Dec. 8th, 2009


Who: Zatanna Zatara, Sebastian Faust
What: Zatanna is at her late father's estate, locked away trying to figure out how the hell to break the Queen of Fable's spell. Faust decides to come find her.
When: 12/08/09
Where: Shadowcrest mansion, Gotham, NJ
Rating: PG (at least for cussing)

There had to be something. Some spell, some incantation, some potion-- something! Otherwise the kids of the world were royally screwed. )


Oct. 30th, 2009


Who: People on the west coast -- people with money or connections to be invited (or you know the ablity to finangle an invitation) as well as people from St. Elias School for Girls
Where: Gateway City
What:The West Coast fundraiser -- the west coast equivalent of this.
When: Forward Dated to October 31st, 2009
Rating: TBA
Notes: (Stolen from the other post ... )Like with the Gotham party thread, tag in as you will and feel free to wander away from the party or in and out of the party. Also, because the webcams are set up, feel free to comment on any events that happen in the East Coast thread.

Don't go around tonight, Well, it's bound to take your life, There's a bad moon on the rise. )

Oct. 29th, 2009


Who: Open to those with the money or connections to be invited (press and business employees with nice bosses included)
Where: Metropolis
What: Halloween Ball for the rich and famous to benefit orphanges of the east coast. Webcams connect them to the benefit ball on the west coast.
When: Forward Dated to October 31st, 2009
Rating: TBA
Notes: Like with the Gotham party thread, tag in as you will and feel free to wander away from the party or in and out of the party. Also, because the webcams are set up, feel free to comment on any events that happen in the West Coast thread.

Let's drink and be merry for the children )

Oct. 27th, 2009


Who: Raven, Zatanna and NPC!JLA (just in the background)
What: Raven tries to ask the JLA for help, Zatanna says no quite swiftly.
When: 07/24/09 -- afternoon (backdated)
Where: St. Elias School -- Gateway City, CA and JLA HQ -- Happy Harbor, RI
Rating: PG

Trigon's daughter meets a Homo Magi )

Tags: ,

Oct. 4th, 2009


Who: The Question and Zatanna
What: The Question doesn't believe in magic so he takes a closer look at a fellow League member's act to find the parlor trick behind the dazzle.
When: Oct 9th
Where: Metropolis.
Rating: PG

Preeeeeeeeeeeesentin' Zatanna! )


Sep. 29th, 2009


Who: Zatanna Zatara, NPC!Arnie the manager
What: The Mistress of Magic performs her nightly duty at the Orpheum.
When: 09/29/09 -- evening
Where: San Francisco, CA
Rating: G

'And now presenting the Princess of Prestidigitation..!' )


Jul. 15th, 2009


Who: Open to JLA Members / JLA Member's sidekicks
When: July 15th, 2009
Where: JLA Headquarters (Justice Cave)
What: While some people attend a charity gala some of the JLA hang out at their spiffy keen HQ. There sadly is a lack of waiters or fancy finger food.
Rating: TBA

Just another wild and exciting night in the JLA Justice Cave so far. )