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Mar. 10th, 2011


Special delivery for [info]digital_devi

Title: Hideaway
Recipient's LJ name: [info]digital_devi
Pairing(s): Bill/Tonks
Rating: R

Summary Just mind the coat check, they said. It'd have been an utter bore if it weren't for a little indiscretion...
Warnings/Content: semi-public, corset, half-clothed sex
Artist's notes: I hope this is the sort of thing you were hoping for! <3

Hideaway )
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Mar. 7th, 2011


Special delivery for [info]leni_jess

Title:Lean On Me
Recipient's LJ name: [info]leni_jess
Pairing(s): Severus Snape/Nymphadora Tonks
Rating: NC-17
Summary She is the only one who is there for him.
Word Count: 2,729 give or take a few
Warnings/Content: Plot with Porn as requested.
Disclaimer: The Potterverse belongs to JKR and others too numerous to list. I own nothing but the dubious plot.
Author's/Artist's notes: Many thanks to the Mod's for running this Exchange again and many thanks to the small village that was employed to bring this story to life. Ladies, you rock my world!

Lean On Me )
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Feb. 23rd, 2011


Special delivery for [info]savine_snape

Title: By Candlelight
Recipient's LJ name: [info]savine_snape
Pairing(s): Snape/Tonks
Rating: NC-17
Summary After a successful mission, Tonks visits Snape late at night...because he has something she needs
Warnings/Content: N/A
Disclaimer: Not mine, just borrowed.
Artist's notes: Happy Vday, Savine_Snape, I hope you enjoy my gift to you!

By Candlelight )
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Mar. 6th, 2010


Special delivery for [info]ozma_katiebell

Title: Brand New Lover
Recipient's LJ name: [info]ozma_katiebell
Pairing(s): Charlie/Tonks, Kingsley/Tonks
Rating: NC-17
Summary: In order to get Molly to stop playing matchmaker, Kingsley and Tonks embark on an elaborate romantic ruse. But sometimes, fantasy becomes fact.
Word Count: ~10,000
Warnings/Content: polyamoury, a bit of flangst, nothing very controversial
Author's notes: This is for the amazing [info]ozma_katiebell who asked for so many lovely things including both pairings, UST, snappy dialogue, oral sex, standing up sex, sex in a semi-public place, friends who are afraid to risk more, fics that incorporate letter writing, third wheels being thrown together, and getting involved with a co-worker. *catches breath* Yes, I know you said only one or two would be fine, but I really liked them all too much to exclude any of them. I do hope this is what you were hoping for.

My thanks to R., S. & M. for their help, support and brainstorming, and as always, R. for her betaing services. My gratitude to the mods for being so patient, and my apologies to Eddie Izzard for stealing one of his best jokes.

Brand New Lover )

Mar. 2nd, 2010


Special Delivery for [info]karasu_hime

Title: Tea and Pastries for the Dead
Recipient's LJ name: [info]karasu_hime
Pairing(s): Snape/Tonks
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The end of the story is not mentioned in the history books, not even in a footnote. Some things escape the notice of historians.
Word Count: ~3k
Warnings/Content: a bit of AU, a bit of fluff, a few liberties taken with regard to spells and potions
Disclaimer: Nothing you recognize belongs to me.
Author's/Artist's notes: Huge thanks to E for all her help, and to R for the cheerleading and betaing and title, and to the mods for their patience with me. [info]karasu_hime, I wasn't able to fit in all of the elements that you requested, but I tried to work in as many as would fit, and I really hope that you enjoy this.

Tea and Pastries for the Dead )
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Feb. 27th, 2010


Special Delivery for [info]luvscharlie

Title: Comfort Food (And Other Cures for Homesickness)
Recipient's LJ name: [info]luvscharlie
Pairing(s): Charlie/Tonks
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Charlie is homesick for Romania, but a chance encounter with an old flame starts to make things better.
Word Count: 3593
Warnings/Content: really bad food-related euphemisms, sixty-nine, slightly AU in that Tonks survived DH.
Disclaimer: The world of Harry Potter belongs to JKR and her publishers. I simply create my ideas of a happy ending whenever possible.
Author's/Artist's notes: I hope you enjoy this, [info]luvscharlie! It’s not a pairing I’ve written before, so I sincerely hope their characterisations are at least slightly in line with your vision of them.

