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Backstory - Crimes for the greater good [Apr. 17th, 2009|03:20 pm]

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[Current Location |Ahmedabad, India]
[Current Mood |scared]

Who: Samrat Amarnath and Phillip Hughes
When: early March, 2002
Where: Ahmedabad, India
What: After hatching a plan to acquire more medical supplies Sam & Phillip try to become Robin Hoods in Ahmedabad.

one jump ahead of the lawmen )

[Backstory] Phillip/Samrat [Apr. 7th, 2009|08:06 pm]
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Who: Phillip Hughes and Samrat Amarnath
What: Phil and Sam discuss the problems of supply and scarcity within the relief camps in Ahmedabad. The issue of Phillip's priesthood comes up briefly.
Where: Ahmedabad, India
When: early March 2002
Rating: PG

Living in the camps made Samrat nervous. He found himself waking at odd hours, as he was now, and walking to the edge of the wire, circling the tents as he breathed slowly inward. Even at this hour, it was still not quiet. The hushed moans of lovers, the occasional cry of an infant, whimpers of pain... all of these broke the night as he began his circular walk. It was like a rat pacing its cage, trying to find an exit. Yet the only true barriers, he knew, were those that he had erected himself.

Phillip was doing his best to keep up with his prayers and spiritual life. After all, it was only by the grace of God and the fact that this was Sam and Hadi that he was able to endure it with patience. He had gone to the edge of the camp to say Compline, his battered prayer book clutched in his hand as he made his way back towards the tents when he spotted a familiar figure.

It can't be that much harder than war games at boy scout camp. )
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Backstory - If blood will flow when fresh and steel are one Drying in the colour of the evening sun [Mar. 30th, 2009|10:51 pm]

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[Current Location |India]
[Current Mood |worried]

Who:Phillip Hughes and Samrat Amarnath
When:2 March 2002
Where:Relief Camps outside Ahmedabad, India
What:Immediate Aftermath following the riots in Ahmedabad
Rating: PG-13 for mentions of violence

nothing comes from violence and nothing ever could )

Backstory: Even nerds need to eat [Mar. 30th, 2009|08:09 pm]

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[Current Location |MI7]

Who: Phillip Hughes and Meg Odgerel-Bolormaa
When: Early October, 2008
Where: MI7 R&D Cafeteria
What:Phillip tries to catch up with his work and bumps into a faelike bouncy ballMeg. Friendly chatter and innocent not-quite-flirting ensue.

Phillip was trying to catch up on the medical records of all the
people under MI-7s care. He needed to know the records inside out,
which is why he was walking towards the canteen for lunch while
carrying one of the files, reading it dutifully and trying to commit
it to memory. The cassock didn't go over do well here, so he was
dressed in a plain slacks and one of his black shirts. The collar
unnerved people, so for the moment he kept it in pocket. Hopefully,
he'd get comfortable enough here to go back to his clerical garb. He
found it comforting. But different environments called for different
dress codes. Engrossed in the medical file, he was oblivious to everything else. )
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[Backstory] Phillip/Samrat [Mar. 27th, 2009|08:28 pm]
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[Current Music |"In the Sun" : Joseph Arthur]

Who: Phillip Hughes, Samrat and Hadiyyah Amarnath
What: One last visit before Phillip enters the priesthood.
Where: Cambridge, England
When: Summer 1995
Rating: G

From the moment he had stepped off the plane in England, Samrat had visibly changed, his face and posture finally relaxed. He was a different man in London - he could tell that even his daughter sensed it as she cooed up at him, her small face bright and interested in the things that they passed. He pushed her a little higher on his waist as he knocked on Phillip's door, his arm strong as it held her steady, to keep her from rocking away.

He wondered what the other man would say - he hadn't, after all, announced his coming. It had been precipitated by yet another fight at home.

God can wait, as everyone told me before. )
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Backstory: Babies & Bombshells [Mar. 24th, 2009|10:29 pm]

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[Current Mood |anxious]

Who: Samrat Amarnath & Phillip Hughes
Where: Ahmedabad
When: June, 1994
What: Phillip comes to India to visit Sam, congratulate him on his daughter, and share his own news.

I have seen gods consume men )
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...your cold fronts and the rain don't matter cause the sunburn's what i needed... [Mar. 24th, 2009|08:23 pm]
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[Current Location |London, England]
[Current Mood |aggravated]
[Current Music |"Hurricane" - Something Corporate]

Who: Phillip Hughes & Justin Finch Fletchley
What: Some charity with a side of bitterness.
When: February, 2008
Where: Parish of Immaculate Conception, London
Rating: Pg-13 (language)

I don't think I've seen you here before. But then I'm only here on Mondays. I'm Phillip. )
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[Mar. 22nd, 2009|08:17 pm]
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Who: Phillip Hughes and Samrat Amarnath
What: A mutual passion in medicine is fired up; two friends from university make plans for the rest of their lives.
Where: Cambridge, then the countryside
When: 1988
Rating: PG-13 to R for language, violence

It has been too bloody long since I did something that had nothing to do with a book." Samrat scowled, bare feet sticking up in the air as he hung off the side of the bed, his nose in a copy of the British Medical Bulletin. He flipped a page slowly, only half-skimming the titles until he found one that peaked his interest. "Have you noticed all of this about AIDS? The whole bulletin's flooded with articles. It must be because of that meeting they had in London - World AIDS Day."

He tossed it over to Phillip. "You would think that the government would take it a little more fucking seriously, would you not? What good does making a bloody holiday from it do? It lets people think of it once a year, that is what." Sam didn't mention the state of affairs in his own country - he was quite sure that the topic was not being addressed. Certainly his family would not have spoken of it, even pressed.

It's insanity is what it is. )
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Backstory: Even test subjects need doctors [Mar. 17th, 2009|08:10 pm]

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Who: Astoria Greengrass & Phillip Hughes
What: Phillip gives his medical opinion on Astoria's condition
When: Early March, 2009
Where: Undisclosed MI-7 location

am I too sick for that to be worthwhile? )
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