[Jul. 30th, 2010|03:33 pm] |
Who: Mike and Pansy Corner When: early evening Where: their loft What: Mike realised he screwed up (again) after Pansy's entry earlier in the da. Rating: G? Open/Closed: Closed
( Crapcrudshitdamncrap ) |
[Jul. 2nd, 2010|05:02 pm] |
Who: Mike and Pansy Corner When: this morning Where: Pansy's office What: Mike realised he screwed up after their fight a few days prior and seeks to make up for it. Rating: G Open/Closed: Closed
( With Love ) |
the shiteth hath hiteth the faneth |
[Feb. 3rd, 2010|12:02 am] |
Who: Melinda Bobbin and Pansy Parkinson. When: After dinner on Thursday evening. Where: 7th Year Girls Dorm. What: Tattling, gossip, whatever you want to call it. Rating: Um. Tba? I don't imagine Pansy's reaction will be pretty. Open/Closed: Closed. Pansy has made sure they'll be alone, apparently.
( --- ) |
[Nov. 1st, 2009|06:53 pm] |
Who: Draco and Pansy What: They made a date. Where: Slytherin Common Room When: Backdated to Friday Warnings: TBA ( Draco felt like a liar. ) |
THREAD. Pansy and OPEN. |
[Aug. 22nd, 2009|11:23 am] |
WHO: Pansy Parkinson and OPEN. WHAT: Tired of staying at home Pansy heads to Diagon Alley. WHEN: Saturday, afternoon. WHERE: Diagon Alley. RATING: TBD. Likely low. ( --- ) |