Comfort Food (And Other Cures for Homesickness) )

Feb. 14th, 2010


Special delivery for [info]digital_devi

Title: The Fainting Couch
Recipient's LJ name: digital_devi
Pairing(s): Bill Weasley/Nymphadora Tonks
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Young Mr. Bill Weasley has an eloquent way of distracting the Lady Tonks
Warnings/Content: Oral sex, nudity, not work safe!
Artist's notes: Happy Valentine’s Day! Enjoy! :D

The Fainting Couch )
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Feb. 6th, 2010


Special delivery for [info]ericahpfa

Title: A Lost Opportunity
Recipient's LJ name: [info]ericahpfa
Pairing(s): Charlie/Tonks
Summary: Losing a Quidditch match. Losing the love of a lifetime. Will opportunity knock again?
Word Count: 3092
Warnings/Content: angst
Author's/Artist's notes: I have to admit that I was rather intimidated by receiving you as my recipient. I know what a Charlie/Tonks fan you are and I really hope that you like this. You said that you were up for pretty much anything, and I hope this doesn't disappoint.
Thanks to my betas for their help on this.

A Lost Opportunity )

Mar. 23rd, 2009


Special Delivery For: [info]luvscharlie

Title: Slip of the Tongue
Author: [info]eeyore9990
Recipient's IJ/LJ name: [info]luvscharlie
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Charlie/Tonks (mentions Bill/OFC/Charlie, Tonks/Various)
Word Count: ~2300
Warnings: Shower sex, wall sex, dirty talking, mentions of incestuous-ish relationship and other kinky stories
Summary: Charlie helps Tonks get dirty in the shower.
Author's notes: I leave the truth of Charlie's and Tonk's stories up to the reader's imagination—they can be completely fictitious or not, depending on your comfort level.

[info]luvscharlie, I hope you have as much fun reading this as I had writing it. Your list of prompts was entirely too much fun; I had a very had time not using them ALL!

Slip of the Tongue )

Mar. 18th, 2009


Special delivery for [info]spinneresque

Title: Scorch
Author/Artist: [info]green_amber
Recipient's LJ name: [info]spinneresque
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Charlie/Angelina, and a brief mention of Bill/Tonks
Word Count: ~1800
Warnings (if any): None, except that Angelina is 17, which is an adult in the wizarding world, but may or may not be an adult where you live.
Summary: He's back at Hogwarts to care for the Triwizard dragons; she's sick of the Tournament hype. It's a gorgeous evening. Smut ensues.
Author's notes: For [info]spinneresque, who wanted fun! Hope this fits the bill. Thanks to [info]ragdoll for being awesome, and to C for the uber-quick beta.

Scorch )

Mar. 15th, 2009


Special Delivery For: [info]twilightsorcery

Title: Wicked Game
Author: [info]digital_devi
Recipient's IJ/LJ name: [info]twilightsorcery
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Sirius Black/Nymphadora Tonks, vaguely Remus Lupin/Nymphadora Tonks
Word Count: ~5450
Warnings (if any): Infidelity, Blackcest (see pairing)
Summary: Sirius Black only intended to goad Remus Lupin into action when it came to winning the affections of a certain pink-haired girl. Somehow, however, things had not gone according to plan.
Author's notes: [info]twilightsorcery, I loved all your prompts and your requested pairings, but this one seemed to work the best. I tried to work in as many of your wants in here, including adultery/cheating. I know it's not quite full-blown adultery, but hopefully the emotional infidelity and "poaching" will serve. I really hope you like this.

Thank you to betas E, S,& M, and R. & L. for moral support and suggestions of a Sirius nature.

