Jan. 4th, 2010


Who: Anna Henderson, Raven Harrison, Tabitha Moon, Liam Moon, Shelly Moon, Ian Moon, and Amy Moon.
Where: Anna & Liam's flat.
When: Evening, around 8:30pm.
What: Anna finding out about Raven's re-appearance.
Rating / Status: TBA / Imcomplete; closed off to only those listed.

Anna had called Tabitha, Shelly, Ian, and Amy to let them know that Raven was back in town, and that she needed to see them. She went into the kitchen to start tea for everyone, and was slightly pacing as she did so. "Liam, love," she paused, looking over at him. "Rae's coming over, she sounded really upset when I spoke to her just a little while ago. And she told me to tell you not to blow up any basements. Tabitha, Shelly, Ian, and Amy are on their way over, too.

There was a knock on the door just as she had finished her statement - the first of five to be arriving. Anna looked through the peephole, making sure it was one of the family members arriving and not any unwanted guests, before opening the door to let Ian into the flat.

"Hi Mum," he said, returning the embrace that Anna had pulled him into before she let go of him. "Dad. What's wrong with Aunt Rae?"

"Maybe you should ask that when she comes over," Anna replied. "For now, have a seat. I'm making tea for everyone."

Jul. 12th, 2009


Who: Jenny&Tabitha Moon
What: Challange
Where: Tabitha's office
When: office hours
Why: Cause Jenny needs to talk about the homework assignment, and makes a very interesting grand enterance.
Rating/Status: Incomplete, PG

Born to run.. )

Feb. 19th, 2009


Who: Tabitha Moon and Sirius Black
What: THE talk... they seriously need this.
When: Today
Where: A park near campus
Why: Because its about time they talked and truth is that they really Need to be the opposite of at odds... its just getting rediculous!
Status: Incomplete, closed

It was cold out. Seriously cold. Sitting on a bench in the middle of the park, watching the snow-covered tree limbs, Tabitha Moon pulled her coat closer around her body. Her wand on her person she had chosen not to use it. It was pretty out here, it reminded her of the woods of the Manor in Manchester... she was here on assignment and she had yet to solve the murders. Still she didn't know why she'd been chosen. She wasn't an auror, she wasn't a hit-witch... And while she'd been here she'd found yet another piece of unfinished business.

But the odds were it wasn't about to be unfinshed for long...

Aug. 4th, 2008


Who: Narcissa Black and Tabitha Moon
Where: Their house
When: August 4th, 3:00PM
What: Unpacking and talking
Rating: Pg-13 at the most
Open: Just to Liam and Michelle Moon

Moving forward is the hardest to do... )