
Characters: Marietta Edgecombe & Cho Davies
Setting: Sunday evening, Marietta's flat
Rating: GP
Summary: Marietta has a secret and she needs to tell Cho.

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Who: Savina Summers & Marietta Edgecombe
Where/When: Friday afternoon, around lunch. @ Twilfitt & Tatting's.
Rating: Let's say PG-13?
Summary: Savina and Marietta cross paths while shopping.

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From: Stewart Ackerley, to Marietta Edgecombe
When: Thursday, 31 March 2011.
What: Note left on her front door at some point in the day.

In what ways can we celebrate your birthday without you falling off the wagon?


Characters: Marietta Edgecombe & Rose Coote
Setting: WAATS offices, 30 March, 11:00 am
Rating: GP
Summary: Marietta needs a means to pay the bills and something to keep her busy and Rose is offering her a chance.

She very nearly looked like an adult. )


Characters: Marietta Edgecombe & Cho Davies
Setting: Cho's house, late Tuesday evening
Summary: The rules were simple, do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars, and go straight to jail. Only in this case, jail meant the Davies resident in Diagon Circle.

For whatever reason, Cho never let her down. )


Characters: Marietta Edgecombe & Stew Ackerly
Setting: Saturday for food before Stew has to work
Rating: PG-13/R, for semi-nudity, talk of sex
Summary: Mari and Stew are neighbors who are also friends in search of food. They are also both adults who don't have much interest in acting like grown ups.

Clothes were not the enemy. No, the enemy was the expectation that she had to wear them. )