Jan. 11th, 2010


Who: Jack, Ianto, Mizuki and Tessa.
Where: Jacobs Student Center
When: Monday, Jan 11th, sometime in late afternoon.
What: The first Rainbow Alliance meeting of the new year!
Rating: PG13 just in case.
Open: To any students who are part of the Rainbow Alliance or are just curious about what goes on in a GLBT group. (students only) Multiple threads, that's what this thread is for ^^

You know, you could move off the table )

Jan. 6th, 2010


Who: Ianto, Jack, Devon and Lacey
When: Sometime before December 18th, 2009
Where: Hub, Lacey's TARDIS, Offworld, then Hub again
What: The girls decide that Jack and Ianto need some along time.
Why: Get Ianto and Jack back to happy.
Rating: Very very R for Sex and cursing.

Apologies, pleads and spankings. )

Jan. 3rd, 2010


Who: Young Gray, Lacey maybe Jack later
Where: Toropikaru first then Lacey's TARDIS
When: January 6th 2010, night time
What: Rift snagged wee Gray
Rating: pg-16. Just to be sure
Open: later on.

Like raindrops tear drops fall from dark grey skies )

Jan. 2nd, 2010


Who: Toshiko Sato
Where: Near Jitters
When: Jan 2nd
Why: She's been pulled here by the Rift, whyelse?
Open: Mostly to Torchwood people.
Rating: TBA

I'm not a princess/this ain't a fairy tale/I'm not the one you'll sweep off her feet )

Nov. 26th, 2009


Who: Lacey Harkness
Where: The Harkness Manor
When: Early afternoon November 21st,
Why: To Celebrate Tessa's 14th birthday
Open to: The Torchwood Crew, Alex, Rick, The Doctor and co. The entire Harkness crew, you know, family and friends

You build your castles in the skies Stars reflecting off your eyes )

Nov. 9th, 2009


Who: Lacey Harkness and some blokes
What: The Kidnapping of Lacey Harkness(I've been waiting days for this)
When: A few days after the incident with Meredith
Where: uhm keep checking back, people are going to be moving around
Open: At first only to those in the Hub. The Doctor and the Master will be called later.
Status/Rating: Incomplete, Rating....PG-13

The Harknesses really were just jeopardy-friendly )

Oct. 31st, 2009


Who: Jack and Co.
What: He takes the kiddlet and team to a haunted house as a Halloween 'treat'.
When: Early evening and well into the night.
Where: Starts at the Harkness Manor then moves to the Winchester Mystery House in San Jose
Rating: Ummm, PG13-ish? There will be ghosts and spooks, it is Halloween after all.
Open: To all the Harkness and Hart kids and family, the Torchwood team, Doctor Who pups and any 'guests' they may want to bring with them.
Note: Costumes are a must, Jack's orders ^_^

Oh nice, threaten to hang me in the suicide forest )

Oct. 23rd, 2009


Who: Rose Tyler, Tenth Doctor, the Master, Jack Harkness
What: Rose is coming back - immortal.
When: Monday, October 19 6:16pm
Where: Torchwood hub, duh. Maybe a pub later.
Rating: PG-13 for now. Will change this if the thread goes any higher.
Open/Status: Open only to the four listed above for now, plus Lacey Harkness, Owen Harper, Ianto Jones, Tessa Dawson, John Noble, Jackie Tyler, Pete Tyler, Tony Tyler, Gwen Cooper, Mickey Smith, Jake Simmonds and Martha Jones. Basically, anyone who knows/cares about/loves Rose. Incomplete right now.
Warnings: Loud squeeing, yelling, cursing. But happy stuff.

You left me. )

Oct. 17th, 2009


Who: Jack Harkness & Ianto Jones
What: Telling the family
When: Friday October 16th 8:30am
Where: Jitters and the Hub
Rating: We're going to go with R for graphic death
Open to: The Tyler's, the Doctor and the Master.

Hate him, he hated himself )

Sep. 20th, 2009


Who: Anyone and everyone!
Where: Outside of Howe Library
When: Backdated to the 19th, 7pm.
What: Back to School Bash & the next murder...dun dun dun.
Status/Rating: Incomplete; TBA
Note: Murder open only to Rose Tyler.

