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Jun. 11th, 2014


Jan. 18 (Backdated)

WHO: Simon Anderson and Jayne Smyth
WHAT: Smash and grab
WHERE: Central Park (by Columbus Circle)
WHEN: Sat., Jan. 18th. Afternoon. Backdated
RATING: There will be swearing.
STATUS: In progress/ Closed

Read more... )

May. 20th, 2014


1/8: [Syn]

WHO: Syndicate Males
WHAT: Boys’ Poker Night!
WHERE: King’s apartment, Seagram Tower
WHEN: Wednesday, January 8th, starts at 8pm

The house always wins… )

Apr. 24th, 2014


WHO: Liam and Libby Hale (super open to Leo Hale).
WHAT: Reunion!
WHEN: Early December 26, though he had intended to be there for Christmas
WHERE: The Simmons’ home, LA, California
STATUS: Ongoing.

The one time Liam trusts someone… and it all goes to hell for him. )

Apr. 10th, 2014


WHO: The Sisters Bertini
WHAT: Go Shopping
WHEN: 12/19/2013 late afternoon
STATUS: Closed/In Progress

Giving presents made her happy )

Apr. 8th, 2014



WHO: Lenore Quinlan + Joelle Cretti
WHAT: Betraying a friend, for a good reason.
WHEN: Around 8:30 pm, December 18 2013
WHERE: Joelle Cretti's apartment.
RATING: HIGH for possible triggers and language.
STATUS: Incomplete, Closed

We were best friends, dancing in this world alone. )

Apr. 2nd, 2014



WHO: Michael Bordeaux & Rosalyn Bertini
WHAT: Mike and Rosalyn meet for coffee, maybe talk about a book and...uh...flirt? Or just coffee.
WHEN: Sunday 15th, around 30 minutes after this.
WHERE: Cafeteria.
RATING: Low-ish?
STATUS: Incomplete, closed.

Coffee, they were just going to have coffee. )

Mar. 31st, 2014


[WB] Saturday, December 14, 2013

WHO: Laurie Everett & Libby Hale
WHEN: Saturday, December 14, 2013 - Lunchtime
WHERE: Cafeteria
WHAT: Eating or playing with his food, it’s not really clear which
STATUS: Incomplete

It had been months before his friends present could eat potato chips without their stomach turning. )

Mar. 24th, 2014


WHO: James Killian and Joelle Cretti
WHERE: James's apartment
WHEN: December 11th, 7pm-ish
WHAT: James would like to go on a rampage and has called Jo to come stop him.
RATING: Medium? For language
STATUS: Incomplete/Closed

More here )

Mar. 18th, 2014


WHO: Oliver Nye and Joelle Cretti
WHEN: Wee hours of the 8th
WHERE: Just outside the teacher apartment building
WHAT: Frands reuniting to commiserate about young people
STATUS: Closed/Incomplete

Oliver seemed to attract stubborn people. )

Mar. 12th, 2014


[WB] Dec. 5th, 2013 - Noon

Delivery to Heather Weiss )

Mar. 8th, 2014


WHO: Leo Hale & OPEN TO ANY Olivia Hale
WHEN: December 2nd. Around dinnerish time?
WHERE: Outside in a courtyard or something. IDEK.
WHAT: Leo is just chillin in metal form. No big deal.
STATUS: Open/Incomplete

Mar. 4th, 2014


[WB] 1 December -- Empathy Training!

Who: Ren and Rosalyn
When: 1 December, late morning
Where: Private study room in the library
What: Rosalyn shows Ren a few tricks
Rating: Low
Status: Incomplete/Closed

Training Time! )

Mar. 3rd, 2014


[SYN] Nov. 30th

WHO: Simon Anderson and Florence Lewinsky
WHAT: Hanukkah Elf strikes again
WHERE:Seagram, 20th Floor
WHEN: Saturday, November 30th, evening
STATUS: Closed, in progress

Read more... )

Feb. 18th, 2014


WHO: Grace and Roslyn
WHAT: Random Run-In
WHEN: November 23
WHERE: Willowbrook Grounds
RATING: Likely low
STATUS: Incomplete

She loved the feeling of being a part of a group even if she was completely alone )

Feb. 14th, 2014


[WB] +_+ ライバル

Who: Ren and Rosalyn
Where: Cafeteria
When: 22 November, Lunchtime
What: Ren just met his rival. He just doesn't know it yet.
Rating: Low
Status: Incomplete/Closed

The Empaths Meet )

Feb. 12th, 2014


WHO: Roman Baker and Simon Anderson
WHAT: Gym Time
WHEN: November 21st, 2013
WHERE: Floor 26, Seagram Tower
STATUS: Closed/incomplete

Tell me what you're running from because your past it can't be undone )

Feb. 10th, 2014


WHO: Ethan & NPC Noah James, Conall Clancy & Joelle Cretti (Maybe Emily Welling?) Conall first, though.
WHAT: Ethan’s friends come to the rescue.
WHEN: Dinner time Nov. 20th
WHERE: Ethan’s apartment
RATING: Mentions of blood.
STATUS: Closed/Incomplete

His breath came out in gasps as he quickly tried to text the people he trusted. )

Feb. 2nd, 2014


Who: Heather Weiss and Oliver Nye
What: Heather's lost her powers.
When: Morning, November 15
Where: Willowbrook Health Services
Rating: Low
Status: Closed/Incomplete.

Something rather more unusual was happening to a number of students: their powers were simply disappearing. )

Jan. 25th, 2014



WHO: Lux Crownguard, Joelle Cretti; (Possibly) Asher Diederich & Nikolai Mason
WHAT: Calming down Lux from what happened earlier
WHEN: 2:30ish, Tuesday November 12, 2013
WHERE: SDA Room 304
RATING: Medium for language and freaking out.
STATUS: Closed/Incomplete

She would always be a monster. )

Jan. 21st, 2014



Who: Charls Goodwyn + Simon Anderson + Anyone!
What: Charls is being a workaholic. Blame Blair. Or don't if you want to keep your head.
When:8:30AM of 2013 November 10
Where: Seagram Coffee Lounge
Rating: tbd.
Status: Ongoing.

It was almost like he was gearing up for a Monday. )

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