World In Her Hands
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I decided to give a look at these Twilight books. What a ridiculous story! It's preposterous! No self-respecting vampire sparkles. What ludicrousness.

Ah, Halloween fast approaches. I do so love this time of year.

Claudia Marie Daniels [userpic]

This is very strange.

Veronica Mars [userpic]


I wasn't aware that my front door was a gateway to Narnia, so forgive my Keanu Reeves moment.

Current Mood: confused confused

I apologize for my absence, I've been sequestered away, reading these books this Anne Rice person has written. She certainly knows quite a lot about me.

Veronica Mars [userpic]

He's gone.

California. I have never much cared for the place, particularly when I have no idea how I came to be here. Though, I'm sure a certain brat was involved.

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