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Xavier Memorial Institute

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[Dec. 8th, 2009|12:55 pm]
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Who: Adam and Lizzie
Where: Medlab
When: Midmorning
What: Getting into the swing of the job

This week had been pretty slow so far. Which was good, especially coupled with the nice weekend he'd had. Adam was going through some patient files. Since Lizzie had no experience with working with mutants, especially in a medical setting, that was probably a good place to start.

"How's the desk holding up?" he asked. Really, Ian could be counted on to make anything work, so any adjustments he'd made were probably fine. "So, do you have any questions for me?"

He was an open book and welcomed the opportunity to help her gain an understanding of what she did with her mutation. The better any mutant understood how their mutation worked, the easier it was to use.
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Getting started [Dec. 2nd, 2009|10:09 pm]
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What: Elisabeth arriving to campus
Who: Lizzie, Adam, Ian and whoever else wanders by
Where: Right outside school (at the moment)

Lizzie hurried up toward the school entrance, making a futile effort to smooth out the wrinkles in her skirt that had formed as she drove to the ferry. She quickly ran her fingers through her short, dark hair and congratulated herself on deciding not to fuss with makeup this morning. She had a feeling it'd have smeared; it was that kind of day. Picking up her phone, the short, somewhat chubby young woman checked the time as she stopped by the entrance door. Great, two minutes early. She'd made it.

Now, who was it she was supposed to meet? A quick consultation of her notebook came up with the names Adam Berkowitz - that's right, that'd be her boss - and someone called Ian Fitzgibbon who'd apparently help her get keys, find her way around the place and such. She looked up, but didn't see anyone approaching just yet. Phew, a few seconds to relax. Leaning back against the wall, Lizzie closed her eyes for a moment and rolled her shoulders to loosen them up. The adjustment of stress hormones was so ingrained by now, the woman almost didn't realize she was doing it. Moments later she felt much better, having given herself a little chemical boost. Opening her eyes again, she looked out over the grounds and waited.
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[Nov. 28th, 2009|10:01 pm]
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Who: Adam and Ben
When: Early afternoon
Where: Restaurant in LA
What: Grabbing a bite to eat and general geekery

Adam was running a little late for his late lunch with Ben. The rabbi, who'd gone to seminary with both of Adam's grandfathers back east, pulled him aside to ask after his grandmother. Halfway through the conversation, two things were obvious to him. The man was still clearly harboring romantic interest in his bubbeh after fifty some years and was trying to get Adam to lure her out for a visit so he could 'catch up with her'. Which probably meant trying to make good on those harbored feelings. He promised to make the suggestion after listening to the man praise his grandmother for twenty minutes.

Thelma Himmelfarb had apparently always made an impression on people.

He'd rushed the appointed place, hoping Ben hadn't been waiting on him too long. The man was worse about getting out than he was. Which was probably odd, since neither was really antisocial. Occupational hazard of their given professions, he supposed.

"Hey, Ben," he said as he spotted the older man and settled down across from him. He was still dressed for temple, in a dark suit and tie complete with a black suede yarmulke pinned in place. While his father would have disapproved, he generally only wore his kippah on Shabbat or other holy days. It was inconvenient and really not sterile enough to be worn to work, so he figured the Almighty would understand. "I hope you haven't been waiting long."
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[Nov. 6th, 2009|09:18 pm]
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Who: Adam and Naiya
When: Evening
Where: Boardwalk in LA somewhere

It'd been a nice evening, as far as Adam was concerned. They'd had dinner at an Italian place he'd discovered last year. Italian food was one of his favorites, since they usually had a good assortment of vegetarian and fish dishes. Which meant he could have whatever he wanted for dessert.

The movie had been pretty good and all in all, it had been one of the best dates he'd ever been on. A lot of the pressure had been taken off, since he didn't have to explain anything to Naiya about his career or his mutation. That had made a lot dates awkward. Especially the ones who lost interest in him when they found out what his mutation was.

