Who: Mike and Pansy Corner When: this morning Where: Pansy's office What: Mike realised he screwed up after their fight a few days prior and seeks to make up for it. Rating: G Open/Closed: Closed
Mike knew he'd screwed up part way into his 'conversation' with Pansy and he couldn't help but watch as it spiraled out of control and he dug himself in further and further. And by the end of the fight, because no matter how much he tried to convince himself it wasn't that he knew better, he felt terrible. He was positive he'd hurt her even if she'd never admit to it.
So now he was relegated to the couch. He was going to change that. It took him longer then he'd have liked, but he wanted to find what he thought was an appropriate gift. He wasn't that good at it, but he thought that Pansy would be able to tell that he'd put effort into it. It didn't take him long to know where he'd get her flower, opting to buy her a live plant instead as he found it difficult to find a nice bouquet with ginger lilies in it. The second part was harder.
He found it though. It wasn't an expensive piece of jewelry, but he thought it was pretty. He knew she'd love to have diamonds, but he just couldn't afford that on the fly. So instead he choice a bracelet with pearls because he thought they looked nice on her and ruby colored stones for her birth month. Now he just had to leave them both somewhere for her to find.
It was easier then it normally would be. Pansy still had him sleeping on the couch and after the first night of dealing with a sore back from doing so he'd quickly put a cushioning charm on it. But he wanted back in his bed and he wanted Pansy to know he was sorry and he was positive that just saying it wasn't enough. Since he wasn't sleeping in their room though he was able to get up early and he peeked in on her, smiling softly as he watched her asleep on the bed. He eased the door back shut before going down the hall.
On one of his bookcases Michael pulled down a book and opened it, reaching into the little hiding spot cut into the cheap book. It was good that Pansy never took an interest in trying to actually read his books or she might have found it. The plant had easily been hidden on the same bookcase behind some stacked books and he grinned, grabbing it before heading out of the flat.
The trek downstairs and to Pansy's office didn't take long. He arranged the potted flower and jewelry box on her desk and slipped into her chair, pulling a piece of blank parchment and quill and ink to him. Dipping the quill into the ink he set it to paper and wrote a short note out, signing it with a flourish, before pushing away and sitting the note down. A quick look showed that everything looked good and so Mike took his leave, heading out for his day.
The note reads: Pansy,
It didn't take me long to realise how poorly I went about the conversation we had the other night and for that I am truly sorry. I didn't mean for it to get so out of hand or for what I was saying to be taken in such a way. I hope that you can forgive me. I've left you some tokens of my affection and will be bringing your favourite food back for dinner.