February 26th, 2011

[info]wl_mods in [info]wizard_love

Special delivery for [info]purelush

Title: How to Save a Life
Recipient's LJ name: [info]purelush
Pairing(s): Main: Katie/Percy, Katie/Oliver; Side: Percy/Penelope, Percy/Audrey, George/Alicia, with some Fred & George bits thrown in, and the other Weasleys along with a few other Canon Characters
Rating: R
Summary: The war affected everyone in different ways. For Katie and Percy, their relationships with other people have suffered due to their grief over losing Fred and watching George slowly self-destruct. Can these two broken individuals somehow find comfort in one another, even for a few stolen moments?
Word Count: 8,323
Warnings/Content: Angst, sex (obviously), and graphic references to the war
Disclaimer: While I would love to see JK Rowling explore other people in her world, I don't see it happening anytime soon, so I write fanfic for the enjoyment of it. I assure you no money is being made off of this.
Author's notes: I've been intrigued by the idea of Katie/Percy, but I haven't yet read them or had a chance to write them, so this was an interesting experiment for me. I hope they are both to your liking. I kept things as close to canon as I could, except for the George pairing because I have an aversion to the canon one. It's sort of an epic character study and I know you enjoy a lot of plot, so I really hope that you enjoy it. Also, mad props to my awesome buddy for making sure I didn't overlook any editing things on this thing, you rock.

How To Save A Life )

[info]wl_mods in [info]wizard_love

Special delivery for [info]eloquent_toast

Title: Five Fail-Safe Ways to Charm a Witch out of her Robes
Recipient's LJ name: [info]eloquent_toast
Pairing(s): Ron/Hermione, background Harry/Charlie
Rating: NC-17
Summary Despite their kiss after the battle, her relationship with Ron hasn't moved forward. Then she overhears Ron and Harry talking about a book and suddenly things start to happen.
Word Count: 5,000 words
Warnings/Content: Masturbation, mutual masturbation, pillow humping
Disclaimer: These characters belong to JK Rowling and no money is being made from this instance of putting them into erotic situations.
Author's/Artist's notes: [info]eloquent_toast, I've seen your Ron on many an occasion and his torso never fails to inspire. It was part of the inspiration for this fic. I couldn't manage angst, but I think I managed to fit in some of your other likes. Excerpts from Five Fail-Safe Ways to Charm a Witch out of her Robes were written with the assistance of various, really terrible, websites offering advice on how to pick-up women. Please take my advice and never google "how to seduce chicks". Much love to my beta, and to the mods who were patient with me through four attempts before my fifth finally started working.

Five Fail-Safe Ways to Charm a Witch out of her Robes )