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Apr. 14th, 2014


Saturday, December 21, 2013

Who: William and Kat (and several NPCs)
What: an investigation
When: Saturday evening
Where: Staten Island Mall
Rating: I'm guessing mild, unless Kat uses her "assets" to get information
Status: closed/incomplete

Read more... )

Apr. 13th, 2014


Who: Conall Clancy and Cora Burton
What: Conall needs to face the woman he done wrong
When: Saturday, December 21, around noon
Where: Outside the cafe
Rating: high - particularly bad language
Status: closed/incomplete

More here )

Apr. 12th, 2014


[WB] 20 December -- Lance and Hana Coffee Date

Who: Lance and Hana
Where: Some coffee shop in the city
When: 20 December -- late afternoon
What: Lance gave a favor when the Devils were winning
Rating: Low
Status: Incomplete

Ug the Holidays )


Thursday, December 19, 2013 [backdated]

Who: William and Lissandra
What: dinner
When: Thursday night [sorry it's backdated, I got swamped with work and life!]
Where: William's new apartment at Seagram
Rating: probably mild aside from bad language
Status: closed/incomplete

William was looking forward to spending the evening with Contessa's mother. )

Apr. 11th, 2014



Placeholder - Holland Scattergood, Theo Kalashnikova


WHO: Reagan Shepard + OPEN
WHEN: December 19th. Evening.
WHERE: Dance studio (I'm assuming there'd be something to that effect in the rec/training/gym center?)
WHAT: Dancing! DUH.
RATING: Medium. She can have a potty mouth.
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

Some days you gotta dance; live it up if you get the chance )

Apr. 10th, 2014


[THREAD] Thursday, December 19, 2013

WHO: Luxanna Crownguard & Nikolai Mason
WHEN: Thursday, December 19, 2013; before he heads home
WHERE: Luxanna’s apartment
WHAT: Breaking bad news to Lux about her roommate
RATING: Low, I’d guess
STATUS: Incomplete/Closed

Luxanna finding out by some mass email seemed unfair and impersonal. )


[THREAD] Thursday night, December 19, 2013

WHO: Asher Diederich & Nikolai Mason
WHEN: Thursday, December 19, 2013; sometime after 9:00pm
WHERE: Nikolai’s apartment, 403 CAP
WHAT: Coming home after a rough mission
RATING: TBD (but be prepared for mopey Nikolai)
STATUS: Incomplete/Closed

Today, however, had been a special brand of difficult. )


WHO: Jianna Cretti and OPEN Annabelle Jones
WHEN: December 19th; Afternoon.
WHERE: Rec room.
WHAT: Jia is bored and is trying to get out from behind her video games a bit.
RATING: Medium to high depending on her mouth and who tags. XD
STATUS: Open/Ongoing



WHO: Ava Finn + Lenore Quinlan
WHAT: Ava is giving Lenore some more bad news.
WHEN: 9:15 pm, December 19 2013
WHERE: Lenore's Dorm Room.
RATING: S for Sad, Sad, Sad. And Some language.
STATUS: Incomplete/Closed

She really couldn't handle any more bad news. )


WHO: Ulrick Pierce and Oliver Nye
WHEN: Dec. 19th, 2013, Evening
WHERE: Nye Family Apartment
WHAT: Helping with problems
STATUS: Closed/Incomplete

Sleep is the best meditation. )


[THREAD] Thursday, December 19, 2013

WHO: Michael Bordeaux & Nikolai Mason
WHEN: Thursday, December 19, 2013; afternoon
WHERE: Willowbrook, then the mall
WHAT: Searching for a student who didn’t make it back to WB
RATING: Medium?
STATUS: Incomplete/Closed

This whole mission, even though it had barely started, left Nikolai with a faint sense of impending doom. )


WHO: The Sisters Bertini
WHAT: Go Shopping
WHEN: 12/19/2013 late afternoon
STATUS: Closed/In Progress

Giving presents made her happy )


Who: Isabel Lagerkvist + Hansel Lagerkvist
What: Lagerkvist Family Dinner
When: Backdated to the evening of Wednesday, December 18
Where: Around New York
Rating: tbd
Status: tbd

That was a good evening. )

Apr. 9th, 2014


WHO: Kaoru Mason + Jade Lawson
WHAT: Jade just barges into the room and hears Kaoru singing. Rude.
WHEN: December 19, 2013 around 6pm
WHERE: Kaoru and Micah's dorm room.
STATUS: Incomplete/Closed

I was left to my own devices )


December 19 [WB]

Who: Alec and Lenore
What: Lenore needs to vent/comfort
When: Thursday, December 19; roughly just before fivish
Where: Alec's room
Rating: Likely mature themes, and triggery things being discussed in reference to Viola. Also language
Status: Closed/in progress

He wasn't really overwhelmed )

Apr. 10th, 2014



Who: Jamila Denial + Anyone!
What: Running around. Literally.
When: Early morning Thursday, December 19, 2013.
Where: Around Willowbrook
Rating: tbd
Status: tbd

On your left. )

Apr. 9th, 2014



Who: Charls Goodwyn + Florence Lewinsky
What: Accidents at work but nothing too terrible.
When: Afternoon of Wednesday, December 18
Where: Seagram Hallway
Rating: ~PG
Status: Finished.

Watch out! )



Who: Isabel Lagerkvist + William Knox + Anyone!
What: The best way to describe this is probably Isa's Centurion genes warring with her Syndicate instincts.
When: Afternoon of Wednesday, December 18
Where: Seagram Rooftop
Rating: tbd
Status: Ongoing.

Did Hansel know about this? Could she ask him? Could she tell him if he didn't? )

Apr. 8th, 2014


[WB] - backdated

WHO: Kaoru Mason, Micah Cooke, Tiye Kalashnikova, Ren Miyazawa, Layla Munrose, Jade Lawson, Holland Scattergood, and anyone else who was asked to come along / wants to.
WHEN: December 17, 2013 [Backdated, SORRY ILU] ~ 8pm
WHERE: Micah and Kaoru's Room!
STATUS: IC/OOC, Incomplete, Ongoing

Let it go, Let it go, blah blah come on ladies... )

this is an ic/ooc thread. threading is DEFINITELY encouraged, describe their PJ's, what they brought, what they thought of the movie, etc, anything! you know how these work :3 PLEASE tag your character + player name as you reply!!

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