Wicked Game )
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Mar. 14th, 2009


Special delivery for [info]zephre

Title: Every Mile a Memory
Author: [info]luvscharlie
Recipient's IJ/LJ name: [info]zephre
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Charlie Weasley/Nymphadora Tonks
Word Count: 3,120
Warnings (if any): Sex, angst
Summary: In the aftermath of war, we hold on tightly to what's left. Sometimes memories are all we have.
Author's notes: Thank you, J. for the beta. I hope you enjoy it, [info]zephre! It was a pleasure to write for you, dear.

Every Mile A Memory )

Mar. 11th, 2009


Special delivery for [info]green_amber

Title:Things That Go Bump in the Night
Author: [info]ozma_katiebell
Recipient's IJ/LJ name: [info]green_amber
Rating: NC17
Pairing(s): Tonks/Sirius
Word Count: 5185
Warnings (if any): Slightly incestuous (see pairing). A bit of breathplay, bondage, a physical fight as foreplay and playing at dub/con.
Summary: Tonks discovers that 'taking down the bad guy' is a hell of a lot more fun when the bad guy in question enjoys being taken down.
Author's notes: Kethlenda, I had this perfectly respectable, plotty and romantic Hannah/Neville plot bunny brewing for you. Just as I sat down to write it, your words, "Tonks/Sirius (yeah, dirtybadwrong for the win)" took over my brain and this demented plot bunny kicked the other one's fluffy backside in a cagefight. I just couldn't help myself. I hope it's up your alley because I sure had a lot of fun writing it. Grateful thanks to M for the much-needed inspiration and input, and to the two lovely ladies (S and J) who helped me polish it.

Things That Go Bump In The Night )
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Mar. 8th, 2009


Special delivery for [info]leni_jess

Title: Reasons to Return
Author: [info]chiralove
Recipient's IJ/LJ name: [info]leni_jess
Rating: R
Pairing(s): Snape/Tonks (with brief mention of canon pairings: Remus/Tonks and Harry/Ginny)
Word Count: 2800ish
Warnings (if any): Light bondage. Infidelity, or at least the appearance of infidelity. Slightly AU with regards to DH (some character deaths ignored; other canon character deaths … well, not ignored)
Summary: Severus, strict with himself even when it does not matter, insists on having three reasons.
Authors notes: Leni, I loved writing for your prompts and I hope you enjoy this! Huge thanks to the wonderful mods for running this fest so well, and to my beta, A, who was amazingly helpful and speedy! *loves*

Reasons to Return )
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Feb. 28th, 2009


Special Delivery For: [info]digital_devi

Title:"Wet and Wild" (or "In Service to the Ministry")
Artist: [info]venturous
Recipient: [info]digital_devi
Media: photoshop, pencil
Pairing(s): Kingsley/Tonks
Warning(s): blowjob, girl bits
Disclaimer:any recognizable characters don't belong to me; I am just borrowing them for entertainment.
A/Ndigital_devi, thank you for your fun prompts! I enjoyed playing with them in the shower, and learning how to make them wet. I hope you like it!

Wet and Wild )

Feb. 15th, 2009


Special Delivery For: [info]karasu_hime, pt 2

Title: Six Ways To Sunday, pt. 2
Author: [info]psyfic
Recipient's LJ name: [info]karasu_hime
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Snape/Tonks
Word Count: this section 7,210. 11,750 total.
Warnings (if any): karasu_hime, among other things, you asked for women in charge, fingering, first time-kissing or sex, dirty talk, experimenting. I think I managed a bit of all that. You also said you don't mind angst or even having your heart ripped out as long as everyone is together/happy at end. Check. Well, what you didn't ask for and this story contains is mention of (off-screen) torture, legilimentic voyeurism, and h/c.

Summary: This fic explains one possible way Snape regained Voldemort's trust after Goblet Of Fire.
Authors notes: Thank you to my beta's and britpicker, who shall remain anonymous. [info]karasu_hime, your work has given me so much joy that I was delighted to be chosen to write for you. I hope you enjoy your wizard_love. :) Oh, and by the by, all inset quotes are from Harry Potter & The Goblet Of Fire.

