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Xavier Memorial Institute

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[Nov. 26th, 2009|10:27 pm]
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Who: Ro and [Open]
Where: Common Room
When: Friday, November 27th. Early Afternoon
What: Hanging around
Warnings: N/A

You didn't see anything... )
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Quiet Time [Oct. 17th, 2009|06:26 pm]

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Who: Nico & Open
Where: Sitting on the shoreline
When: Mid-afternoon, October 17th
What: Currently, thinking.
Warnings: Nico has a dirty mouth that can't be cleaned with gum.

It was kind of amazing to Nico the damage that the media could do. It wasn't that he was surprised - just amazed. Every single time someone was destroyed through a newsfeed it was fascinating. Internally, he realized it was a very good idea that he hadn't gone even though he had been surprisingly curious but... If he'd gone, then there would've been far more damage done if he'd gotten messed with. He was thankful and that kind of amazed him as well.

He fell back against the sand, hooded jacket keeping him from getting any sand in his hair. Focusing on the peace, he let the ocean waves lull him into a sense of serenity. This was nice. He liked this. The ocean was cool... And it didn't seem like there was anyone around to screw it up for him. Hurray!
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[Oct. 8th, 2009|09:03 pm]
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Who: Kevin and Nate and OTA
Where: Dorm hallways
When: Just after classes
What: Critter pinball...and teenage boys with ideas. Be warned.
Warnings: Incredible silliness

Kevin didn't have any homework and he was bored. Which was probably not a good thing for the island population in general. He didn't even want to go flying, which was rare. So he decided he was going to try out a new form.

Okay, the world was weird from this height. Still, now he really wanted to see if Critters could roll. A spiky grin crossed his entire face as he rolled himself up into a ball and rolled. Awesome!

As usual, it only took a couple of tries before he figured out how to do the roll thing correctly. And the little suckers were tough, which meant he could go down stairs and bounce off walls. More awesome.

Going off the top of third floor stairs to get some real momentum going, Kevin let out a whoop as he bounced off the walls, careening down the hallway at breakneck speed.

Hopefully, nobody was coming the other way.
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