One of them even asked him if he was gay, apparently based on his mutation and that he hadn't tried to put the moves on her. That had been a fun evening.

"You want to go for a walk?" he asked Naiya as they left the movie theater. "It's a nice night out."
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[Oct. 20th, 2009|09:36 pm]
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Who: Adam and Naiya
Where: On the campus
When: 3ish
What: Lunch and going for a walk

And now he was mooning over the woman instead of meeting her )
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[Oct. 16th, 2009|06:23 pm]

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Who: Sarah, Jamie OT Adam/Sam
Where: Medical
What: Blankets!

She had two blankets in her arms, both from her own suite. )
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[Oct. 11th, 2009|02:23 pm]
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Who: Open to everyone at the rally.
What: Mutant Rights Rally
When: (date of ending)
Warnings: TBD

((OOC: Alright guys, here we go, the first game plot. Those of you who signed up for going to the rally and those of you who are on Legacy, please post an intro thread below for every character separately.))

The rally was filled with cheers and jeers, both sides were wound up, those that protested mutant rights and those that were adamantly in favor alike. )
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Pants Off Dance Off [Sep. 7th, 2009|02:08 am]

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Who: Wally, Adam, Tabitha
Where: An entertainment room with a big ass TV and some awesome people. And cookies.
When: Sunday, September 6th, Eveningish
What: Monty Python marathon. See warnings.
Warnings: PG to PG-13 - British comedy, likely some cursing. LACK OF PANTS.

Wally had been entirely serious about the lack of pants thing so when he got to the living room where he was to meet Tabitha for Monty Python awesome, he was wearing naught but a black t-shirt that actually read in white lettering "With a shirt like this, who needs pants?", matching boxers with tiny white lettering on the crotch that said "If you can read this, SCORE!" and luridly bright socks with what appeared to be illustrations of tap dancing pineapples.

No one ever claimed Wally had fashion sense and the greatest part about it was that all the clothes had pretty much come out of his imagination... You'd never find those socks in a store and likely not the boxers either. Any how, he was carrying a large thing of sugar cookies with icing and all the Monty Python actual movies. This was going to rock.

He stepped into the room with a flourish, about to declare that the party had thusly arrived and could now begin... Only Tabby wasn't there yet. Well Hell's bells.
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[Aug. 31st, 2009|12:40 pm]
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Who: Sarah and Adam
Where: Over the intraweb
When: August 31st (about 3:00am)
What: When insomniacs nag each other
Warnings: TBD

Adam had lost track of time. Again. Not that he'd realized he had. He was reading a rather long but incredibly interesting study on theories of the sudden drastic rise in the number of mutants in the thirty years. The author was very through, even including some of the more particular inane theories floating around.

He particularly liked the theory that mutants were human/alien hybrids. Highly unlikely, considering no matter what Star Trek taught people, there was no guarantee life on other planets was even carbon based, let alone genetically compatible enough to breed successfully with humans. To steal a quote from Star Trek VI not everyone keeps their genitals in the same place.

But most of the book was soundly based in more scientifically minded theories. Like environmental factors, radiation and possibly spontaneous evolution. It wasn't unheard of, like the study pointed out about African elephants being born tuskless due to rampant ivory poaching. Which meant the drastic damage humanity had done to the Earth was causing the species to mutate out of necessity.

Of course, that didn't really explain mutants like him. Who were nearly baseline human with one or two inconsequential mutations. Or maybe it did. Evolution didn't happen overnight, after all.

Taking a drink of his coffee, Adam continued through the study, oblivious to the time and the fact he had a 8:05am class to teach tomorrow. Well, today.
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[Aug. 21st, 2009|04:18 pm]
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Who: Open to All!
What: Back to school autumn festival
Where: Mutant Island
When: August 21st -23rd.
Warnings: TBD

The air still held the warm golden glow of summer rather than the crisp apple red tones of autumn. )
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