October 2023




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Mar. 11th, 2014


Who: Jamila Denial + Hansel Lagerkvist
What: The Extraordinary Man and Woman are off to save the day.
When: December 1 to December 4, 2013
Where: Starts at Staten Island, New York. Then places.
Rating: PG-13 for language and violence
Status: Finished.

If they want resistance, we'll give them resistance. )

Mar. 8th, 2014


WHO: July Hansen + Some Poor Soul ANYONE Viola Nye
WHEN: December 2nd. Evening.
WHERE: Rec room.
WHAT: Inspired by her need for vengeance and her talk with Tessa, July lies inside the television in the rec room waiting for either the offender to return OR for someone she can scare to come in.
RATING: Medium for her mouth.
STATUS: Open/Incomplete


WHO: Leo Hale & OPEN TO ANY Olivia Hale
WHEN: December 2nd. Around dinnerish time?
WHERE: Outside in a courtyard or something. IDEK.
WHAT: Leo is just chillin in metal form. No big deal.
STATUS: Open/Incomplete



Who: Isabel Lagerkvist + Anyone!
What: Just your regular Monday blues.
When: Afternoon of Monday, December 2
Where: Seagram Coffee Lounge
Rating: tbd
Status: tbd

Is everything okay? )



Who: Charls Goodwyn + Eleanor Kadison
What: Work. What else could it be?
When: Morning of Monday, December 2
Where: Seagram Coffee Lounge, then IT room
Rating: PG
Status: Finished

The familiar whir may not be much to everyone but to him, it sounded like a gospel.  )

Mar. 7th, 2014


WHO: Katherine Graves & Theodosiya Kalashnikova
WHAT: Tough talk and catching up
WHEN: Monday 12/02 6:00pm
WHERE: Nimba Café
STATUS: Closed/in progress

the heart is hard to translate It has a language of its own )


Monday, December 2, 2013

Who: Emma and Colin
What: checking out his new apartment
When: Monday
Where: an empty apartment in the city
Rating: mild, just some smoochin'
Status: incomplete/started in gdoc

Even if Emma didn’t think it was a good idea, Colin still thought it was good to have a back up plan for when he wanted to escape the gerbil wheel that sometimes was the feeling for him at Willowbrook. )


Who: Avaleigh Finn and Stephen Mahoney.
What: Ava interferes with Stephen's current delusions.
When: Sunday, Dec 2nd, 7pm-ish.
Where: Stephen's apartment.
Rating: Highish.
Status: Closed/Incomplete.

I found an island in your arms, country in your eyes )

Mar. 6th, 2014



WHO: Baylee 1 and Bailey 2
WHAT: Walking around campus, playing phone games.
WHEN: Around 7pm, December 2, 2013
WHERE: Various locations on campus.
RATING: Probably low.
STATUS: Incomplete/Closed

It's thunder and it's lightning. )