It was that time of year again. The fall semester of 2009 at Ravenhurst University was in full swing, and that called for a party. Of course, it wasn't going to be the type that would be getting fully out of hand, but a party none the less that was open for all the students, faculty, and people in town.

Everything was in place - a local deejay was on hand to supply the music, and plenty of food and soft drinks to go around. Now all people had to do was just show up, and have a good time.

Sep. 18th, 2009


Who: Jack Harkness and Ianto Jones
What: The first meeting of the Ravenhurst rainbow alliance, aka all the LGBT/and gay friendly students hanging out.
When: Friday afternoon.
Where: Jacobs Student Center.
Rating: PG13-ish? Lets be fair, this is Jack we're talking about, he's a dirty minded man.
Open: To all the kids in the Rainbow Alliance, even ones who haven't officially joined yet. (students only)

Jack was sitting on one of the tables in the room, leaning back on his arms. He was watching Ianto move about the room, making sure there were chairs and pillows for the kids to flop on. Jack enjoyed watching the Welshman move about the room, it gave him a reason to gaze unabashedly at his arse. The older man really didn't know what do say to the group of students that had joined up, all he knew was when he saw that the school needed a member of the staff to run the alliance, he had to take the position. Jack knew the 21st century, while better than say the 18th century, was still not always kind to gay kids. It was something he never understood, why sexuality was such a big damn deal. If he could make these kids feel less weird one day out of the week, then he would.

He looked over at the list that was sitting next to his hand on the table. There were only a few kids joined up so far, but he hopped that would change in time. He couldn't help but shake his head fondly when he saw Rose's name on the roster, not surprised by it very much. After all, her little brother was gay, and dating two men at the same time meant that her lovers were obviously bisexual at the very least.

Leaning forward, he clapped his hands together. "Looks like we're all set." He said, giving Ianto a smile. "Now all we need a the rugrats."

Sep. 17th, 2009


Who: Tessa Dawson-Harkness
What: Sulking
Where: Near Jitters.
When: Thursday afternoon
Rating: Not too high, she's 13 dude.
Open: To anyone! ^_^

Tessa was sitting on the curb down the street from the coffee shop that her parents ran, her knees pulled up against her chest, her chin resting atop them. She was watching a very large snail move slowly across the ground by her feet, ever so often she would reach out and put her hand in his way, forcing him to change directions. The animal had swirls and hearts painted on it's shell in various pinks and purples, the name 'Elwood' painted on it in swirly letters. Next to her sat her backpack, a pair of rollerblades tied to the handle of the bag by their laces.

She looked a bit of a mess, her normally shiny red hair slightly muddled by the fact that it was pulled out of it's ponytail rather haphazardly, like someone had been pulling on it. There was a rip in her tights that she was wearing under her dress, her knee scraped and sore looking. She idly reached up and used the side of her hand to wipe her mouth, a gash on her bottom lip leaving a bit of blood in her hand's wake. She didn't care through, she just re-wrapped her arms around her legs and continued to watch her pet snail mull about before her on the curb. She knew she should go into Jitters, knew he parents were expecting her. But she didn't feel like facing the music just yet, unsure if her father had gotten the call from her school. After all, it's not everyday she got suspended for fighting.

Jul. 22nd, 2009


Who: Jack, Ianto and Tessa.
What: Jack's introduction of the family to Ianto and family dinner.
Where: Hanrkness Manor
When: 6pm
Open: Yes, to Mystic, Tavish, Meredith, Devon and Gray.
Rating: TBA

Cut because long post it long )

Jul. 11th, 2009


Who: Luna Lovegood&Ianto Jones
What: Challange Post
Where: Jitters Coffee Shop
When: Afternoon sometime
Why: um.. to get some coffee or a scone before class?
Rating/Status: Infomplete, PG
Open: Nope.

Luna walked out of the library after her english litterature class hoping that she got everything she needed for her essay that she was in the process of working on. In her hands was a notebook that had all her notes and she looked them over, making sure she had all she needed. The dreamy blonde looked up from her notebook and put it away and thought about getting something to eat before she went to her next class. She looked at her watch and saw she had about 2 hours before her math class and spotted Jitters Coffee shop, a place she had not been to before and decided to see what was good there. Making her way over she pulled open the door and walked in, while adjusting her denim sequined bag on her shoulder and looked up at the menu. She twirled a strand of hair around her finger and walked up to where she was supposed to oder. "I'll have a french vanilla iced coffee and a blueberry muffin please." She said to the person behind the counter.

