February 25th, 2011

[info]wl_mods in [info]wizard_love

Special delivery for [info]scarletladyy

Title: Two Times a Month
Recipient's LJ name: [info]scarletladyy
Pairing(s): Draco/Pansy
Rating: NC-17
Summary He’s the only one that visits her in Azkaban
Word Count: 2100+
Warnings/Content: Angst, sex
Disclaimer: HP and all assorted are not mine.
Author's/Artist's notes: Thanks to J. for beta’ing and for the mods for being understanding.

Two Times A Month )
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[info]wl_mods in [info]wizard_love

Special delivery for [info]gelsey

Title:Third Time's the Charm
Recipient's LJ name: [info]gelsey
Pairing(s):Charlie Weasley/Millicent Bulstrode
Rating:NC 17
SummaryWhat started as a summer fling becomes much more over time.
Word Count: 4,628
Disclaimer: (optional)I don't own Charlie and Millicent, though I wish I did.
Author's/Artist's notes: Thank you to our lovely mod for her patience with me. Thank you to the lovely S. for beta reading for me. Gelsey, I hope you like this. I tried to take several of the elements you listed, and turn them into something. Your prompt about Strawberry Wine helped set the mood for this.

Third Time's The Charm )