World In Her Hands
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Mia Jesbar [userpic]

Does anyone else ever get really weird feelings of deja vu?

Usually I think it's just the Force being funny cause I never really had deja vu before, but sometimes... I don't know. It's weird.

Kitt [userpic]

I have a place to live; now I am seeking employment. Suggestions would be welcomed.

Kitt [userpic]

I have found a place to live. My thanks to Ms. Jesbar for not asking any questions.


Does anyone know where I can find John Connor?

Kitt [userpic]

I need to find a place to stay.

Current Mood: calm calm
John Connor [userpic]

Fuck. This sucks. I was on videotape. Maybe I should have paid more attention to what was going on around me. If I ever find out who sent it in.. I had no idea that fight would be in public. I'm not supposed to be public. My mom would totally flip if she was here. I should also say, you can't believe everything you see. But those guys were hassling me. And I couldn't leave the girl there

Well.. fuck it. I guess I'll have to go through with my plan after all. Wasn't planning to do it this so soon, but hey, better late than never. I suppose it's time to transfer to another school. Hopefully, it's not as crime-infested as Los Angeles.

Kitt [userpic]

Though my sensors indicate I am no longer being followed, the sudden appearance of this device is troubling. If it is to be believed, I am no longer where I was. Which then begs the question: where am I?

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