World In Her Hands
.:: .:. .:: .:..: ..:.. .: .:: .::..
Back July 7th, 2009 Forward

I was just nudged by the younger Gabriel that it has been a while since I posted, hasn't it? So I suppose this is the obligatory "I've not disappeared" post. I'd simply forgotten how time-consuming it is, raising children, particularly a teenager as well as avoiding the other version of myself.

Current Mood: tired tired



Phi/Nicks [Mythology] [userpic]


As you're all aware, Jack is gone. A lot of people are. If I were more of my old self, I'd take it out on anyone I felt like, with no remorse or regret.

But I have a grown daughter and a nearly one year old son who need me and I'll be damned if I get ripped away from them like their father was.

So fuck you, God. You hear me? You're not taking away any more of my family.

Ay, this again?

Okay. I guess I'm reporting for duty all over again. Who called for a muse?

Logan.... )

Back July 7th, 2009 Forward