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Xavier Memorial Institute

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[Oct. 16th, 2009|06:23 pm]

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Who: Sarah, Jamie OT Adam/Sam
Where: Medical
What: Blankets!

She had two blankets in her arms, both from her own suite. )
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[Oct. 11th, 2009|02:23 pm]
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Who: Open to everyone at the rally.
What: Mutant Rights Rally
When: (date of ending)
Warnings: TBD

((OOC: Alright guys, here we go, the first game plot. Those of you who signed up for going to the rally and those of you who are on Legacy, please post an intro thread below for every character separately.))

The rally was filled with cheers and jeers, both sides were wound up, those that protested mutant rights and those that were adamantly in favor alike. )
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[Sep. 16th, 2009|12:14 am]

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Who: Madrox & Network
Where: The main intraweb network hub on campus (aka Network's office)
When: Current
What: Jamie's just... doing his job
Warnings: Jamie's mind is a twisted thing, but overall pretty mild with a light sprinkling of crack.

Excuse me. Are you Sarah Vale? )
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[Aug. 31st, 2009|12:40 pm]
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Who: Sarah and Adam
Where: Over the intraweb
When: August 31st (about 3:00am)
What: When insomniacs nag each other
Warnings: TBD

Adam had lost track of time. Again. Not that he'd realized he had. He was reading a rather long but incredibly interesting study on theories of the sudden drastic rise in the number of mutants in the thirty years. The author was very through, even including some of the more particular inane theories floating around.

He particularly liked the theory that mutants were human/alien hybrids. Highly unlikely, considering no matter what Star Trek taught people, there was no guarantee life on other planets was even carbon based, let alone genetically compatible enough to breed successfully with humans. To steal a quote from Star Trek VI not everyone keeps their genitals in the same place.

But most of the book was soundly based in more scientifically minded theories. Like environmental factors, radiation and possibly spontaneous evolution. It wasn't unheard of, like the study pointed out about African elephants being born tuskless due to rampant ivory poaching. Which meant the drastic damage humanity had done to the Earth was causing the species to mutate out of necessity.

Of course, that didn't really explain mutants like him. Who were nearly baseline human with one or two inconsequential mutations. Or maybe it did. Evolution didn't happen overnight, after all.

Taking a drink of his coffee, Adam continued through the study, oblivious to the time and the fact he had a 8:05am class to teach tomorrow. Well, today.
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[Aug. 21st, 2009|04:18 pm]
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Who: Open to All!
What: Back to school autumn festival
Where: Mutant Island
When: August 21st -23rd.
Warnings: TBD

The air still held the warm golden glow of summer rather than the crisp apple red tones of autumn. )
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