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Mar. 1st, 2011


Special delivery for [info]martinius

Title: Darkness Falls
Recipient's LJ name: [info]martinius
Pairing(s): Luna/Ron
Rating: R
Summary The Burrow strains; it quivers beneath the weight of all the things being unsaid. The fear, and the uncertainty. Ron just wishes that it would be acknowledged, rather than avoided.
Word Count: ~1100
Warnings/Content: slight angst, hurt/comfort, characters under the age of 18 engaging in sexual activity.
Author's/Artist's notes: What a long and tortured path this one took. I think I tried every pairing on your sign-up form before finally fixing on Luna/Ron. I'm guessing that this barely makes the R rating, and for that I apologise, but things didn't want to take that direction. Thanks to [info]ragdoll for putting up with my incessant disorganisation and lateness.

Darkness Falls )
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Feb. 22nd, 2011


Special delivery for [info]aigooism

Title: When Harry Met Luna
Recipient's LJ name: [info]aigooism
Rating: NC-17
Summary Harry and Luna tell the world how they fell in love
Word Count: 7100
Warnings/Content:Mostly canon compliant but EWE.
Disclaimer: JK Rowling owns all
Author's/Artist's notes: Several vignettes have lifted directly from canon, (which should be painfully clear by how much better they are than the rest of this) and of course, the format and some of the themes were inspired by the movie When Harry Met Sally. I apologize if the changes in tense are confusing, and am very grateful for my fabulous beta, who caught me when I mixed them up. All remaining mistakes are mine. Thanks to the mods for their patience.

When Harry Met Luna )
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Feb. 18th, 2011


Special delivery for [info]a_shadow_there

Title: In the Shadows
Recipient's LJ name: [info]a_shadow_there
Pairing(s): Teddy/Luna
Rating: NC-17
Summary Diagon Alley, 3 am...
Warnings/Content: Sex
Author's/Artist's notes: There were so many pairings and kinks I liked, so I couldn't use all of them but I tried to include a few :) Hope you like it &hearts

In The Shadows )
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Feb. 10th, 2011


Special delivery for [info]curia_regis

Title: The Seven Lovely Reasons
Recipient's LJ name: [info]curia_regis
Pairing(s): Harry/Luna
Rating: R
Summary Instead of the seven deadly sins, we have the seven lovely reasons why Harry Potter fell for Luna Lovegood.
Word Count: 6,200~
Warnings/Content: None.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling. No money's being made here.
Author's/Artist's notes: Many thanks to my betas and cheerleaders! You know who you all are!

Dear [info]curia_regis, it really is an honour to write for you, and I've had a lot of fun writing this gift. I hope you enjoy!

The Seven Lovely Reasons )
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Feb. 6th, 2011


Special delivery for [info]downjune

Title: Sigh No More
Recipient's LJ name: [info]downjune
Pairing: George Weasley/Luna Lovegood
Rating: NC-17
Summary A therapy assignment leads to much more than George had ever expected.
Word Count: 5,200
Warnings/Content: Um, sex? Nothing kinky.
Disclaimer: If they were mine, I wouldn't be a poor graduate student.
Author's notes: Many, many thanks to my wonderful beta, S. You're the best little tyrant beta a girl could ask for, and I have some serious love for you. To [info]downjune, I sorta played fast and loose with your prompt, but I hope you enjoy!

Sigh No More )
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Mar. 6th, 2010


Special delivery for all our lovely pinch hitters!

Title: A Couple of Weddings
Recipient's LJ name: All our lovely pinch hitters
Pairing: Neville/Luna. Ron/Hermione and Harry/Ginny as background pairings.
Rating: NC-17
Summary Neville bumps into Luna at a wedding
Word Count: 1600
Warnings/Content: Wall!sex, allusions to shower!sex.
Disclaimer: The characters and situations do not belong to me. No copyright infringement is intended.
Author Notes: Thank you so much to TC for the beta!

