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Wished RPG

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[Feb. 3rd, 2010|12:45 pm]
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Who: Estella Rosier & Kira Rackharrow
What: Wine and girls' night
When: Backdated, January 31st, evening
Where: Rosier Place
Rating/Warning: PGish

There was nothing better than a girls' night and a large bottle of wine. )
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[Feb. 3rd, 2010|12:29 pm]
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Who: Lucy Elkins & Nikolas Vaisey
What: The Talking Heads, Elvis Costello and Animagi talk
When: Wednesday the 3rd, following dinner
Where: Empty classroom, second floor
Rating/Warning: PGish, I'm sure

Soon David Byrne's voice filled the classroom. )
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[Feb. 3rd, 2010|11:53 am]

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Who: Nikolas Vaisey & Millicent Bulstrode
When: 3 February, Wednesday.  Afternoon, once classes have let out
Where: Quidditch pitch
What: Getting Millicent ready to play Chaser...and talking about secret societies.
Rating: TBA, low, maybe some language?
Open/Closed: Closed.

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the shiteth hath hiteth the faneth [Feb. 3rd, 2010|12:02 am]

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Who: Melinda Bobbin and Pansy Parkinson.
When: After dinner on Thursday evening.
Where: 7th Year Girls Dorm.
What: Tattling, gossip, whatever you want to call it.
Rating: Um. Tba? I don't imagine Pansy's reaction will be pretty.
Open/Closed: Closed. Pansy has made sure they'll be alone, apparently.

--- )
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[Feb. 2nd, 2010|09:32 pm]

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Who: Dean & Drew
What: Finding Cuddles
Where: Outside the kitchens
When: That afternoon
Rating/Warning: TBA

All cats come for tuna )
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[Feb. 1st, 2010|09:39 pm]

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Who: Alfie and Baz
What: Catching Up
Where: Hufflepuff 6th Year Boys Dorm
When: Tonight
Rating/Warning: TBA - Hufflepuff Cheer?

It would be nice just to talk about regular things for a while. )
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[Feb. 1st, 2010|08:56 pm]
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Who: Bellatrix and Rodolphus Lestrange
What: A night in
Where: A Muggle family's home. Bellatrix is thrilled.
When: Monday evening
Rating: Undetermined

Read more... )
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[Feb. 1st, 2010|09:00 pm]

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Who: Meghan and Oliver, Open to Penny unless she's conveniently making herself scarce
When: After this and Meghan's subsequent journal entry.
Where: Penny and Oliver's flat
What: Penny's making toast. Meghan's flirting with Ollie while her BFF slaves over a stove.
Rating: TBA. Nothing too bad, I don't think.
Open/Closed: Open to Penny if Jenn wants

As much as she enjoyed enchanging comments over the journals, there was something to be said for a little in-person flirting. )
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Married for six months now! [Feb. 1st, 2010|08:34 pm]
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Who: Bill and Fleur Weasley
When: Monday, evening
Where: Shell Cottage
What: 6-month wedding anniversary
Rating: TBD...likely a bit of snogging
Open/Closed: Closed

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