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Xavier Memorial Institute

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[Nov. 28th, 2009|01:44 pm]
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Who: Kevin and Open
Where: Boys' Dorm Lounge
When: Late Morning
What: Waking the sleeping monster lad

Kevin had spent the last two days enjoying the American holiday called Thanksgiving. Which mostly consisted on gorging yourself on food and then complaining about eating too much. And watching Christmas parades on TV while stuffing yourself silly.

He'd been watching an all night horror movie marathon in the dorm lounge and fallen asleep sometime during the wee hours of the morning. Now he was still sleeping, and was dreaming. Which for Kevin, could be an interesting experience. While he didn't often morph completely in his sleep (unless he was having a nightmare), he did go through fluxes of partial shifting when having a vivid dream.

Like now. It was a nice dream. First he was running through a field chasing butterflies as a hellhound, then he was soaring through the skies as a dragon above a vast forest, and finally swimming through the ocean depths as a kraken.

Which left him with tentacles instead of arms, waving wildly about as if he were swimming. Until one collided with someone or something. And stuck. Oops
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Quiet Time [Oct. 17th, 2009|06:26 pm]

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Who: Nico & Open
Where: Sitting on the shoreline
When: Mid-afternoon, October 17th
What: Currently, thinking.
Warnings: Nico has a dirty mouth that can't be cleaned with gum.

It was kind of amazing to Nico the damage that the media could do. It wasn't that he was surprised - just amazed. Every single time someone was destroyed through a newsfeed it was fascinating. Internally, he realized it was a very good idea that he hadn't gone even though he had been surprisingly curious but... If he'd gone, then there would've been far more damage done if he'd gotten messed with. He was thankful and that kind of amazed him as well.

He fell back against the sand, hooded jacket keeping him from getting any sand in his hair. Focusing on the peace, he let the ocean waves lull him into a sense of serenity. This was nice. He liked this. The ocean was cool... And it didn't seem like there was anyone around to screw it up for him. Hurray!
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[Oct. 11th, 2009|02:23 pm]
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Who: Open to everyone at the rally.
What: Mutant Rights Rally
When: (date of ending)
Warnings: TBD

((OOC: Alright guys, here we go, the first game plot. Those of you who signed up for going to the rally and those of you who are on Legacy, please post an intro thread below for every character separately.))

The rally was filled with cheers and jeers, both sides were wound up, those that protested mutant rights and those that were adamantly in favor alike. )
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[Oct. 8th, 2009|09:03 pm]
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Who: Kevin and Nate and OTA
Where: Dorm hallways
When: Just after classes
What: Critter pinball...and teenage boys with ideas. Be warned.
Warnings: Incredible silliness

Kevin didn't have any homework and he was bored. Which was probably not a good thing for the island population in general. He didn't even want to go flying, which was rare. So he decided he was going to try out a new form.

Okay, the world was weird from this height. Still, now he really wanted to see if Critters could roll. A spiky grin crossed his entire face as he rolled himself up into a ball and rolled. Awesome!

As usual, it only took a couple of tries before he figured out how to do the roll thing correctly. And the little suckers were tough, which meant he could go down stairs and bounce off walls. More awesome.

Going off the top of third floor stairs to get some real momentum going, Kevin let out a whoop as he bounced off the walls, careening down the hallway at breakneck speed.

Hopefully, nobody was coming the other way.
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Wild Haggis [Aug. 25th, 2009|08:20 pm]
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Who: Dorcas,Kevin, Logan
Where: Kitchens
When: August 25th, Late Morning
What: Brekky, a heart attack on a plate
Warnings: TBD

One of the things Dorcas really loved to do was cook. It made her feel comfortable even though it could be kind of hectic. But it gave her perfect control. Measurements, timings, everything. Quite unfortunately, she could never make a meal just for herself because often times it turned into making sure all the measurements were even. So this time she had made enough breakfast for several people, all timed to be finished when the oatcakes and tattie scones.

Many scents were wafting out of the kitchen. There were fried eggs, thick slabs of maple bacon, sliced sausage in square patties, and fried tomatoes... Quite unfortunately she couldn't make the whole breakfast as they did not have blood sausage, fruit pudding (which was not really a pudding at all but more like a sausage with fruit in it) or haggis (which she was not upset about as she did not particularly like haggis).

She'd put all the extras on separate places for whomever came first to serve themselves and was standing in front of the counter, instead of finding some place to sit and eat. The tomatoes were her focus for the moment. A huge glass of milk was her drink of choice. It was kind of nice to cook breakfast and she both hoped for and dreaded the moment anyone decided to join her...
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[Aug. 21st, 2009|04:18 pm]
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Who: Open to All!
What: Back to school autumn festival
Where: Mutant Island
When: August 21st -23rd.
Warnings: TBD

The air still held the warm golden glow of summer rather than the crisp apple red tones of autumn. )
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