Mar. 2nd, 2010


Week Change: Week Ten

Week Change: WEEK 10
Monday December 20th - Sunday December 26th, 2004

Moon Phases:
The Moon waxes towards full this week, and ends with a full moon on Dec. 26th, the day after Christmas!

The Full Moon is at it's brightest and this is a time of great power. Any Magick done at this time is directed toward the manifestation of goals.

Incense: Jasmine, Rose
Crystals: Clear quartz crystal (especially sphere), white or rainbow moonstone, selenite, snowy quartz, white opal, silver

In-Game Notes from [info]rupert_giles

1) Christmas is Saturday; Boxing Day is observed the following Monday. Both Sunday and Monday will be football-watching days for myself and anyone else who wishes to come along. No, it is not American football, it is British. There will also be cricket televised as well, the Boxing Day Test from Melbourne.

2) Boxing Day (in England at the least) is roughly akin to the day after Thanksgiving here; if you intend to go out and buy, buy, buy, please be certain to avoid any lines of products by Clellan Industrial or any clothing lines " Edna." These products may well be cursed, and I would like to avoid a repeat of what occurred with Davan.

3) Kwanzaa also begins on Sunday, so might I again remind anyone observing this to please not burn the building down.

Out-of-game Notes

1) Christmas Present exchanges can be done in the main community, simply mark them "Christmas" in the tags.

2) Due to your mod being sick, I have not had the chance to confer with Ethan and end the cursed clothing line. I intend for that to happen this week.

3) The Big Evil will be relatively dormant this game week, due to the full moon and the cheer of Christmas working against their nefarious plotting.



Feb. 8th, 2010


Week Change: Week Nine

Monday Dec. 13th - Sunday Dec. 19th, 2004

Moon Phases:
First Quarter Moon on Saturday the 18th.

The Waxing Moon starts at the beginning of the New Moon and goes to the Full Moon. The Moon is growing larger & brighter and this is a time of increasing light, so you would work increasing magick. Draw things to you. This is considered a time of great psychic power and excellent magick dealing with prosperity, new projects, growth, expansion, increasing health, new love affairs, increasing of knowledge and spirituality & fertility rituals.

Incense: Sandalwood, bayberry, cinnamon, ginger, cedar
Crystals: Carnelian, citrine, aragonite cluster, banded agate

In-Game Notes from [info]rupert_giles

1) Hannukah ends this Thursday, and I would like to thank everyone's vigilance in not burning the building down. If we could continue that vigiliance, I would be eternally grateful.

2) We are currently in a time of positive power as the moon is waxing and growing stronger. Hopefully this will buy us a little more time to figure out exactly what is going on with the dark spells that have been happening.

3) Please continue to be aware of your surroundings, and report any suspicious activity.

Out-Of-Game Notes

1) The cursed clothing line will be wrapped up this week.

2) With the departure of our Spike and Angel, several big things are being shifted.

  1. [info]stay_and_gloat will be filling our undercover-turncoat spot that had been reserved for Angel/Angelus.

  2. [info]bookman_price will be ganked a little sooner than expected, but we're holding off on that until we get Cordelia established. ;)

  3. [info]bitcaewedoe will be severely injured, possibly near death, and that will be the end of the current plot.

I think that covers everything that's going to be changed.


[info]dawnofsummer - Dawn Summers

[info]broodypants - Angel
[info]vampirewithsoul - Spike
[info]elenamc - Elena Casimiro

Please run the friender and make sure your lists are updated:

Jan. 25th, 2010


Week Change: Week Eight

Week Change: WEEK EIGHT
Monday Dec. 6th - Sunday Dec. 12th 2004

Moon Phases
Saturday the 11th is the night of the New Moon, making Wednesday through Friday the nights of the Dark Moon. This has been said to be a time of great power. Dark Moon energies are those of the Spirit without a particular goal in mind. Open up to the Spirit energies & remember that we do not always know what is best for us. By opening yourself up in this way and freeing your mind of prejudices, you may receive grace, revelations, and power that you never even realized you needed. (Chaos magic is especially strong during the New Moon, due to the lack of goals and the unguided churning of the otherworld energies)

Incense: Myrrh
Crystals: Apache tear, obsidian, rainbow obsidian

In-Game Notes
from [info]rupert_giles

1) Hannukah begins this Wednesday. Please be aware that there may be lit menorahs and candles, and that the smoke could set off the smoke detectors if we are not all vigilant.

2) On behalf of everyone, we'd like to thank Buffy Summers for orchestrating the recent Christmas tree decorations. She's doing an excellent job of coordinating our Christmas holiday so far, and please feel free to offer your assistance if you wish to contribute!

3) Please continue to be on your guard. While there has not been a second surge of dark magic as there was last week, there are still many unexplained things going on that we must be wary of. Inform Angel, Wesley, Buffy, or myself of anything you notice that is out of the ordinary.

4) The public areas in the Pod are non-smoking; however, what you all do in your private rooms are none of our concern.

Out-of-Game Notes

1) The Cursed Clothing has been discovered by Ethan ([info]stay_and_gloat) but it hasn't been made widespread knowledge yet. Stay tuned for further developments.

2) CT III: The Search For Spike has yet to begin. There are rumors and rumblings that he has disappeared, but no one (other than Angel and Buffy) know for certain.

3) Please pay attention to any open threads; we have several new players and new characters looking for ways to get involved, and we all have to be ready to help.

4) As always, any thoughts, ideas, comments, gripes, etc, are welcomed.


~ritchiearts is now ~drawitout. If you use a rename token to change the name of your journal, please let me know so I can properly update the friender!

Jan. 11th, 2010


Week Change: Week Seven

Monday, Nov. 29th -- Sunday, Dec. 5th 2004

Dec. 4th is the Last Quarter crescent moon, waning towards the New Moon. The Waning Moon is the phase when the Full Moon has passed and the moon is now decreasing in size nightly as it makes it's way across the sky towards the phase of New Moon. As the moon decreases, magick should be oriented towards decreasing as well. You would work banishments and "send" the negativity away. Rid yourself of the things you don't want or need in your life. Banish negative thoughts, eliminate negative feelings, release all guilt, lose that extra weight, and release any angry or hostile emotions. Make room for the new and improved!

Incense: Lavender, frankincense, sage
Crystals: Smoky quartz

from [info]rupert_giles

1) Please notice that winter holiday observances are coming upon us. The precise date of the Winter Solstice is December 21st; Christmas is December 25th, Boxing Day is December 26th, Hanukkah begins Wednesday Dec. 8th and lasts until the 16th, and Kwanzaa begins Dec. 26th and is observed until January 1st. If I have omitted your observance, please let me know and I will apologize profusely as well as make the proper observations.

1A) As an addendum to #1, please be aware that we do have vampires in our midst. If your personal holiday display involves the display of a rather large cross, please consider our friends and make sure that if they are invited into your areas, it's removed or covered so they are not harmed. Otherwise, please feel free to decorate as you wish.

2) Seeing as how Ms. Summers volunteered herself at Thanksgiving, please see Buffy (and not me, thank God) for all your decoration needs.

3) Please be on your guard. The sensitive among us have been troubled by the recent swell of dark magic. We have no idea what is going on, although we are working on it. If you have any information, ideas, dreams, theories, random thoughts, or irrational fears, don't be afraid. We are investigating everything at this point.

3A) As an addendum to #3, please be sure to report ANYTHING that you see that you consider to be out of the ordinary. We would rather track down all leads and make sure that things are as they should be.

4) Slayers, please continue your dream journals. Mr. Ainsley, Ms. Casimiro, Mr. Price and myself will be glad to discuss them with you. There are often images and leads in your dreams that will help us to figure out precisely what is going on.


1) We've had some revisions to the mod-plot, because of lost players and the way things are turning out. (Not that I mind; I like it better this way.) Revisions can be found right here.

2) The ban on characters back from the dead has been lifted, although I'd like to see a few of the live characters picked up first. However, I'm not gonna complain too much, because...

3) WE'VE GOT NEW PLAYERS. [info]bowlingshirts is our new Doyle, and [info]visionsinprada is our new Cordelia! Please make sure your f-lists are updated. We also have a pending character, Faith, and hopefully we'll be getting them applied and involved very soon.

4) The cursed clothing storyline has started!


If you didn't update your flist when [info]bowlingshirts first joined, please do so now.

Dec. 21st, 2009


Week Six
Monday Nov. 22 - Sunday Nov. 28th, 2004

Moon Phases
The Full Moon rules this week, occurring on Friday, meaning Thursday-Saturday will be peak werecreature activity time. The Full Moon is at it's brightest and this is a time of great power. Any Magick done at this time is directed toward the manifestation of goals. Incense Jasmine, rose Crystals Clear quartz crystal (especially sphere), white or rainbow moonstone, selenite, snowy quartz, white opal, silver are all beneficial elements during the phase of the full moon.


[info]slayercovax & [info]wolvencovax

Please Run The Friending Tool
Because there is no IC AIM requirement, there is no pre-made buddy list. However, check the contact post for OOC contact information.

Important Information
1. Thanksgiving is this week, in game. I will be putting up a group post shortly, so that we can take advantage of the full playing period to make sure we have time! Since Christmas and New Years is coming up in the real world, our next week change will happen on January 11th, instead of January 4th, which will give us three weeks.

2. The mod!plot is moving along nicely, though a bit slower than I'd expected. But that's okay. Things are brewing, and once they start happening, I'll be posting OOCly to clarify and let you all know.

3. Activity is slowing down a bit with the holidays, but please be assured, your mods are doing everything we can to try and make sure this game doesn't die. If you have any ideas, please feel free to let us know. My AIM is havocdogsofwar, and I ghost (that is, lurk invisibly) 99% of the time because I'm away from the computer. Leave me a message there, hit the mod email, the mod dropbox, any OOC community post, or, just PM the mod journal. We're accessible for a reason!

4. The Thanksgiving post is mandatory, except for Spike (the Spike player has already obtained a pass for him). Everyone else is expected to "attend." Please be aware that if you do not participate in the Thanksgiving post, you'll be removed, because I'm using it as a way to gauge interest in the game.

ETA: A bit of clarification here. If you have multiple characters, it's all right if only one or two of them come. (For example, your mod plays Shiva, Giles, Beth, Riley, and two mod!plot characters, Wesley and Marsha. Riley is not going to be at Thanksgiving, but my others will be.) I realize how complicated it can get, and I don't want anyone stuck self-threading. :) The requirement is for the player, not every single character you play.

5. Make sure you are on the birthday list.

In-Game Announcements
1. The Thanksgiving dinner will be held in the cafeteria of the Pod. It has been catered, so no one had to be responsible for cooking unless there was a particular dish that catered to a food allergy or tradition that was not covered. (For example, the caterers did not make gluten-free dishes; if your character is gluten-allergic, they would have prepared their own dishes. The menu is predominately Americanized, so if your character has a non-American dish, they are welcome to prepare and bring it as well.)

2. The lower level of the Pod has been mapped, and is being drawn by our resident artist, Ritchie Eckerson. Each floor will be done at different times, as time and situations allow. There has been discovered a rather plentiful stock of building materials in the basement, including glass, brick, mortar, and framing.

3. With the full moon coming on, the holding cells will be opened (although I don't believe we have anyone in the game who needs them)

4. There are a couple of posts that need replies; I'm listing them here for brevity:
Elena's looking for a sparring partner
Kali & Shiva are looking for signs of life in the Pod

Nov. 30th, 2009


Week Five
Monday Nov. 15th - Sunday Nov. 21st 2004

Moon Phases
First Quarter Moon - Nov. 18th
The waxing crescent moon is a time of light, and favors those working magicks for good, or white magicks. This is considered a time of great psychic power and excellent magick dealing with prosperity, new projects, growth, expansion, increasing health, new love affairs, increasing of knowledge and spirituality.

No Adds this week


Please take this moment to run the friender, just to make sure you have everyone on your list.

Important Information

1. If you haven't already, please go here and make sure you have accepted the invitation to the storyline community, [info]chaos_storyline

2. Considering that IJ gets a bit hinky with comment notifs, it might not hurt to check your threads and make sure you're caught up!

2a. To make that easier, I suggest a thread history. If you're HTML savvy, [info]rp_tutorials has some great shells you can use (my history for Beth is here), or you can just make a list somewhere. THIS IS BY NO MEANS A REQUIREMENT. Just a suggestion that I've found makes my life easier and might make yours easier also.

3. Our birthday list is here. Please make sure you're on it!

4. At the moment, I'm not going to choose a third mod, mosty because I think things have settled down enough and we're in enough of a routine that Freddie and I can handle it. Should that change, I'll definitely be open to talking to a few of you and feeling out who'll be the new part of the trio (I'm so Jonathan. Y'all can fight over Warren and Andrew.)

5. TAGS Please remember to tag your posts. First and last name, unless your character is one of those with only one name (Angel, Spike, Lorne, etc.) as well as the week it happens!

Weekly Events

1. Get ready, because this is the week that a certain former Watcher re-enters the playing field!

2. Giles ([info]rupert_giles) has discovered and is brewing a very bad tasting (at the moment) but effective herbal potion to take the edge off the Slayer nightmares. Any Slayer needing their help can contact them for the potion. It should be taken daily for a week, and then once a week thereafter.

3. Due to the need for Giles' concentration on the Slayers' problem, the blueprint mission has been delayed until this week.

4. Random characters will receive targeted gifts from Edna's clothing line. These are SPECIAL gifts, the traits of which will be explained in-game.

Nov. 16th, 2009



Week Four
Monday November 8th - Sunday November 14th

Moon Phases
Waning moon rules the shapeshifters through the week as Friday, Nov. 12th is the New Moon. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are the three days prior to the new moon, also called the Dark Moon. Wiccans and warlocks believe the days of the Dark Moon are times of great power.

Phases here and Waxing/Waning here

[info]chaos_magician -- Ethan Rayne
[info]x_to_the_ander -- Xander Harris

[info]bitunremarkable -- activity check fail
[info]nathansliver -- activity check fail

Please be sure to run the friender tool and friend the mod journal as well. Failure to do either will result in a reminder email, and persistent refusals will result in your removal from the game.

Important Information
1) New/Revised Activity Policy

2) Group Thread Organization

3) Reminder to please close threads

4) A new text-only ad featuring (for the first time) the anonymous letter to the slayers has been posted in the Ads section of the mod journal. Letter text can be found at the bottom of the Premise page.

In-Game Updates

1) The Halloween thread is winding down; there are several threaders, including myself, who are still finishing up threads, but for the most part, the post will be tagged complete. Feel free to refer to party events from here on out.

2) The Library Reception thread is winding down; there are several threaders, again including myself, who are still working on threads, but for the most part, the post will be tagged complete. Please feel free to refer to party events from here on out.

3) Week Changes have now become bi-weekly; that means, for every two weeks of real time, the game will move forward one week. If we need to slow it down even further, that can be discussed, but I think bi-weekly will take care of things.

4) Please make sure that when you wrap up a thread or a post, that you mark it complete. Closed is reserved mostly for the mods who have closed a thread because a player has left, has not tagged, or been removed from the game. Complete and Closed tags have already been added.

