Dec. 5th, 2009


Who: Ace, two hyenas and OPEN
What: Ace is becoming a one-child search party
Where: Gotham
When: Backdated to the morning of December 1st
Rating: PG

When Ace got up that morning, it was...strange. There was no sign of Joker, Harley, or even their "friends" whom Ace had figured out were really henchmen. No notes. No signs of the police showing up to arrest them while Ace was asleep. Their entire hideout was totally desolate, aside from the sounds of Bud and Lou down the hallway.

Ace had gotten used to the two hyenas, and they were accustomed to her enough that they wouldn't bite, even without Harley there to watch them.

"Hey Bud, hey Lou....didn't Harley feed you yet?" she asked. Well, she could do that at least. Glancing into the fridge she saw that there was, in fact, food to eat. Including a couple of steaks that had been left for Bud and Lou to eat for breakfast that day. It was odd that Harley hadn't been there to feed them. They were, after all, her babies.

As the two hyenas ate, Ace took a thorough look around the hideout and concluded that it was, in fact, only her and the hyenas around. There were leashes, and Ace was certain that she could restrain Bud and Lou with her telekinesis if she absolutely had to, so she strapped leashes on the two and started going out to search for any signs of anyone familiar.

"Hello?" she said tentatively. The streets seemed to be as desolate as the hideout. Normally there would be cars driving along. "Anybody out here?"

Sep. 26th, 2009


Who: Ace, Joker, Harley Quinn
When: Late morning/early afternoon after this thread
Where: The hideout
What: Introducing Harley and Ace to one another, possibly some random mayhem for the new happy "family" that puts the fun into dysfunction
Rating: PG or so

How to raise a young psychopath in just a few easy steps )

Aug. 31st, 2009


Who: Ace and Raven
What: Raven attempts to recruit Ace
When: Afternoon
Where: In a run down playground not too far from the Joker's current hideout
Rating: PG

Ace doesn't take kindly to recruitment least not when she realizes they're happening )
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Aug. 8th, 2009


Who: Ace and the Joker
What: Ace gets "adopted" and the Joker gets a new toy
When: Saturday night
Where: Seedy area of Gotham
Status: Ongoing
Rating: PG-13 to R for death and one squicky NPC

I want to make you twist your mind so you can be just like me )
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Aug. 1st, 2009


Who: Ace and Simon Dark
What: Ace isn't one to be scared away by urban legends...even ones that are real
When: Saturday, late evening
Where: A park in the Village in Gotham city with a playground
Rating: PG

'Hey kid, haven't you heard the stories about Simon Dark?' )

Jul. 30th, 2009


Who: Ace and maybe Helena and/or Jesse?
What: Ace is pickpocketing
When: Thursday July 30th, afternoon
Where: Near Gotham U
Rating: PG

The rumbling of one child's stomach could not be heard amongst the traffic and the crowds )