer - Dawn Summers

[info]broodypants - Angel
[info]vampirewithsoul - Spike
[info]elenamc - Elena Casimiro

Please run the friender and make sure your lists are updated: