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February 6th, 2008

[info]rekhyt in [info]who_fic

Title: Beautiful
Author: [info]rekhyt
Rating: PG-13 ish.
Pairing: Doctor/Rose
Summary: Even when preoccupied with a legion of killer mannequins the Doctor doesn't fail to notice how beautiful the girl is.
Disclaimer: Not mine and all that.
Notes: Originally writen for [info]1sentence


[info]scap3goat in [info]who_fic

Affiliate Post: Good morning, day or evening Ladies and Gentlemen, it's your co-mod speaking...

... we're currently at 60 members, still awaiting more. To attract more readers and writers our lovely [info]eumelkeks is continuing to post on [info]asylum_promo while I'm taking care of the affiliates (to affiliate: to bring into close associating or connection - in this case we're talking about making a network of links to similar asylums to achieve better recognition in the community). If you want to do something to help you can always point towards us in your userinfo, sidebar or a random post on your journal. Also, if you know a few asylums I should ask if they want to affiliate, feel free to point them out to me.

If you want to affiliate with [info]who_fic
Drop us a comment here or write a mail. Don't be sad if you don't get a reply right away.
Bear in mind that the asylum you want to affiliate with [info]who_fic should be dealing with Doctor Who and/or the spin-offs or (fan)fiction.
If you're doubtful about whether your asylum is close enough, just ask. I don't bite and the worst that could happen is that I say that it's not close enough for me. I'm pretty soft-hearted though, so chances are good that I'll accept much (I'm not sure about personal fiction asylums/just-fiction-journals, though).

And here they come, our lovely affiliates:

  • [info]torchwood_r_us - A general Torchwood discussion asylum, maintained by [info]leianora

  • [info]tenthdoctor - For all your Tenth Doctor and David Tennant needs, maintained by [info]blue_rose

  • [info]votesaxon - Citizens rejoice! Here's your asylum for all things Master, maintained by [info]blue_rose

  • [info]ides_of_march - An annual, massive, multifandom fic and art challenge with everything to be posted on March 15th, maintained by [info]florida_minxie

  • [info]torchwood_fic - The Torchwood Fanfiction comm on InsaneJournal - go post your TW fic there, maintained by [info]mjslsbs

  • [info]dw_fest - A community for submitting and claiming prompts to all Doctor Who related shows

  • [info]whoverse - A Doctor Who RPG