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What Price?

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doctor, doctor, [Jun. 2nd, 2009|09:00 am]

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[Current Location |London, Chelsea]
[Current Mood |confused]

Who:Phillip Hughes & Augustus Pye
Where: A coffee shop and then Gus' flat
When: Saturday, 30 May, 10am
What: Doctors consult over patients both ways - lines are blurred and information shared.
Status: Complete
Rating: G/PG

I have reason to believe it was a magical accident. )

frightened shadows appear behind the light and the coldness seizes me a paralyzing pain catches me [Jun. 1st, 2009|09:45 am]

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[Current Location |St. Luke's hospital for clergy, London]
[Current Mood |worried]

Who: Hughes & Jones
When: Late Night through morning (last tuesday/wednesday?) , not long after the Seren / Jones fiasco BACKDATED
Where: A field, a helicopter, a hospital
What: When an agent goes down, they call in a medic. In this case, the medic is a man of God. Talk of vampires, eating brains, sunshine, and a smattering of touching moments. And tribbles.

When I was her age, I liked Star Wars. )
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[May. 25th, 2009|08:23 pm]
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Who: Fr. Phillip Hughes, SJ, and Adrian Pucey
What: Confession
When: Sunday, 24 May, before 11 AM Mass
Where: Church of the Immaculate Conception in Mayfair
Warnings: Rated C for confused Catholics

To the extent that those core beliefs are radically different, how can you even start to have that conversation? )
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Email [May. 25th, 2009|07:36 pm]

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[Current Mood |curious]

Email to Dr. Phillip Hughes )
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[May. 24th, 2009|08:24 pm]
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Who: Phillip Hughes and Heather Jones
What: Working in government isn't always as glamourous as it's cracked up to be.
Where: Westminister, London, England
When: Monday, May 25, lunchtime
Rating: PG, perhaps, for language, if nothing else.

Her pencil drummed on the desk as she watched the instructor far ahead of her, lecturing the class as one slide flashed after another. The actual words of the man were being drowned out in a sea of blue, the yellow letters with things like "Avoid complimenting a person's body" and "Keep your work area decorated appropriately" blending into one another until she began reading it as "Avoid your work area."

Easy enough, Heather thought, craning her neck around to see if anyone else had taken the back row. It was almost time for lunch and she reckoned she might be able to cage a fiver off an unsuspecting victim. Then her eyes caught sight of someone she vaguely recognized.

Standing up and walking briskly over to another desk, she slid in next to Agent Hughes.

"Psst-" she said, jerking her head up as someone glared at her. Dropping her voice, she tapped her pencil in front of him. "Psst - hey. Why the fuck they send a priest to sexual harassment training?"
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I don't know how to quit you [May. 24th, 2009|11:03 pm]

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[Current Location |London]
[Current Mood |blank]

Who: Samrat Amarnath and Phillip Hughes
When: Sunday 17 May 2009, BACKDATED
Where:Church of the Immaculate Confession, Mayfair, London
What:Even Muslims go to confession or the only safe spot for them to chat. Sam seeks Phil's counsel, and Phil manages not to break down.
Rating/Status: G/PG? - Complete.
Faith in people and faith in Allah are not the same thing. )
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the suffering and the sorrow and the glory, the shame The killing the dying, it was all done in vain [May. 14th, 2009|03:36 pm]

[Current Location |London - MI7]
[Current Mood |calm]

Who: Phillip Hughes & MI7
When: Wednesday, 13 May 2009 (Backdated)
Where: London MI7 headquarters
What: Memorial service for Field Agent Peter Alan Carnegie

Think not only upon their passing, remember the glory of their spirit. )
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"From the point he gazed from, the choice was made, but 'walk the cave or the shore?'" [May. 9th, 2009|06:18 pm]
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[Current Music |"On the Flip of a Coin" : The Streets]

Who: Phillip Hughes and Samrat Amarnath
What: A casual visit turns into a discussion of the danger that Phillip is in.
Where: Cambridge, England
When: Saturday, May 9
Rating: PG-13, language, some sexual references

Phil had taken an early train out to Brentwood to rent a motorbike for the weekend. He'd managed to hire a Yamaha XJR1300 for the weekend from the shop in Brentwood. While he'd considered one of the more high end faster bikes, he reckoned Sam would have his head if he had to sit on the back of a crotch rocket for the ride to Liverpool. Hiring it for the weekend, just in case, Phillip drove up in the direction of Cambridge, taking side roads and staying off the motorway. It felt good just to be on a motorbike again. He pulled up outside the pub around half past eight and parked the bike, pulling out some digestives he'd picked up for the ride. A proper meal would be in order at some point, but getting moved to London had made him a bit uneasy.

I will not be at peace till I am rid of that place and those that are being held are freed. )
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Open Thread to Those Who Want It [May. 8th, 2009|08:25 pm]

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Who: Augustus Pye, Hermione Granger, Meg OB, Phillip Hughes, and whoever is coming to the showing/wandering around
What: Star Trek showing
Where: BFI London IMAX - waiting in line for the midnight showing
When: May 8, 2008, 10PM-ish

After showering and getting a chance to defrag for a few hours after work, Gus had pulled on an appropriately geeky t-shirt and went to the movie theatre early to hold a place in the queue that would inevitably form for the IMAX showing. He figured it would be best as there was no telling how large their group would end up being let alone when most of them would get there. Having a place relatively close to the front of the queue would help them all sit together if it did turn out to be a large group. He wasn't that surprised to see that there were already a few people queued up in the designated waiting area and after taking a glance around to see if anyone happened to be there already, he took his place in line, sitting down behind a group in somewhat accurate costumes and pulling out a copy of Silvertongue to read.
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Memorandum: Top Secret Clearance, MI7 staff (all) [May. 7th, 2009|11:10 pm]

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TO: Section Heads;
CC: ALL-MI7(IRS Britain Actives);
FROM: burbageg;
Subject: ACTION REQUIRED: Security Audit Results

As a result of our preliminary internal security audit following the activities of the past week-end, we are temporarily moving most non-operational personnel to the new Headquarters facilities in London. We are aware that the building is still under construction but our areas are primarily done and this will allow us to provide for your security and promote the continuity of your work.

Section Heads are responsible for creating move schedules, but due to the nature of the move, it is imperative that it be executed quickly for the safety of all of our personnel.

Please see your Section Head to arrange for the transport of volatile or delicate materials from your research area. If this move will cause you hardship, please see your Section Head. Billeting will be provided in the former hotel on-site for those who do not have residences in the Greater London Area.

The memorial service for Field Agent Peter Alan Carnegie, who was murdered aboard HMS Seeker, will be in the new facilities on Wednesday. Field Agents are authorized to travel to HQ for the services. His murder is another example of the reason we are fighting against the terrorists, who are a threat to our British way of life.

G. Burbage, Director, Intelligence Research Service
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Email [May. 8th, 2009|12:21 am]

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[Current Location |London]

From: PH <triumphrider@gmail.com>
To: Sam <godthumper@gmail.com>
Date: 07 May 2009 22:48
Subject: tickets scored

Scored tickets to Saturday's game. Everton v Tottenham Hotspur. 1500 at Goodison Park.

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Nothing's gonna harm you, not while I'm around.. [May. 6th, 2009|11:56 pm]

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[Current Location |London]
[Current Mood |confused]

Who: Sam & Phil
When: Monday 2 May 2009, around 3am
Where: Sam's flat
What: Phil needs to confess to someone, who better than his best friend?
Rating: It's Sam - PG-13

It's not like I'm some sort of hooker )

Bless me Father, for I have sinned [May. 3rd, 2009|12:15 pm]

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[Current Location |Mayfair]
[Current Mood |calm]

Who: Fr. Phillip Hughes, SJ & Adrian Pucey
When: Sunday, 3 May 2009, before the 9:30 mass
Where:Church of the Immaculate Conception, Mayfair, London - reconciliation room
What:Phillip is on Confessional duty and Adrian is in need of absolution

Phillip sat in the chair behind the screen, dressed in his cassock and wearing a purple stole. After Vatican II, the Jesuits had decided to embrace the liturgical reforms. Confession was no longer limited to a small box with a screen, instead, there was now a reconciliation room. When you entered, there was the kneeler in front of the screen, behind which a priest sat, but there was also a second chair - in case one wished to confess in a casual face to face manner.