5) Don't be afraid to interact with different people! If you see an open post that hasn't been tagged yet, hop in! If there's a specific person you want to scene with, drop them a PM or a directed tag! Need help with ideas or scenarios? PM or IM the mod!

Weekly Events

1) An old friend will be reappearing soon, but can they be trusted?

2) Ritchie ([info]ritchiearts) and Giles ([info]rupert_giles) will be beginning the mapping of the POD building. They would like to have at least one Slayer on hand, just in case they run into anything.

3) Socialite Marsha Clellan will be appearing in Los Angeles more and more. Expect to see her at Entente as well as other hot spots around town.

4) Plans for the November Celebration Meal are underway, as well as the establishment of our actual purpose here; please see Willow ([info]rosewillow) for your assignments.

Nov. 2nd, 2009


Week Three

Week Three
Monday November 1st - Sunday November 7th, 2004

Buffy Summers -- [info]theonegirl
Willow Rosenberg -- [info]rosewillow
Tabby Clarke (Slayer) -- [info]bitunremarkable
Kennedy PĂ©rez (Slayer) -- [info]on_a_missiongal
Elena Madeira Casimiro -- [info]elenamc

Connor Reilly -- [info]connorreilly
Illyria -- [info]theshell

Dropped characters have been returned to the wanted list, and holds have been cleared out. The ad has been changed to reflect the dropped characters and holds. On the up side, the OOC information page has also been updated with all of our new players and characters, so please, as always, double check to make sure that your information is correct and that all of your journals are listed! Lastly, please make sure you're running the friender every week to make sure you've added all the new players! We don't want anyone to be left out!

Now that we have a Buffy with us, Richard Ainsley is going to be joining us shortly. We're also going to be seeing the first appearance of our big bad. Is it a coincidence?

Week Three Events:

  1. The Tria Bella Femina library officially opens despite the fact that there are still contributions to be filed and boxes to be shelved. (Giles' dedication speech text will be posted in his journal later this week.)

  2. Richard Ainsley finally arrives

  3. Post-Halloween let-down

  4. First L.A. Appearance of wealthy heiress Marsha Clellan

For any Slayers wishing to have dreams or Watchers who wish to uncover information about Maricha, it is the same as last week; no details are known as yet, but some of the younger or more socially/pop-culturally aware might start noticing that Marsha Clellan, a Paris-Hilton-type heiress, is starting to be seen out and about in Los Angeles instead of New York.

Your mod had a vaguely busy weekend, so I'm afraid that I didn't get the Halloween Party post up, therefore, I am going to put it up, date it for the 31st, and it can be found right here.

Oct. 26th, 2009


Week Two

Week Two -- Monday October 25 to Sunday October 31, 2004

New additions:
Lucius Bastien, warlock

Community-wide events being discussed:

  • Eminent Arrival of Richard Ainsley ([info]verybritish)

  • Faith's Halloween Party/Morale Booster


  • A new name for the old W&H building

  • The possible rise of a new big bad

Halloween is soon upon the Scoobies and the Fang Gang. The vampires and demons of the underworld tend to give it a rest every October 31st, which means this may be the last day of rest that our gang gets before things start heating up again! Rumor has it Faith is checking out some of the LA clubs in her spare time, scoping out a possible venue for a Halloween bash, so keep an eye out for details!

There's another ugly rumor floating around in the underground that a new evil is starting to rise. There's nothing solid as yet, but it does cause an undercurrent of disquiet amongst the Slayers who have dreams and any other supernatural creature sensitive to the dark vibes.

Oct. 19th, 2009


Week One -- Monday October 17 to Sunday October 23, 2004

Hi, all, and welcome to the first "official" week of Chaos Theory!

New additions:
Maria Montez, witch

Community-wide events being discussed:

  • Establishment of a new library

  • Establishment of a basement armory

  • Eminent Arrival of Richard Ainsley ([info]verybritish)

  • Faith's Halloween Party/Morale Booster

  • A new name for the old W&H building