Aternaville - A PanFandom RPG

( Rockin' it hard on iJ since 09 )

Aternaville - Pan-Fandom RPG



Skipped Back 20

April 9th, 2009

04-09-09: Jack, Ianto and the werewolf

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Who: Ianto, Jack, Remus and Jalil
What: Dates and escapes and persuits
Where:  The park to start
When: Thursday April 9th (or Friday april 10th, from a certain point of view)
Rating: G for Goings On (PG13 to be safe)
Status: In progress and semi-open

April 7th, 2009

04-07-09 : Ten and Rose

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Who:  The Doctor (Nine) and Rose Tyler
When:  Tuesday, April 7th, 8:30pm
Where:  The park, near the lake.
What:  Nine and Rose need a little chat.
Rating:  PGish
Status:  Incomplete and Closed

07-04-09: Awkward!Tiems

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WHO: Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones
WHAT: Lounging about at home.
WHERE: The house.
WHEN: 07 April; Evening.
RATING: A for Awkward conversations.
STATUS: incomplete; closed

Insert witty cut-text here )

April 6th, 2009

The Doctor (Ten) & Rose - Closed

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Who: The Doctor (Ten) and Rose Tyler
What: Settling back in!
Where: Ten's TARDIS
When: Sunday, March 29'th. Night
Rating: M for Movie
Status: Incomplete. Closed.

Home sweet TARDIS. Kinda. )

April 5th, 2009

04-04-09 : Meetings and greetings

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Who: Ianto Jones, River Tam and hopefully Jack Harkness and possibly Rose Tyler, too?
What: Introductions
Where: Ianto's house
When: Saturday, April 4th
Rating: T for Tea
Status: In progress, open to the people in Ianto's house

04-05-09 : Ninth Doctor and Ianto Jones

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Who: Ianto Jones and the Ninth Doctor
What: Teatime and conversations
Where: The cafe
When: Saturday April 5th
Rating: D for Doctor
Status: In progress and semi-closed

April 3rd, 2009

Green/Red clashing

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Who: Elphaba and Red (maybe someone else who lives in the apartment building?)
What: Laundry day
When: April 3, afternoon
Where: Apartment complex, 1st floor laundry room
Rating: Low

tumbling down )

March 31st, 2009

03-29-09 : Nine, Ten, Rose, Jack and Ianto

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Who:  The Doctors (Nine & Ten), Rose Tyler, Jack Harkness and Ianto Jones
When:  Sunday, March 29th, 7:30pm
Where: Somewhere.. in town.. Yeah.
What:  This thread and this thread meet.
Rating:  PG-13ish
Status:  Incomplete and Open (if anyone's brave enough!)

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Who: The Doctor (Ten) and Rose Tyler
What: Talk n' chips.
Where: Someplace 'round that serves chips!
When: After Ten and Rose run into the Ninth Doctor.
Ratings: A for ANGST.
Status: Complete/closed.

Time and chips. )


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Who: Elphaba and Jack
What: Flying
When: Backdated to March 30th, sometime around two in the morning.
Where: The Woods
Status: In Progress
Rating: PG-13, just in case.

She felt like a night angel. )

March 30th, 2009

All the fixin's

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Who: Jack and Jones
What: Dinnertime!
Where: Ianto's house
When: Today!  March 30th, round 7 pm
Status: In progress and closed
Rating:  P for pizza

Devil's Dictionary: Determined (adjective) -- Read as Stubborn

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Who: Tonks and Remus
What: Tonks doesn't get it. And has this need to understand.
When: Early Monday Morning. The time of Remus' walk
Where: Tonks is following Remus, so wherever he walks.
Status: Complete!
Rating: C for Confused

Explain to me, this conspiracy against me. )

March 29th, 2009

03-29-09 : Nine and Jack

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Who:  The Doctor (Nine) and Jack
When:  Sunday, March 29th, evening (the exact moment as Ten arrives)
Where:  The *other* side of Aternaville.
What:  Doctors, Doctors, everywhere.. and not a Dalek near.
Rating:  PG-13
Status:  Complete

The Doctor (Ten) and Rose.

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Who: The Doctor (Ten) and Rose.
What: A TARDIS on the fritz and a disgruntled Time Lord.
Where: Somewhere in the outskirts of Aternaville, apparently.
When: Sunday, March 29'th. Early evening-ish.
Warnings: None at present.
Status: Complete.

Standard laws of physics--what goes up, must come down! )

03-29-09 : Prewett and Open

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Who:  Prewett and [OPEN]
When:  Monday, March 29th - 3:30pm
Where:  The steps of City Hall
What:  Prewett needed to not be around Harry.. no. Really.
Rating:  PG.
Status:  Incomplete and Open.

03-29-09 : Tex and Delirium

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Who:  Tex, Delirium and Church
When:  Sunday, March 29 - 10:00am
Where:  The 24 hour diner.
What:  Even Texas has to eat some time..
Rating:  R, R and more R. For language and sexual content.
Status:  Complete

Date-ing ?

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Who: River and York ( i'll have an open thread up for her soon. :D )
What: The usual.
When: 29th Late afternoon
Where: The dock
Rating: Low?

3055 )

March 28th, 2009


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Who: Red and Ianto
What: Red is up to her usual tricks
When: Saturday night
Where: The club

Better than all of your men )

March 26th, 2009

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Who: Tonks and the Librarian
What: Tonks was out searching in the library
When: Early evening of the 26th
Where: Said library, of course.

Our aspirations are hidden in books. )

Here we are. Where:

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Who: Red. Closed
What: Contemplation/complication
When: Today
Where: Various.
Rating: PG+

Because we're the same. )
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