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[Hogwarts Faculty, Staff and Students] [Aug. 18th, 2015|11:48 pm]

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In consideration of the aging epidemic I would like to remind all faculty, staff and students of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry that all persons are required to check-in either at the infirmary or couselling office to help ensure your health and safety. As you may or may not be aware, there are currently several infants and youngsters on campus that have yet to be identified, having aged beyond recognition and/or power of speech. Your cooperation checking-in with the appropriate departments will be of great assistance in identifying our youngest afflicted by process of elimination.

Furthermore, should you require guidance coping with this event, either by direct or indirect contact, please note I have extended my office hours temporarily. In the event I am needed beyond those hours, do not hesitate to call upon me either by owl, patronus, house elf or in person.

Lastly, do be cautious of your actions during this time. Dramatic hormonal shifts are often influential in one's behaviour. Remember to respect yourself and your fellows. Where possible, consult a heeler should you consider partaking in any activity previously restricted by age. Such include but are not limited to drinking, smoking or sexual intercourse, as these may affect you differently under such conditions.


Mr. Boot

Terry Boot
School Counsellor
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Office Hours: Monday to Sunday, 8:00am to 6:00pm
No. 17 Faculty Housing
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[Aug. 10th, 2015|11:40 pm]

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I find myself currently employed and, surprisingly, excited about it.
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[Aug. 10th, 2015|08:48 am]

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[mood | cranky]

I'm back a whole fuckin' 3 hours and I got a date with the counselor on account of my 'previous misconduct'. I already come back early.

As if they got a right to tell me to do anything. Couldn't settle my things in my bed before they went and grabbed me. One weekend off detention, I coulda managed that.

If back home weren't harrier bollocks than here I'd be gone.

Stiff drink could do me bout now.
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[Jul. 12th, 2015|12:11 pm]

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New Orleans is so brilliant! I'm in love with this city.

Look what we found )
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[Private to Ms. Selwyn and Mr. Dehoff] [Jul. 2nd, 2015|06:11 pm]

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I wanted to commend you both for the formal and public apology to Ms. Chang and Mr. Boardman. Doing the right thing is often exceptionally difficult for innumerable reasons which may not always be perceivable by an observer. Even more difficult a task, admitting when one is wrong and when one has wronged another.

Thank you for your honesty in this account, tardy as it may be. Coming forward shows great strength and good heart.

Should either require anything at all, you know where my office is located. I am holding reduced hours for the summer, ten o'clock in the morning until tea. Should you have a need of me outside those hours, you may reach me here at this journal. Furthermore, any house elf can bear a message to my private residence.

I wish you both well in your move.

- Mr. Boot
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[Jul. 2nd, 2015|05:58 pm]


On behalf of myself and Julius Dehoff, I would like to make a formal apology to the wizarding community in Hogsmeade. We were recently interviewed by Mr. Potter in the case of the "attacks" and have come to terms with our actions. I would like to be clear however, that they were not attacks. We were simply experimenting with some new spells outside of school grounds that got out of hand. We ran and did not report it because we knew that it would most likely get us in trouble. We can (obviously) see now that it was silly to think otherwise.

To Mr. Boardman and Ms. Chang~
We sincerely apologize for any type of damage and emotional turmoil we may have put the two of you in. Being in Ravenclaw, it was devastating to see a fellow classmate get caught in the crossfire. Professor Boardman, I'm sorry for how it effected your memory in the weeks that followed.

Julius and I will be leaving our flat in Hogsmeade to take up residence back at the school. Again, we apologize for being silent for so long and the destruction that was set upon Hogsmeade.
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[Jun. 25th, 2015|10:33 am]

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Tomorrow is a huge day. HUGE!

Maybe I should go shopping, and get some clothes or something.

For those who saw my infamous broom dives into the pool at the party, it nearly wrecked my new practice jersey, but it has been magically saved.
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[May. 25th, 2015|11:02 pm]


Private to Julius )
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[May. 22nd, 2015|12:47 pm]

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How many more weeks of studying? My brain is so ready for vacation.

Speaking of summer, when is the housing going to be ready? Let the fun begin.
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[May. 20th, 2015|09:59 pm]


Private to Jules )
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[May. 17th, 2015|09:45 pm]

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I've been complaining this whole year about the school and now I find that I don't want summer to come. Studies have suddenly become very interesting and I'm loathe to be away from them for a whole summer. I guess I'll need to take up an independent study or something along those lines.
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[May. 13th, 2015|10:37 pm]

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Tips to fight off insomnia?

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[May. 13th, 2015|06:16 pm]


Private to Jules )
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[Apr. 30th, 2015|07:20 pm]

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I have to think about summer now, I guess. Everyone is talking about the whole housing thing.

Back in 1997, I knew exactly what I was going to do.
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[Apr. 30th, 2015|01:40 am]


Private to Jules )
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[Apr. 28th, 2015|12:12 am]


So I have made the decision to stay at the school over the summer holiday. I had toyed with the notion of finding a place temporarily outside, just to see what the wizarding society really is like.

And then I realized I would rather spend the holiday around people I tolerated instead of seeing the decay difference of society.

Private to Jules )
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[Apr. 17th, 2015|07:04 am]

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Students: I'm Shaw. I will be teaching your Astronomy classes and for you lucky few who plan to learn how to apparate this year, you'll also get me. Study.

To make sure we all get off on the right foot, let me tell you something about myself:

1) I will never tell you anything about myself.

Don't talk in my class. Don't be late. Don't get up from your seat without permission. And don't ask stupid questions-- yes, there are definitely such things as stupid questions. If I catch you writing passing notes, I will remove your fingers for the remainder of the day.

Gryffindor: I will be your new head of house. I will be putting up a comment box in the common room, where comment cards will be left. Please fill them out if you have any comment, concern or criticism, and they will be incinerated upon entry into the comment box. Because if you have something to say to me, grow a pair and say it to my face.

Office hours by appointment only. Don't bother me.

Are we good here?

[Private to Faculty]

Who has the good stuff?
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[Apr. 14th, 2015|10:45 pm]

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I have had all the studying I can stand for the night. Anyone up for charms practice, or Quidditch, or anything else that doesn't involve a pile of books.
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[Apr. 14th, 2015|05:11 pm]

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Did you know that mobile phones have games on them now? GAMES.

I don't know why the little pigs are green and missing bodies, but they're bloody awful. Must liberate all the eggs by means of excellently planned trajectory paths.

I really love Google.
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[Mar. 30th, 2015|10:40 pm]

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It looks like I'll be chaperoning the dance or at least helping out. Head Girl duties. But I'm looking forward to another social occasion to be with friends and have a good time for the spring holidays!

Private to Severus )
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