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Xavier Memorial Institute

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Narrative [Oct. 26th, 2009|01:18 pm]


Who: Jamie Madrox
Where: The beach
When: Monday afternoon
What: Narrative - thoughtful Jamie
Warnings: None

You can take the boy out of the Kansas farm, but you can't take the Kansas farmboy entirely out of the man. )
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[Oct. 16th, 2009|06:23 pm]

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Who: Sarah, Jamie OT Adam/Sam
Where: Medical
What: Blankets!

She had two blankets in her arms, both from her own suite. )
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[Oct. 11th, 2009|02:23 pm]
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Who: Open to everyone at the rally.
What: Mutant Rights Rally
When: (date of ending)
Warnings: TBD

((OOC: Alright guys, here we go, the first game plot. Those of you who signed up for going to the rally and those of you who are on Legacy, please post an intro thread below for every character separately.))

The rally was filled with cheers and jeers, both sides were wound up, those that protested mutant rights and those that were adamantly in favor alike. )
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Backstory [Oct. 3rd, 2009|11:58 am]

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Who: Jamie, Rachel [info]rhapsodyinblue
Where: Maine Women's Correctional facility
When: Heavily BACKDATED About ten years ago, give or take.
What: Rachel has a visitor
Notes: This is a much younger and naive-ish Jamie, before all the really big crises that turned him into the grumpy old thirty-something man he is today. Mature he was not.

His visitation clearance request had been initially denied because he had a record, for one. Not to mention that he and Quicksilver had broken Rachel out of prison before putting her back (*). )

(*) As seen in X-Factor v1 #79-81
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[Sep. 24th, 2009|02:17 pm]

Who Pietro, OTA
Where Cafeteria
When September 24th, Lunchtime
What TBD
Warnings TBD

Pietro's fingers ran along the edge of the steaming mug, a slight frown on his lips, leg twitching to a beat inside his mind, seeming some what anxious, and as always, looking rather awkward sitting still. He wanted a cigarette, but the coffee would have to do, and he took a long drink, throat burning slightly, lips curling at the mild shot of caffeine.
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[Sep. 16th, 2009|12:14 am]

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Who: Madrox & Network
Where: The main intraweb network hub on campus (aka Network's office)
When: Current
What: Jamie's just... doing his job
Warnings: Jamie's mind is a twisted thing, but overall pretty mild with a light sprinkling of crack.

Excuse me. Are you Sarah Vale? )
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[Sep. 15th, 2009|11:25 pm]


Who: Jamie & Jamie & Ja... o wait. (Prime and a couple of NPC dupes)
Where: Jamie Madrox's housing unit at the institute.
When: Currentish
What: Narrative standalone. Intro post.
Warnings: Rated R for... stuff. Language and situations. Nothing too racy.

DISCLAIMER: No dupes were harmed in the making of this narrative. )
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