February 24th, 2011

[info]wl_mods in [info]wizard_love

Special delivery for [info]lady_green_bat

Title: Get Lucky
Recipient's LJ name: [info]lady_green_bat
Pairing(s): Katie/Marcus
Rating: NC-17
Summary Katie has a lucky charm that helps her win Quidditch matches.
Word Count: 1400
Warnings/Content: none
Disclaimer: This story contains characters and situations created by JK Rowling. I'm just taking them out for a spin. No copyright infringement is intended and no money is being made.
Author's/Artist's notes: I hope you enjoy this, lady_green_bat! Thanks to my beta.

Get Lucky )

[info]wl_mods in [info]wizard_love

Special delivery for [info]idea_of_sarcasm

Title: Crystal Animals
Recipient's LJ name: [info]idea_of_sarcasm
Pairing(s): Seamus/Lavender
Rating: R
Summary Seamus needs a place to stay.
Word Count: ~1500
Warnings/Content: Language, sexual content
Disclaimer: These are not my characters.

Crystal Animals )