Nov. 1st, 2010


Here be signups for the 2011 Wizard Love Exchange

Ladies and Jellyspoons:

Wizard Love 2011 sign-ups are here! We hope to see lots of new faces this year as well as many returning friends and veterans. Before you sign up, however, we ask that you make sure you've read the rules. A few things have changed since last year. Watchers, we'd like for you to read them as well, so that you know what to expect from the fest.

The sign-up form is below. Just copy and paste it, fill it out, and submit it in a comment to this post.

You must provide at least 5 pairings you're willing to receive. It's best if you're willing to write/draw a variety of pairings as well. This is a multi-pairing fest. If you're only interested in one or two pairings, this is probably not the fest for you.

Please remember that not everyone has read the same fics or played in the same RPGs as you. Don't request scenarios from another fanfic author's universe or characters from an RPG. Stick with canon characters in the canon universe (AUs that deviate from canon are fine, of course). No crossovers allowed. Please consider requesting characters about whom we know at least a little from canon. This will make it much easier for your gifter to write/draw for you as well as for us to match up assignments.

Try to be as specific as possible about your likes and dislikes for your gifter. Think about including not only sexual kinks and squicks, but story elements and themes you enjoy, your preferences for time periods, tones you like or dislike (e.g. you love darkfic but hate fluff), your feelings about AU, EWE, interview "canon," etc.

If there's anyone for whom you'd rather not write/draw because they're your writing buddy or your beta, or you've written/drawn for them in every exchange ever, email us and we'll take care of you. Just do it quickly so we can begin matching up assignments shortly after sign-ups have closed!

By signing up, you are indicating that you understand that your recipient's gift is due by January 18, 2010. If you are running late, you will request an extension and keep the mods informed about your progress. If circumstances force you to drop out, you will let us know as soon as possible.

Sign-ups will remain open until November 10, 2010
Assignments will be out by November 18, 2010
Pieces are due by January 17, 2011
Posting begins February 1 and will run throughout February into early March
Tags: ,

Oct. 30th, 2010


Two more days!

[info]wizard_love signups are just around the corner! We know some people like to see the signup form in advance to make it easier to post their actual requests without too many edits, so here you go!

Sign-ups will run from November 1 until November 10, 2010.
Assignments will be out by November 18, 2010
Pieces are due by January 17, 2011.
Posting begins February 1 and will run throughout February until early March.

Please remember that this is not the actual signup post! If you have any questions/concerns, please pm the mods or email us at Also, if there's anyone for whom you'd rather not write/draw because they're your writing buddy or your beta, or you've pretty much written/drawn for them in every exchange ever, email us and we'll take care of you. Just do it quickly so we can begin matching up assignments shortly after sign-ups have closed!

Important note: After much consideration, we've decided to once again go with only R-rated and above material for the exchange.There weren't that many people who wanted to receive or produce lower rated material and it was much harder to do matchups because of it. As much as we love having as many participants as possible, if you don't feel comfortable producing a high-ratings piece, this is not the fest for you.

Rules and regulations will be up later today, and signups will open up sometime after midnight on Monday, November 1.
Tags: ,

Nov. 1st, 2009


Here be signups for the 2010 Wizard Love Exchange

Wizard Love 2010 sign-ups are here! We hope to see lots of new faces this year as well as many returning friends and veterans. Before you sign up, however, we ask that you make sure you've read the rules. A few things have changed since last year. Watchers, we'd like for you to read them as well, so that you know what to expect from the fest.

The sign-up form is below. Just copy and paste it, fill it out, and submit it in a comment to this post.

You must provide at least 5 pairings you're willing to receive. It's best if you're willing to write/draw a variety of pairings as well. This is a multi-pairing fest. If you're only interested in one or two pairings, this is probably not the fest for you.

Please remember that not everyone has read the same fics or played in the same RPGs as you. Don't request scenarios from another fanfic author's universe or characters from an RPG. Stick with canon characters in the canon universe (AUs that deviate from canon are fine, of course). No crossovers allowed. Please consider requesting characters about whom we know at least a little from canon. This will make it much easier for your gifter to write/draw for you as well as for us to match up assignments.