Jun. 7th, 2009


Who: Jack and Ianto
What: Alone time
Where: The Hub
When: Early evening
Open: Nope sorry!
Rating: TBA, but with these two who knows.

Jack made an annoyed groan as he sat at his desk in his new office, rubbing his sore neck. Being hunched over all day fighting with UNIT was never good for ones posture, let alone ones mood. Which is why he finally snapped, standing up and going to his office door. "Tessa!" He shouted down into the main level of the Hub where his youngest daughter was sitting, singing along to her Ipod. "Go home!" He ordered the teen, she was giving him a headache. After a bit of a pout, she gathered her things and left, leaving Jack alone in the thankfully silent Hub.

He sighed as he sat back down, picking up his coffee cup only to find it empty. Damn it, where was Ianto when Jack needed him?

Feb. 20th, 2009


Who: Tessa and Ianto
What: Getting to know one another.
Where: Jack and Ianto's apartment.
When: Early evening
Rating: TBA
Status: In progress

It had only been a couple weeks since Tessa has arrived, and things were still no where near settled. It was difficult for the teen to adjust, but also just as difficult on Jack. He hadn't expected the child to show up, and was often worried she would cause problems between him and Ianto. It wasn't so much because Tessa was a brat (although she was), it was more that he knew the Welshman hated how much he kept from him. And Tessa was basically just another secret from Jack's past that he had neglected to tell Ianto about, staring the two men right in the face.

Tessa was dramatic, to say the very least. And the shock of not only finding out that she was trapped in the past, but that her father died years after she had gone missing, was causing her to act out even more than usual. It usually caused her to scream at Jack, tell him she hated him and hoped him dead. The immortal took it all in stride, mostly. But ever so often, he'd loss his tempter.

This occasion, was one of those times. After a particular loud argument, Jack grounded the teen before stalking out of the house, muttered something about wanting to shoot her at times.
Tessa slammed her bedroom door loudly, leaving the house a eerie quiet. That was until the light sounds of Tessa crying could be heard.

She was sitting on her floor, her back against her bed, her knees pulled up against her chest. Her white baby doll dress fanned out around her looking too big on her small frame, leaving only her bare toes peeking out from the edge of the skirt. She had her head buried against her knees, her red hair was in braids that wound tightly against her head. She didn't even realize that Ianto was still in the apartment.

Jan. 4th, 2009


Who: Jack, Tessa and OPEN (especially Torchwood/DW characters)
What: Oh drama, as usual.
Where: The new Hub
When: Well considering i've been gone for months, we're going to pretend THIS happened today.
Rating: TBA

Jack walked into the new Hub, Tessa a few steps behind him. He had a hold of her upper arm as they walked, all the while the teen struggled in his grip. She complained every step of the way, demanding that he let her go. Jack seemed to just tune the child out, until he found a chair to plop her down into. She immediately went to stand up, but he pointed at her and ordered "Sit!" to which she did.

"Your treatment of me is appalling!" She said with a pout as she flopped back into the chair.

"Yeah yeah, tell it to child services." Jack muttered, pacing a bit in front of her. He finally stopped for a moment, turning to look at her. His blue eyes bored into her gray ones, his hand resting against his jaw in confusion.

"What?" She finally asked.

"Wha...." He shook his head. "What are you doing here?"

"Dunno." The teen shrugged. "What are you doing here?"

Jack opened his mouth to answer, only to find he couldn't. How could he? How could he explain that she's a missing child that was taking from him and her father by the rift thousands of years ago, and that her father was now long dead. It wasn't exactly something that rolled off the tongue easily now was it? "Uh..." He was at a loss. "Tess?" Jack wasn't even sure she really was his daughter, although according to the Rift readings she did come from the right time and she certainly looked like his kid.

"Dad?" She replied expectantly, crossing her arms over her chest just like Jack always did.

"Oh Jesus." He muttered, scrubbing his hands across his face. It was that moment that he heard the door open and someone enter.

Aug. 12th, 2008



Who: Owen Harper Open to Torchwood members only
Where: HQ
When: Right After Lunch
Why: General Meeting
Rating: Low so far

Spooky Spooky Spooky! )