A Couple of Weddings )

Mar. 1st, 2010


Special Delivery for [info]l3petitemort

Title: A Single Step
Recipient's LJ name: [info]l3petitemort
Pairing(s): Seamus/Luna, Ron/Luna, Seamus/Luna/Ron, implied past Ron/Hermione (and/or Harry/Ron/Hermione if you're inclined to see things that way).
Rating: R
Summary There is too much there now. Too many tears and tantrums, fighting and fucking, hurt and heart and love and loss and everything that people can share with one another. It screams inside him, but he cannot force it out of himself; he cannot find the words.
Word Count: 2050
Warnings/Content: post-DH angst, bisexuality, hurt/comfort, threesome.
Author's/Artist's notes: I've never really bought the whole, "Voldemort was defeated and we all lived happily!" thing, so this is a take on that from Ron's perspective (it didn't start out that way, he just sorta took over). Overall, it hasn't quite turned out as I intended, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless ♥

A Single Step )
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Feb. 26th, 2010


Special Delivery for [info]curia_regis

Title: Crumple-Nosed C*ckblocker
Recipient's LJ name: [info]curia_regis
Pairing(s): Harry/Luna
Rating: R
Warnings/Content: semi-public (but just barely)
Disclaimer: Harry and Luna property of JKR, who would not approve.
Artist's notes: I don't think this is what Harry was hoping
for on his honeymoon. ;) Thanks for a great assignment, and I hope
you like it!

Crumple-Nosed C*ckblocker )
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Feb. 25th, 2010


Special Delivery for [info]serpenscript, Part 2

Title: Our Lives Erased
Recipient's LJ name: parseltonguepen/serpenscript
Pairings: Snape/Hermione, Rookwood/Hermione, Travers/Hermione, Remus/Luna
Rating: NC-17
Summary: In an England where Voldemort has won the war, Wizarding slavery, which was abandoned centuries before, is reinstated. Former enemies of the regime like Hermione and Luna have to adjust to a life as the slaves of Death Eaters. But, as Hermione has to learn, not everyone is what he seems to be.
Word Count: ~ 14,200
Warnings/Content: Non-con, dub-con, Master/slave, bondage, whipping, spanking, public nudity, implied torture, violence
Disclaimer: Harry Potter, its characters, and settings belong to J.K. Rowling and her publishers; no money is being made with this fanfiction.

Our Lives Erased (Part 2) )

Feb. 24th, 2010


Special Delivery for [info]serpenscript, Part 1

Title: Our Lives Erased
Recipient's LJ name: parseltonguepen/serpenscript
Pairings: Snape/Hermione, Rookwood/Hermione, Travers/Hermione, Remus/Luna
Rating: NC-17
Summary: In an England where Voldemort has won the war, Wizarding slavery, which was abandoned centuries before, is reinstated. Former enemies of the regime like Hermione and Luna have to adjust to a life as the slaves of Death Eaters. But, as Hermione has to learn, not everyone is what he seems to be.
Word Count: ~ 14,200
Warnings/Content: Non-con, dub-con, Master/slave, bondage, whipping, spanking, public nudity, implied torture, violence
Disclaimer: Harry Potter, its characters, and settings belong to J.K. Rowling and her publishers; no money is being made with this fanfiction.

Our Lives Erased (Part 1) )

On to Part 2

Feb. 21st, 2010


Special delivery for [info]csi_tokyo3

Title: A Debt Repaid
Recipient's LJ name: [info]csi_tokyo3
Pairing(s): Harry/P.Patil (no spoilers), Harry/Ginny/Luna implied
Rating: NC-17
Summary By order of the Ministry, she is now classified a Dark Lady for the methods used in saving his life. Unfortunately, several other Dark Wizards need a virgin sacrifice. Time for a debt to be repaid.
Word Count: ~4400
Author's/Artist's notes: This was a lot of fun. I really liked writing from this character’s point of view, watching her make the decisions she did. Thank you, [info]csi_tokyo3, so much for the prompt that brought it all about, and I really hope you enjoy it.

A Debt Repaid )

Feb. 17th, 2010


Special delivery for [info]naturegirlrocks

Title: Always
Recipient's LJ name: [info]naturegirlrocks
Pairing(s): Draco/Luna
Rating: R
Warnings/Content: non-graphic sex

Always )
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Feb. 12th, 2010


Special delivery fo [info]severely_lupine

Title: Seriously Loony
Recipient's LJ name: [info]severely_lupine
Pairing: Sirius/Luna
Summary: Sirius is the new Transfiguration teacher at Hogwarts and Luna has a plan.
Word Count: ~4700
Warnings:AU, cross-gen. student/teacher, a little fluff
Disclaimer: All rights to JKR, I own nothing.
Author's notes: This was a quite a challenge since I usually only write slash, but I got this wonderful idea in my head and ran with it. I hope you enjoy it!