Continued from part 1
Six Ways To Sunday, pt. 2 )
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Special Delivery For: [info]karasu_hime, pt 1

Title: Six Ways To Sunday - part 1
Author: [info]psyfic
Recipient's LJ name: [info]karasu_hime
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Snape/Tonks
Word Count: this section 4,540. 11,750 total.
Warnings (if any): karasu_hime, among other things, you asked for women in charge, fingering, first time-kissing or sex, dirty talk, experimenting. I think I managed a bit of all that. You also said you don't mind angst or even having your heart ripped out as long as everyone is together/happy at end. Check. Well, what you didn't ask for and this story contains is mention of (off-screen) torture, legilimentic voyeurism, and h/c.

Summary: This fic explains one possible way Snape regained Voldemort's trust after Goblet Of Fire.
Authors notes: Thank you to my beta's and britpicker, who shall remain anonymous. [info]karasu_hime, your work has given me so much joy that I was delighted to be chosen to write for you. I hope you enjoy your wizard_love. :) Oh, and by the by, all inset quotes are from Harry Potter & The Goblet Of Fire.

Six Ways To Sunday, pt. 1 )
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Feb. 8th, 2009


Special delivery for [info]thanfiction

Title: When Impatience Paid Off
Author/Artist: [info]effronteaumonde
Recipient's LJ name: [info]thanfiction
Rating: R
Pairing(s): Remus/Tonks
Word Count: 1554

Summary: After pining away over Remus, Tonks takes matters into her own hands.
Authors notes: Set during the autumn of HBP, HBP and DH compliant.

When Impatience Paid Off )
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Mar. 15th, 2008


Special delivery for [info]kereia - Part 2

Title: Never Trust an Epilogue - pt. 2
Author: [info]violet_quill
Recipient's Name: [info]kereia
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Snape/Tonks, Remus/Tonks
Summary: The future that Tonks knows is one where Voldemort still lives in hiding, Death Eaters have resorted to terrorist attacks, and families have been broken and splintered… though also one where she has two wonderful sons and a husband who loves her. But then some powerful dark magic brings her face to face with different futures, including one where Harry Potter lives a normal life with three children, she is dead, and "all is well." What makes one future the "right" one?
Warnings: outdoor sex, some dirty talk, character death (major implied, minor depicted), implied adultery, either AU or epilogue-compliant depending on how you look at it
Word Count: 13,000
Notes: There are parts in this fic that borrow very heavily from the DH epilogue, mostly in structure but at times, complete quotations. This story began as an extremely complicated time travel tale, but after dealing with plot holes that I could drive a train through, this version emerged instead. I know that this is a bit of an unconventional form of EWE, [info]keiera, but I do hope that you enjoy it! Many thanks to S, who listened to me wibble about my plot issues for months, and to the WL mods for truly saintly patience.

Never Trust an Epilogue )


Special delivery for [info]kereia - Part 1

Title: Never Trust an Epilogue - pt. 1
Author: [info]violet_quill
Recipient's Name: [info]kereia
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Snape/Tonks, Remus/Tonks
Summary: The future that Tonks knows is one where Voldemort still lives in hiding, Death Eaters have resorted to terrorist attacks, and families have been broken and splintered… though also one where she has two wonderful sons and a husband who loves her. But then some powerful dark magic brings her face to face with different futures, including one where Harry Potter lives a normal life with three children, she is dead, and "all is well." What makes one future the "right" one?
Warnings: outdoor sex, some dirty talk, character death (major implied, minor depicted), implied adultery, either AU or epilogue-compliant depending on how you look at it
Word Count: 13,000
Notes: There are parts in this fic that borrow very heavily from the DH epilogue, mostly in structure but at times, complete quotations. This story began as an extremely complicated time travel tale, but after dealing with plot holes that I could drive a train through, this version emerged instead. I know that this is a bit of an unconventional form of EWE, [info]keiera, but I do hope that you enjoy it! Many thanks to S, who listened to me wibble about my plot issues for months, and to the WL mods for truly saintly patience.

Never Trust an Epilogue )

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