Jan. 8th, 2010


Who: Riley Finn & Spike
What: Out on the water, sailing very far away
When: Week Six, Saturday Night
Where: The unofficially named Jolly Cocksucker.
Status: Ongoing

With a few red lights and a few old beds, we make a place to sweat, no matter what we get out of this, I know we'll never forget. Smoke on the water, fire in the sky )

Dec. 22nd, 2009


Who: Riley Finn and Spike {M}
What: Into the great wide open, under them skies of blue
When: Week Six, Monday night (8 pm & later for full dark)
Where: Marina Sailing and the houseboat
Status: Closed but Active

His leather jacket had chains that would jingle, they both met movie stars, partied and mingled )

Dec. 8th, 2009


Who: Riley Finn and Spike
What: It's a surprise
When: Week Five, Friday Night
Where: The Pod, the car, and the Marina at Marina del Rey

- - -

Riley had rented a convertible. It was only a twenty minute drive, but Riley didn't want to walk the roughly twenty-five miles. So he rented a big black convertible for the ride. The sun had just gone down, and both bottles of liquor he'd bought earlier were in a bag in the back seat, along with a couple of glasses and a pack of cigarettes for Spike.

Parking in the Pod's parking deck, Riley took the elevator up from the garage to the top floor. Someone had posted a list of names on a blackboard, and Riley followed the arrows down to the far end of the corridor, and pounded on the door with the gold "Spike" nameplate on it. "Open up, blondie bear," he sang out.

Dec. 6th, 2009


Who: Andrew and Spike
Where: Around the POD building.
When: Saturday afternoon.
What: failed avoidance, mostly.

Running, jumping, climbing trees )

Nov. 17th, 2009


Who: Riley & Spike {M}
What: Riley needs to talk
When: Week Four, Day Two
Where: the bar of Riley's hotel

It's five o'clock somewhere )

Nov. 6th, 2009


Who: Beth Holden & Spike
What: Spike interrupts a training session
When: Early Saturday morning, right about sun-up
Where: The Pod, conference room
Status: Closed, active

Just get on back in your pervmobile and cruise someplace else. )