Confession was, for Phillip, one of the church's most beautiful sacraments. However, after last week's conversation with Sam, there was much on Phillip's mind as he read and reread his prayer book to keep himself focused as a minister of the church. Hearing the door open, he cleared his mind of all thoughts and turned his attention on the penitent.
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Competing loyalties [Apr. 29th, 2009|11:19 pm]

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[Current Location |MI7]
[Current Mood |anxious]

Who: Phillip Hughes and Romilda Vane
When: Early April, 2009
Where: MI7 facility
What: Phillip goes to do some investigations on one of MI7s patients. Things are not as they seem - the two discuss bible stories, God's plans, hope, and the plight of wizardkind and the question of evil. Phillip endangers his job at MI7 with a few slips of the tongue.

perhaps God brought you here )
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"I wanna mean it from the back of my broken hand..." [Apr. 26th, 2009|05:02 pm]
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[Current Music |"All these things that I've done" : The Killers]

Who: Phillip Hughes and Samrat Amarnath
What: Sam and Phil talk about what has happened since they last saw one another.
Where: Sam's flat in London
When: Sunday, April 26
Rating: TBD, presumably there will be language at the least.

The waiting was, perhaps, the worst part.

Anticipation had never been easy for Samrat; it was far worse when he did not know whether or not his faith would be answered. Phillip was a stronger man than he had ever been - it was, he thought as he stared down at his book, one of the reasons he himself had found the strength to give him the address. He closed his eyes, fingers pressing down against the cover as he sighed deeply.
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Open Thread: A Friday evening booksigning [Apr. 24th, 2009|09:07 am]

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Who: Cho "Katie" Chang and anyone who feels like dropping by.
What: Katie Chang signs the new paperback edition of her short story collection Quisling Clinic.
Where: Forbidden Planet, London
When: Evening of Friday, April 24, 2009

After the reading and the Q&A and before the signing got into full swing, there was a brief lull in which Cho was able to down some water, stretch, and take a few calming breaths—which breaths she needed a lot more than usual today, as there'd been more than one unexpectedly familiar face in the crowd. Read more... )
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Backstory - MI7 York & Hughes discuss Astoria [Apr. 23rd, 2009|12:24 pm]

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[Current Location |MI7]
[Current Mood |discontent]

Who: Col. York & Fr. Hughes, MD
Where: MI7
When: April, 2009
What: A series of Office Memorandums followed by a conversation about prisoners, healing, and the like.

We're at war, Father. I'm sure you understand. )
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[Backstory] Phillip and Sam [Apr. 20th, 2009|10:51 pm]
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Who: Phillip Hughes and Samrat Amarnath
What: Phil is told about the deaths of Chandni and Hadiyyah
Where: Birmingham, England
When: Christmastime, 2007
Rating: PG-13 for language, violence
Notes: Just fixed the screwed-up html. :)

"You need to call your friend, ne?" Ghanem had said it for the past week but Sam had been unable to move. Every time, he looked at the crumpled messages that his brother offered, his fist clenched around them, crumpling them more. How could he tell Phillip what had happened, when he did not know? How could he tell him that Hadiyyah and Chandni had died, when he himself had no body to bury?

It was terrorists. )
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[Backstory] Phillip, Gus, and Sam [Apr. 20th, 2009|02:53 pm]
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Who: Phillip Hughes, Augustus Pye, and Samrat Amarnath
What: The three meet at a medical conference and discuss medicine and politics.
Where: Cambridge, England
When: April 15, 1993
Rating: G, I think

Sam picked up a soggy biscuit off the table, eying it with some disdain before he dropped it back on the large serving tray. It was midmorning and he was still feeling the effects of staying out the night before - one didn't need alcohol, he thought, to have a hangover.

"Next time, we should be here a little earlier." He opened the program, running his finger down the page as he glanced at Phillip. "Regardless, there are no presentations on AIDS until - what? Tomorrow? And then it is one only. What are they thinking?"

Phillip grumbled at the program bulletin.
"They don't think it's worth their time," he said bitterly as he poured himself a glass of orange juice.

How can they claim to be working towards the human good? )
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...they say the captain goes down with the ship, so when the world ends, will god go down with it... [Apr. 19th, 2009|09:04 pm]
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[Current Location |London, England]
[Current Mood |calm]
[Current Music |"What A Catch, Donnie" - Fall Out Boy]

Who: Phillip Hughes & Justin Finch-Fletchley
What: A chance meeting
When: January, 2009
Where: Outside a Catholic church in London
Rating: G

Not everyone has that dedication. )
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