What Price? - August 15th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price?

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August 15th, 2009

[Aug. 15th, 2009|01:46 pm]


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[Current Mood |hungry]

Who: Gavrail Iliev, Parvati Patil
What: A meeting to feel each other out.
When: Sunday, August 9 (backdated like whoa)
Where: Die Palazzo
Warnings: none
Status: log, complete

Did they know what you were, or did they think you were like them, human? )
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All work and no play [Aug. 15th, 2009|02:27 pm]


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[Current Location |Beckton, London]
[Current Mood |working]

Who: Penelope & Charlie
When:Saturday, 15 August
Where: Penny's flat, Beckton
What: Catching up and taking a break from work
Rating: PG13 for a kiss at the end

Since hearing the news from Adrian and Lucius, Penelope hadn't gotten much sleep, choosing instead to throw herself into her work, preparing everything she could so that as soon as she got the testimonies completed and compiled, they'd be ready to move. She was currently settled on the bed with her laptop while every free inch of the bed, table and chairs was covered with papers - procedures for human rights violations, newspaper articles of previous similar cases, and the like.

Hearing the doorbell ring, she set aside her cold mug of tea and navigated the jungle of papers to the door and the down the stairs to answer the door.

"Hey," she said with a smile, opening the door so Charlie could come inside and greeting him with a kiss. She looked a bit dissheveled but not that much worse for the wear.
"How are you doing?"
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[Aug. 15th, 2009|03:33 pm]
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Who: Michael Corner and Gus Pye
What: Theatre, dinner, and a clueless Gus...
When: 15 August, Saturday night
Where: Diagon Alley - London - back to Diagon
Warnings: PG-13 - R -> depends on how clueless Gus really is
Status: incomplete

Michael had arrived to Diagon Alley long before the time he was supposed to meet up with Gus for their adventures that evening.

He had to talk to some goblins about a building. )
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Not gods. Merely chosen by them. [Aug. 15th, 2009|04:03 pm]


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Who: Juliet Orfanos, NPC Majd Amarnath
What: In which Juliet ties up the last loose end of the Amarnath gang.
When: Night, August 14/15, 2009
Where: Hospital, undisclosed location.
Warnings: This is probably one of the nastier Juliet logs, thanks to Majd's execution by way of an extremely nasty potion. Also a powerful amount of hubris, and not a little swearing.
Status: Complete
Note: Much gratitude and cookies to Kori for supplying Majd!

"He slept with your kind... he... he'll burn in hell." Majd spat. "I believe I shall see you there..." )
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