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Mar. 23rd, 2014


December 10, 2013 [WB]

WHO: Alec and Lenore
WHAT: They're seriously just playing in the snow. and other shenanigans
WHEN: Tuesday after classes
WHERE: Outside...but within willowbrook's campus.
RATING: Lowish. language mostly, probably. Oh, but there's also a lot of sex talk going on
STATUS: In Progress

And he was most definitely not skipping )

Mar. 24th, 2014



Who: Robert Baker + Asher Diederich
What: Bob finally confronts Asher about Roman's trust in him.
When: Evening of Tuesday, 2013 December 10
Where: Rm 401 in the Teacher's Apartment Building aka Bob's room.
Rating: tbd.
Status: Ongoing.

You do know there is an acute difference between someone who has killed and continues to kill people and a murderer right? )

Mar. 23rd, 2014


WHO: Chaoxing Woo, Wilhelmina Dobbs, and Franklin Prescott
WHAT: The Heads discuss what's been going on at the school
WHEN: December 10, late afternoon
WHERE: Woo's office
STATUS: In Progress

There was only so much Woo could pass off as innocent coincidence. )



WHO: Nathaniel Ellis and [Eli] Caleb Gilbert
WHAT: Escaping the holiday cheer.
WHEN: Tuesday, December 10, 2013; 5:30
WHERE: Grey Dog Coffee
STATUS: Incomplete/Closed

It was a pleasant surprise. )

Mar. 22nd, 2014


WHO: Kyle Moore and Luke Gillespie
WHEN: December 10th, afternoon
WHERE: Training room
WHAT: Luke needs some help controlling his powers
RATING: Low-Medium? Idk, dark memories might be dark?
STATUS: Incomplete/closed.

Practice would give him the confidence he needed to improve his powers. )

Mar. 23rd, 2014



Who: Robert Baker + Emily Welling
What: SNOW
When: Morning of Tuesday, 2013 December 10
Where: Just outside HQB, maybe the side facing GES.
Rating: tbd.
Status: Ongoing.

Come on! )


WHO: Ethan and Evan Taylor
WHAT: an attempt to do things independently
WHEN: Tuesday, after classes
WHERE: Rec center gym
STATUS: Closed/complete

they'd fallen into a pattern of copying each other with their workouts )

Mar. 22nd, 2014



WHO: Melody Carter and Jamie Rhys-Maddox
WHAT: Therapy.
WHEN: Tuesday, December 10, 2013; 12pm
WHERE: Jamie's office at Seagram.
RATING: Low in content, high in foul language.
STATUS: Closed/Incomplete

I'm not sick but I'm not well... )


WHO: Honey Seyb, Juliet Bertini, & Anyone
WHEN: December 10th; After classes.
WHERE: Rec room.
WHAT: Honey and Juliet want to build a blanket fort. They've opened it up for everyone who wants to join too!
RATING: Low-Medium? It's a blanket fort, people! No dirty shenanigans, please. Keep it PG-13 ;)
STATUS: IC/OOC. Open/Ongoing.

[OOC: This is an IC/OOC thread! Feel free to thread out the building or enjoying of said fort, or just comment saying your character was there. Go crazy, do whatever, and ENJOY. <3]

Mar. 23rd, 2014



Who: Lou Kingsley + Rhiannon Jackson + Anyone!
What: Daring the snow lmao ikr
When: Late morning of Tuesday, 2013 December 10
Where: Recreational Center, on his way to the grocery.
Rating: tbd.
Status: Ongoing.

You had better make this pelmeni o'yours damn well worth it! )