Try to be as specific as possible about your likes and dislikes for your gifter. Think about including not only sexual kinks and squicks, but story elements and themes you enjoy, your preferences for time periods, tones you like or dislike (e.g. you love darkfic but hate fluff), your feelings about AU, EWE, interview "canon," etc.

If there's anyone for whom you'd rather not write/draw because they're your writing buddy or your beta, or you've written/drawn for them in every exchange ever, email us and we'll take care of you. Just do it quickly so we can begin matching up assignments shortly after sign-ups have closed!

By signing up, you are indicating that you understand that your recipient's gift is due by January 18, 2010. If you are running late, you will request an extension and keep the mods informed about your progress. If circumstances force you to drop out, you will let us know as soon as possible.

Sign-ups will remain open until November 11.
Assignments will be out by November 18.
Pieces are due by January 18.
Posting begins February 1 and will run throughout February.

Oct. 29th, 2009


Three more days!

[info]wizard_love signups are just around the corner! (OMG, how did it get to be November already?!) We know some people like to see the signup form in advance to make it easier to post their actual requests without too many edits, so here you go!

Sign-ups will run from November 1 until November 11.
Assignments will be out by November 18.
Pieces are due by January 18.
Posting begins February 1 and will run throughout February.

Please remember that this is not the actual signup post! If you have any questions/concerns, please pm the mods or email us at Also, if there's anyone for whom you'd rather not write/draw because they're your writing buddy or your beta, or you've written/drawn for them in every exchange ever, email us and we'll take care of you. Just do it quickly so we can begin matching up assignments shortly after sign-ups have closed!

Oct. 15th, 2009


Rules & Regulations 2009-2010

Signups for the fifth, fabulous year of [info]wizard_love will be happening in two weeks, on November 1, 2009. We've updated our rules and changed a few things, so we're posting them now to give everyone ample time to read them and take them in. Even if you've participated in the past, please read them since some things have been changed or modified and we want everyone to be aware of those changes:

Rules & Regulations for 2010 )

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the rules, please feel free to ask us!

Oct. 31st, 2008


The 2009 Signup Post

Ladies & JellySpoons,

We now present...

The Sign-Up Post

Please read the rules and then sign-up! (If you have both an LJ and IJ account, please sign up only once. It doesn't matter which place)

To sign up for the exchange, please comment in this post using this form (just cut and paste):

Remember, please be as specific as possible with your wants, preferences and your preferred pairings as it will help your benefactor write better/more interesting stories or draw better/more interesting art.

Sign-ups will be from November 1 - November 15 2008 unless we fill up faster in which case, we'll make sure to get the assignments out faster. There is a limit of 100 participants (hopefully this won’t be wishful thinking!)

Participants will receive their assignments by November 24, 2008 (hopefully sooner). If, for some reason, you don't hear from us by then, please let us know immediately!

Finished works are due by January 31st, 2009, and posting will commence on February 7, 2009.

If you have any other questions or concerns, please contact me at


Oct. 25th, 2008


Rules and Regulations 2009

It's only one more week till signups so here are the new rules for 2009:

Rules & Regs 2009 )

Nov. 29th, 2007


The Signup Post!

Ladies & JellySpoons,

We now present...

The Sign-Up Post for 2008!

Please read the rules and then sign-up!

To sign up for the exchange, please comment in this post using this form (just cut and paste):

Remember, please be as specific as possible with your wants, preferences and your preferred pairings as it will help your benefactor write better/more interesting stories or draw better/more interesting art.

Sign-ups will be from November 29 – December 7, 2007 unless we fill up faster in which case, we'll make sure to get the assignments out faster. There is a limit of 100 participants (hopefully this won’t be wishful thinking!)

Participants will receive their assignments by December 12, 2007 . If for some reason, you don't hear from us by then, please let us know immediately!

Finished works are due by February 1, 2008 and posting will start on February 14, 2008.

If you have any other questions or concerns, please contact me at