Seriously Loony )
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Feb. 7th, 2010


Special delivery for [info]pinkelephant42

Title: Find Your Way by Moonlight
Recipient's LJ name:[info]pinkelephant42
Rating: PG-13
Summary "A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world" -- Oscar Wilde.
and also, Luna is the big spoon, I really couldn't see it any other way :D
Warnings/Content:none except unabashed fluff
Artist's notes: This is my first piece on my new tablet, so I apologize for any technical errors. I hope you enjoy your gift as much as I enjoyed drawing it!

Find Your Way By Moonlight )
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Feb. 6th, 2010


Special delivery for [info]shocfix

Title: Coming Around
Recipient's LJ name: [info]shocfix
Pairing(s): Ron/Luna; Ron/Hermione
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 4308
Warnings/Content: None
Summary Sometimes loving something means letting it go. Then maybe it will come back to you again, even better than before.
Author's notes: Thank you to the amazing D for holding my hand on this from start to finish. I appreciate it so much. Also, thanks to a certain friend of [info]shocolate's for her helpful advice. I hope you enjoy it, [info]shocolate.

Coming Around )

Mar. 23rd, 2009


Special Delivery For: [info]wizard_love

Title:A Snowy Afternoon
Author/Artist: [info]themadmermaid
Recipient's LJ name: [info]wizard_love
Rating: R
Pairing(s): Luna/Neville
Word Count: 1461
Summary: Luna loves snow. Neville doesn't.
Authors notes: I hope that you enjoy this, and thanks for giving me a reason to try a new pairing. (When I saw that you had listed Luna/Neville twice, whether by design or accident, I thought that must be a sign.) Thanks to my beta, who always knows when I say she'll have it by Monday to not even expect it until Wednesday, and keeps editing for me anyway.

A Snowy Afternoon )
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Mar. 13th, 2009


Special delivery for [info]voxangelus

Title: Sparks
Author: [info]arcadian_dream
Recipient's IJ/LJ name: [info]voxangelus
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Draco/Luna; mention of Draco/Pansy
Word Count: 1376
Warnings (if any): Explicit sex, explicit language, smoking.
Summary: Some years after the war, a bored and frustrated Draco encounters a well travelled, and worldly Luna at a bar.
Author's notes: I've not written this pairing before, and only rarely write these characters, so my apologies if this is waaay off the mark. Also, this isn't quite the standard warm-and-fuzzy Valentines-type fic – I didn't really feel it was a fit for these particular characters. Hopefully you'll enjoy it nonetheless.

Sparks )
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Mar. 10th, 2009


Special delivery for [info]altusargentum

Title: 7 Minutes
Author: [info]midnightblue88
Recipient's LJ name: [info]altusargentum
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Ron/Luna
Word Count: ~1500
Warnings: Semi-public sex.
Summary: He wanted to see her fall apart.
Authors notes: Much thanks the lovely people who read over this for me, and to the mods for their hard work running this fest. [info]altusargentum, I was so spoiled for choice with your pairings and your kinks that I couldn't decide what I wanted to write first. I really hope you enjoy this!

7 Minutes )
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Mar. 9th, 2009


Special Delivery For: [info]gryffindorj

Title: The Dragon Whisperer
Author: [info]eeyore9990
Recipient's IJ/LJ name: [info]gryffindorj
Rating: R
Pairing(s): Charlie/Luna
Word Count: ~3000
Warnings: None
Summary: Charlie's dragon is being more temperamental than usual; against his wishes, his boss calls in The Dragon Whisperer.
Author's notes: When I saw your sign-up, this pairing intrigued me... just before I was coshed senseless by the following bunny. I hope you enjoy!

The Dragon Whisperer )
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Mar. 5th, 2009


Special Delivery For: [info]abusing_sarcasm

Title: Troll Poker
Author/Artist: [info]almond_joyz
Recipient's LJ name: [info]abusing_sarcasm
Rating: R/NC17
Pairing(s): Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione, Seamus/Lavender, Dean/Luna
Word Count: approx. 5,195
Warnings (if any): drunkenness, silly behaviour, public snogging, anal sex, morning after vomiting, public sex (mentioned), slurred speech

Summary : September first has never been so much fun.

Author's Notes: I hope this is what you were hoping for, [info]abusing_sarcasm. I tried my best to make it silly, school stuff and I think I accomplished it. Special thanks go out to everyone who read the snippets as I was having a great deal of difficulty getting this written. A an uber amount of thanks go to my crack betas, S and M. I love you two, have I said that lately?

Troll Poker )

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