World In Her Hands
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So, I had a . . . fairly random thought the other day. Since we have a few Jedi Masters and Jedi Knights, I think we should, I don't know, talk about a Council. Kyp's making noises about turning his martial arts dojo into a praxeum. I think the idea has merit, though I don't know about the location.


Solos/Skywalkers & Kyp; locked to Katrael )

S'startin' t'feel a little boring 'round these parts. Ain't had... inspiration in comin' on a month.

Murph, y'lazy arse, where'd ya get off to? Anakin, was it? What is it y'do for fun, round here?

"Adjusting" to a place where my daughter's conveniently not, is not turning out to be fun.

Someone want to get. .totally pissed?

Since Jaya and I are both in tears and won't stop laughing, and my stomach is actually trembling from laughing so hard...

Grand-Anakin? We think you should do this more often.

And Grandmother! What grace you have!

Barbara Gordon | Oracle [userpic]

Um...what just happened?

Anakin Skywalker (SW) [userpic]

. . . Didn' I do this already once?

I feel I have missed far too much.

I find myself wondering how many more places I can possible visit before the journey is over.

Mia, I sense you here. How are you faring, my dear.

Anakin Skywalker (SW) [userpic]

It's 90 degrees outside and humidity is 83 percent.

location: Baton Rouge, LA
Current Music: Charlie, RCHP
Anakin Skywalker (SW) [userpic]
Can I force-choke a b*tch, please?

I swear, next time those drunken [ untranslatable] decide to start a fight at the bar, I should just let them go at it.

Blocking the billard cue from one front (which cracked across the arm, thank you very much) allowed the other to swing at the former, miss, and get *me* in the kidneys.

Would have been so nice to just lift them both, hook them on the ceiling struts and let them sober up. But then would have had  to explain how I did that and how I've been keeping the rowdy at bay at the bar. Bad for me and Lou.

Lou gave me the weekend off. Good man.

Oh, found the subject off a tee shirt. No one knew why I was laughing so hard.

Current Mood: cranky cranky

Okay, I think I get it. Alternate reality and stuff? Man.

Anybody doin' anything tonight? Figured I'd try out these Godbox things and get outta Vegas for a while.

Calling all Solos and Skywalkers!

To celebrate my finding actual employment, how about you all come to dinner at our place? [address]


This doesn't make sense.

Where am I?

Anakin Skywalker (SW) [userpic]

Didi is always right, isn't she?

It's not much of a surprise anymore, I bet, but I should probably say it.

location: Baton Rouge

This... is not my Gotham. What is going on?

Le Fantôme de l'Opéra [userpic]

This is why I'm hot
This is why I'm hot
This is why,
This is why,
This is why I'm hot.

I'm hot cuz I'm fly
You aint, cuz you not.
This is why
This is why
This is why I'm hot.

Anakin Skywalker (SW) [userpic]
Lazy Wednedays

A plate of fresh beignets and a glass of bourbon on the porch, motor oil under the nails and a singer drawling
the blues on the radio.

Life is good.

Current Music: Death Came a Knockin' (Travelin' Shoes)

I think I could use a smoothie. With... marshmallows. I don't think I've tried that yet.

Anyone interested?

Anakin Skywalker (SW) [userpic]

What the-
I can breathe. I can breathe. Two hands. I have two living hands, but they aren't mine.

I thought I joined the Force. I did, I remember... I can still feel it.

What happened? Who is responsible? What do they want?

Is Padme alright?

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